Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1236: Brilliant world!

The wedding is over.

Lin Lang quickly returned to Ye Xuanzong, the contemporary lord Ye Gusu accompanied him, and the two came to the tomb of Ye Xuanzong together.

Looking at the dense, lonely forest of steles in front of me, all the disciples of Ye Xuanzong's past dynasties are portrayed above them.

Lin Lang walked around, and gradually, he found many familiar names.

The first generation assassin hall hall-Cather.

Who is Cather, perhaps no one remembers this time, even Lin Lang is very strange to such a name. But if you mention the first generation assassin hall master.

The Emperor Lin Xing, who was before the recovery, had been the most powerful killer until the first person, the **** of the killer, from that time when he was defeated in the hands of Lin Lang, he sat down on one of Ye Xuan's heritage.

Remember that time.

The killer **** is one of the few masters of the gods in the world, and his every move is awe-inspiring even for the great nations.

Hall of Honor Elder-Lu Beidou

Lin Lang is naturally no stranger to this person. The former head of the Lu family used his corpse to become Taoism, but was later rescued by Lin Lang in time to avoid death.

The former Lu Beidou also provided a lot of help to Lin Lang. Before Emperor Linxing's aura regained his own aptitude, he could only cultivate to the half-god state at best.

If placed in the immortal realm with strong spiritual energy, Lu Beidou's ability to cultivate to the real immortal realm is already the limit. Ten thousand years later, he naturally ran out of life.

Honorary Protector of Ye Xuanzong——Don't wait for leisure

Sovereign Mo family, when Lin Lang was still in Nanliao Province, the old man had given him a lot of help.

Ye Xuanzong's first generation Zhenfa Hall deputy chief-Mao Huacan

In the past, Lin Lang had subdued a genius in the Kunxu realm. He had already cultivated to the realm of immortality. With his qualifications, he shouldn't run out of life in this way.

He died of war.

Lin Lang walked in the forest of steles, and countless once-familiar names jumped into his field of vision.

Shirakawa Family-Shirakawa Sakura

Kunxu Realm-Fairy Ling Xuan


One by one, the vivid nature greeted Lin Lang's eyes one after another. Which of them used to be not the most beautiful, beautiful women,

A few of them couldn't even tell whether they liked or depended on Lin Lang. But these women are already dead, and the solitary graves have become the only traces of their existence in this world.

Time is always so careless.

What I don't know is that he will slowly take away some of your friends, and as Lin Lang's cultivation deepens, these friends will continue to disappear with time.

Do not wait for leisure, the killer god, Suzaku, and a series of people, perhaps they are the saddest group of people in this world. They were born in the heyday, but also the end of the era.

If you are born a hundred years earlier and born a hundred years later, you will have a better life. However, they were born at the end of the era, and even if they had good talents, they could not escape the fate of reincarnation.

Several years later.

These friends who are now in his prime of life may also appear in the cemetery of Xuanzong Ye, with some brand new graves.

Including his parents.

"Maybe I should do something."

Lin Lang murmured, an idea slowly emerged in his heart. Now that the Nine Emperors can seal the descendants of their own celebrities, leave them to be born in the future.

Then he can.

But the problem is.

Assuming that Lin Langzhen sealed them, what could he do? Could it be that he would look like him in the future, after waking up, looking at this strange universe without a single friend.

Perhaps this is cruel to them.

Lin Lang couldn't let them get eternal lifespan, and sealing them might be the biggest injustice. It is also a very sad thing to watch these friends die by themselves.

"Since everything can't be changed, let's find a way to delay their longevity." Lin Lang shook his head and sighed silently in his heart.

After completing a series of wishes.

Lin Lang also quickly announced a retreat. There was nothing particularly important, so try not to disturb him.

He wants to comprehend the tribulation and deal with the coming great world. Otherwise, let alone the company of these friends, it is a question of whether you can keep this group of people.

And the robbery is the most important event for Lin Lang at present. Similarly, during this period, Lin Lang was also comprehending his own practice.

The small world exercises still need to be perfected.

His attacking magical powers also need to be cultivated to the perfect state. Don't look at him now that he has the qualifications to fight against the emperor, but if he really fights, the techniques and killing methods will become his biggest disadvantage.

In fact, he now has a win rate of less than 40% against the real emperor.

Here, Lin Lang has completely ignored Ye Xuanzong and the many major events that have occurred on Emperor Linxing. Despite the undercurrents of the outside world, he has other people to deal with it, and he does not need to worry about everything.

There are five realms in the small world exercises, one of the five elements of matter, Lin Lang has already reached the realm of the fairy king. The second level, the Era of Light and Darkness, had already been completed when he merged with the Little Demon Venerable for the second time.

As for the third level, the emptiness and order, even if he has now merged with the little demon, there is still a long way to complete this level.

As for the reason.

