Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1239: Hongmeng Qi

one year later.

The entire lower realm was in complete chaos, and the entire Emperor Linxing was under the gaze of countless strengths at this time, including some great emperor monks from the ancient times.

In the sky, the sky was covered with variegated colors, and the wisp of purple air from the past has now turned into a sea of ​​purple, beyond sight.

There is overwhelming oppressive power in that sky, and it is difficult for ordinary people to fly up.

That is to say, it is the legendary Hongmeng Purple Qi, and once the Hongmeng Purple Qi is brewing to a certain level, it will turn into the Innate Hongmeng Qi, which is the power of the origin of the universe.

The reason why there are countless opportunities for the Emperor Linxing today is largely inseparable from this grand purple qi. It represents the cosmic air luck. As the air luck refers, the Emperor Linxing will naturally brew more and more opportunities. .

of course.

This cosmic purple qi is a thing of luck, qualitative but intangible, and monks cannot obtain it directly. Otherwise, these masters would have been fighting for the opportunity.

But the Harmony Purple Qi is brewing to a certain extent, but it can form a substantial innate Harmony Qi. This is a good thing that benefits the monks without any harm.

Obviously, the Hongmeng Purple Qi at this time has been brewing to the extreme, thick as a cloud, and only waiting for the last opportunity to appear, these masters in the bright and dark places will all rush to the top of the cloud.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Lin Lang glanced over, and soon found a lot of monks hiding in the dark. The breath is deep and heavy as a mountain.

These are still peeping, all of which are strong in the Great Emperor series throughout the ages.

"If I can record the evolution of the Hongmeng Purple Qi into the Innate Hongmeng Qi, it might be beneficial to my small world exercises." Lin Lang thought.

His small-world practice is actually born out of the principle of the formation of the universe world. If he understands the true meaning of the evolution of the universe, it will definitely increase the strength of his practice to a large extent.

Others are waiting for the opportunity to appear, but the trees are still like a bell, and they start to rub the evolution process of the Hongmeng Purple Qi into a book and record it in their own small world.


Lin Lang thought, he looked back at Qiu Daofeng and left quietly. In short time, Lin Lang landed above a cave on Qiu Dao Peak.

"The two are really good means. They have hidden under the nose of my Big Ye Xianzong for so long without knowing it." Lin Lang smiled.

Inside the cave.

He was a gray-haired old man, but he was very energetic, not the kind of old man who didn't seem to have much threat. On the contrary, this person's profound cultivation base, even today Lin Lang can't see the depth.

Emperor class?

It even won!

Lin Lang is no stranger to this person, and it is precisely the white-haired grandmaster who has had a certain intersection before he rose. The last time the two met, it was before the ancient times, in the preaching hall of the Nine Emperors.

Emperor Shi-the first emperor in history!

This human emperor is really a person of amazing talents, integrating the major forces of the human race and educating the world, and only then has the next generation of nine emperors.

The human emperor is indispensable for opening the human era!

Similarly, his cultivation method is different from that of ordinary people. The emperor has already stepped out of his own path, independent of the Taoist tree system, with a 100-percent reincarnation seal and flying immortals!

The person sitting across from him was a young and handsome young man. He sat opposite to the emperor. Seeing Lin Lang approaching, he turned his head and smiled.

"Master, long time no see!"


Time flies.

Half a year passed in a hurry, and at this time, Hongmeng's chance of enlightenment had reached the most critical stage. Countless purple qi condensed together and collided with each other, making a dull sound like a world-opening sound.

The great cause of the ages is in the Jin Dynasty!

Inside the dragon and phoenix nest, a group of dragons rolled and a hundred phoenixes returned. A man and a woman in yellow clothes stood in the sky, with aloof tolerance, exuding the mighty power of the true dragon and the true phoenix.

This is the founder of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan, and also the first dragon and phoenix in the world. Before these two beings became enlightened in the ancient times, their reputations had already resonated throughout the world as early as the age of the Nine Gods.

Zulong, Zufeng!

The existence of two great emperors.

On the other side, Daozu, Buddha, Yuanyi, the transcendence of the gods, and others appeared. Like real dragons and phoenixes, as transcendents who have lived for tens of millions of years, they are people who have truly set foot in the realm of the Great Emperor.

Shura Sea.

At this time, the blood was blooming in the Sea of ​​Asura, and the countless blood sea rushed, condensing a vague blood shadow in the air. That blood shadow has faint facial features, and every step forward is accompanied by a large swath of blood bones.

The vague blood shadow looked towards the sky, full of blood and vigorous fighting spirit, and let out a roar that shook the world.

"War war war!"

The vague blood shadow roared to the sky, and the voice was like an evil dragon: "I have awakened, where is the war spear!"

The voice fell.

A spear shook violently in the Asura realm of the immortal realm. Many elders of the Asura clan tried to intercept, but were injured by the strength of the spear. They could only watch the spear tear the two worlds and fly to the lower realm.