The road of destiny that Lin Lang has cultivated has not been achieved, and the road of nirvana that the little demon is practicing is also only a small achievement. When he can understand these two avenues, the third level of his practice will be considered complete.

In the knowledge accumulated by the Hongmeng Sanren, there are indeed many descriptions of the two avenues, but for Lin Lang in recent days, it is no longer so mysterious and impossible to comprehend.

Similarly, Lin Lang, who has experienced the cold and warm world, has a new understanding of these two avenues. As for whether he is going in the right direction, it can only be verified by the robbery.


Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years.

In the blink of an eye, time flies.

Lin Lang has been in retreat for 20,000 years, and during this period, many major events have occurred in the universe.

Most of the great clans in the immortal realm have already monitored the abnormalities of the lower realm, or have received the guidance of the ancestors, and have started to lower realms.

A series of immortal clans such as Niu Mozu, Blood Clan, Guangming Clan, and so on have come to the world. In ten thousand years, the immortal monks on the Emperor Lin star have been over ten thousand times.

They came to the lower realm, established their own forces, and seemed to want to share in the future world.

It is their existence.

There are also many sacred places on the Emperor Lin star, such as the Dragon and Phoenix Nest, the Land of the Sea of ​​Blood, the Shura Forbidden Land, the Temple of Light and many other miracles.

In addition, the power of the resuscitators should not be underestimated. The powers in the famous mountains are not obvious, but they are shocked once they are born.

Nine emperors who disappeared in the long river of history in the past also often come out to act.


With the arrival of the great world, the opportunity of Emperor Linxing has been brewing to the extreme, various geniuses and treasures are born, and the immortal emperors fight.

Even the aura of Emperor Linxing ushered in another eruption. The aura between the heavens and the earth is rich, and it can even be called a mist. The cultivation environment is almost ten times better than the fairy world.

in this process.

Many monks with a reputation have also been born in the universe, and various physiques that were rare in the past few Yuanhui have appeared one after another.

Void God Body, Swallowing Heaven Body, Hunyuan Saint Body, Five Elements Spirit Body, Star Body, Sky Overlord Body. All sorts of monks with the top ranks on the human physique were born one after another, and there were bright collisions.

The fall of the divine body also happens from time to time.

And the most dazzling among them was a monk named Zhang Jiuren, who did not belong to any big power, but with his own power, he rose up in just a thousand years.

Swept all parties Tianjiao.

Millennium Immortal Emperor!

This kind of cultivation speed, even in history, is quite a rare thing, enough to rank among the top three. And this has a great relationship with his own physique.

As for who the top two are, they only exist in legends. Wild history records that there were two people who entered the realm of the immortal emperor in 999 years.

of course.

They do not have any names, and it is not known whether they were fabricated by posterity. As for the latter, the most outstanding one is also the immortal emperor Xiucheng in year 2003.

That person is the famous Asura war emperor, the founder of the Asura clan!

As for Zhang Jiuren, he was the only monk in history who broke through the Immortal Emperor before the thousand years of age, and he had no trace of cultivation before he was seven years old.

The thousand-year immortal emperor has been a major barrier since ancient times, and no matter how outstanding Tianjiao is, it can't cross this gap.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the number one person in the eternal age. And this stems from his physique.

Zhang Jiuren-the only innate Taoist body in history, ranked fourth in the human physique list, born with a short path, and the speed of cultivation is unparalleled.

If we talk about the latter types of physique, they will often appear in the Yuanhui in the past.


The congenital Dao body may have only appeared this once. The reason for this physique is mostly the result of later generations studying the major physiques in the world, and then deducing it.

His appearance proves that the top four physiques really exist. And he, almost swept away the geniuses of this generation.


This is a brilliant and unprecedented prosperous age, and the innate Taoism has enemies! Zhang Jiuren, who was crushing all the way into a fairy, met the enemy he had only seen in his life.

He lost terribly in that battle, and if the opponent hadn't kept his hand, I'm afraid the innate Dao body would have lost its sound. Who can defeat the innate Taoist body?

Time and Space Divine Body-Xihe!

Mastering the power of time and space, even Zhang Jiuren is not an opponent in the same realm. What's more, Xihe had cultivated tens of thousands of years earlier than him. Although both were Immortal Emperors of One Tribulation, the gap in strength had been widened.


Other big clans also have born geniuses, emperors of the Nine Emperors, and people who are worthy of the big clans. Some of them were able to fight Zhang Jiuren for a long time and escape safely.

It is said that the opponent did not show real cultivation in that battle.

This is a great world, even if the nine emperors in history are placed here, it is only one of the strong, unable to be respected alone.

Many geniuses of this era have begun to take on the appearance of a young emperor, and there are also a handful of people who are not far behind the young emperor.

Some people are also speculating whether the two physiques of Chaos and Hongmeng came from this world.

But the answer is no.

These two physiques ranked first and second may really only exist in the inference, no one can prove it!

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