The power of the Asura clan looked at each other. Some people tried to chase them, but they were stopped by a clan of the Asura clan. He shook his head and said, "My ancestor is awakened. In the world, no one but my ancestor can command the Asura war spear. ."

Other masters of the Asura clan also glanced at each other: "Since my ancestor has awakened, doesn't it mean that the lower realm world has reached the most critical period?"


Emperor Linxing.

In the sea of ​​blood, a coffin came across the ocean. Suddenly, a dry claw opened the gap in the coffin. Then, a man in a tattered blood suit slowly sat up.

Kindred-the first ancestor!

Emperor Lin in the starry sky beyond the stars.

A figure almost the size of the moon came from a distance. His huge body almost looked like a star. His body completely covered the moon's faint light.

He only wore a coat of animal skins, he was huge, and he looked more like a barbarian primitive from a distance.

Pangu tribe-Venerable Tianxing!

Emperor Linxing East China Sea.

As the waves rolled, a huge "island" slowly emerged from the water, and its back surface showed intertwined ripples, some resembling tortoise shells, but it was not.

That is his skin!

If the volume is more than a million miles, there is no end in sight. The waves are surging, and its body is exposed more and more, and in the end it can see two "thin" wings.

of course.

The thinness here is only relative to its volume, placed in other places, it is countless times larger than the current aircraft carrier.


A golden winged roc roared up, making waves, and its huge body faintly covered the sun. At a certain moment, the Golden Wing Roc transformed into a mighty male wearing a golden crown.

"Having dormant for so long, the demon master finally chose to show up." The young man transformed by the Golden Wing Roc gave a light smile.

"Aren't you? Peng Zu."

Demon Master Kunpeng!

Kunpeng, the ancestor of the Golden Wing Dapeng clan!


A handsome young man stood in the sky, clearly not looking so deep in the realm, but the pressure on people was not superficial, even the grandeur and purple energy could not suppress him.

If a person in the fairy world is here, he can probably recognize his identity. The reincarnation of the Nine Emperors-Emperor Luo Tian!

at the same time.

In every corner of the Emperor Lin star, figures that only existed in legends appeared one after another. Qingxuzi, Wudaozi, and even more legendary emperor-level existences.

A great opportunity has shocked all the existence of the Great Emperor level in ancient and modern times. Whether it is the mighty power hidden in the long river of history, or the alternative enlightened person who has emerged in recent times.

Almost all the masters throughout the ages are covered!

at this time.

Lin Lang finally opened his eyes, and now the powerful auras on the Emperor Linxing intertwined, tumbling and colliding with each other, almost making the ordinary creatures breathless.

These are probably all the enemies Lin Lang needs to face. Whether it is the identity that has been revealed, or something else, it won't be long before a battle that is remembered in the history books of all ages will begin.

Lin Lang saw, or could think of, more than ten people. There are already more than ten people, including the seven detached persons, ancestors, dragons, ancestors, and ancestors of the blood race.

In addition.

What about those potentially dark places?

With the existence of the Nine Emperors, it is absolutely impossible to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There are more ancestors of big races, and the amazing people in history are lurking in secret.

The chaos of the ancient times, to put it bluntly, was the internal friction of the Nine Emperors, and more calculations were just to add people like Kunpeng and Zulong Zufeng, the competition was not fierce.

But now it is different.

In addition to the nine emperors, there are also powerful men born in the last tens of millions of years. This battle is probably the largest battle in this universe!

At this moment, every great emperor-level existence stared at the sky above his head unblinkingly, waiting for the condensing of the innate vitality, these mighty powers who now seem to be in harmony with each other will tear their skin instantly. Fight hard.

The purple gas condenses and interweaves with each other.

In the gaze of everyone, the countless purple qi that was originally shrouded in the sky moved toward the central area like a tide. When the naked eye was watching, the endless purple was actually condensed into a three-legged purple pot.

And what is adorned in the purple cauldron is the most basic origin of this universe-the innate humility!

At this time.

Dozens of figures rose into the sky between the heaven and the earth, one by one they showed off their housekeeping skills and slew towards the purple tripod.

In the last stage, a total of one hundred innate chaotic auras were separated between heaven and earth, but at this stage, no one knows how many innate cosmic auras exist.

This principle is similar to the ancient disaster relief. Even if there is enough food, everyone can get a bowl of porridge, but everyone is not willing to eat only a bowl of porridge.

They not only need to meet their own needs, but also fill their stomachs and desires!

So even if every great emperor-level existence can get a ray of innate aura on average, they still want to be the first to get closer and take more.

Even if you can't take it all away, it's enough to become a bargaining chip to exchange with others. Cultivating to their level, apart from the creation-level resources of the Innate Hongmeng Qi, there are few things for them to take a closer look.

Including artifacts.

They will not be like other family members to break the struggle for their heads!

In an instant, the vicinity of the Ziding became the most intense battlefield!

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