Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1234: Lower bound

The Ascendant Guidance of the Immortal Realm can no longer restrain the Lower Realm now. Regardless of the immortal world, the underworld or the mortal world, they are in the same universe, including the world outside the universe. Together, they form the complete universe today.

The reason for the distinction between upper and lower realms is that Pluto, Hongmeng Sanren and others have used the space stone in the godhead to create these two elite battlefields.

Now they are going back to the vast starry sky.

This is the biggest opportunity in the universe in history. Would you like to grab the Big Leaf Immortal Sect? To grab!

In ancient times, a powerful person inferred that the two visions before the appearance of the fairy palace were most likely related to the final fairy relationship.

Becoming an immortal, that is the dream of every monk, so big figures including the Nine Emperors also chose to hide in the world, waiting for the immortal palace to open.

After a fierce discussion among the monks of Daye Immortal Sect, it was roughly divided into two camps, one is the conservatives. They chose to stay in Daye Immortal Sect and take care of the foundation of this sacred land for tens of millions of years.

Another group of people advocated the lower realm, and they also received news from the lower realm during this period of discussion. Now the cultivation environment of the lower realm is no worse than the immortal realm, and because of the upcoming relationship of the great world, many treasures are born in the lower realm universe.

So even if most of the disciples can't participate in the battle for the final fairy palace opportunity, they can also get a significant improvement in the lower realm.

The final result of the discussion was that more than half of the cultivators chose to follow Lin Lang's lower realm, and a small number of cultivators who had lost their enterprising spirit continued to develop in the fairy realm.


Also at this meeting, Lin Lang proposed to incorporate Ye Xuanzong into the Big Yexianzong. Because of the relationship between Lin Lang, the two sects were originally one, but now it makes sense to merge the two into one.

Since then, there will be no more Ye Xuan, only Da Ye Xianzong!


About half a month later, the cultivators of Daye Immortal Sect had finished reorganizing and assembled in the square of Daye Immortal Sect.

Lin Lang and others stood at the forefront, looking around, standing around hundreds of thousands of disciples and tens of thousands of elders. Today's Daye Immortal Sect has walked out of the shadow of the previous battle, full of energy one by one.

This line.

They will go to the Nether.

"Masters, since you are willing to come here, you should understand that the great world is approaching, and the battle in the lower realm is far greater than in the immortal realm, and many of you may fall due to this."

Lin Lang faintly said, "Since you have made a decision, then I also have a word to give you. No matter where you are, don't be flattened and enterprising."

"With one heart and one mind, the Big Leaf Immortal Sect will become more prosperous in the future, you understand."


The sound of the mountain whistling and the tsunami came from the square of Daye Xianzong. The disciples and elders were in high spirits and were full of expectations for this trip to the lower realm.

"In that case, let's set off."

The voice fell.

Lin Lang and Ling Tian were shot at the same time, the two men's mighty powers directly tore the barriers between the two realms, and underneath was a deep black hole connecting the lower realm space.

They want the lower realm, but they must cross the void before their eyes again. Although the void space is dangerous everywhere, but with Lin Lang and others as shelter, they won't lose much.


When Lin Lang was still in the realm of real immortals, he tried to travel from the void to the realm of immortals. Now that he returned to this place again, he was already an emperor-level figure.

of course.

The difference is that Lin Lang walked through the rift between the two realms instead of the barriers he opened himself. It is not easy to open space barriers, and it will be backlashed by the two worlds.

The immortal emperor whose cultivation base is too weak will probably be buried directly in the backlash of the two barriers. To travel back and forth between the two worlds, that is something that only the middle-level immortal emperor above the four calamities can do.

But for an existence like Lin Lang, tearing apart the barriers between the two worlds is no longer a difficult task. Not to mention that Lin Lang possesses the godhead of Hongmeng Sanren, and can freely control the two-world space.

Even without this prerequisite, he can easily open the door of the two worlds. After all, the original Hongmeng Sanren was only a great emperor-level existence, but now Lin Lang's cultivation is no weaker than him.


A group of big Yexianzong cultivators set foot on the flying boat, a huge flying boat that could almost cover the sky, and sailed to the Lower Realm mightily.

Time is short.

The two of Lin Lang closed the space crack, followed closely, and set foot on the flying boat.


Now the lower realm is in chaos.

In the past, it was the limit to be able to cultivate in the realm of immortality to the realm of true immortality, and to cultivate to the immortal king, it was even more a matter of not even thinking about it.

But with the drastic changes of these seven thousand years, the fairy world has been unable to restrain the space of the lower realm. In a short time, the aura of the fairy world has flowed out, and the lower realm universe has also begun to recover.

The cultivation environment of the Lower Realm has long been turned upside down. The many great abilities that were trapped in the realm of the real immortal, now broke through one after another and stepped into the realm of the immortal king.

The ability of these people to cultivate to the realm of real immortality in the poor resources of the past is enough to prove their talent.

Now the world is recovering, even if they broke into the realm of the immortal king not long ago, the attitude of advancing forward still hasn't stopped.

The vast majority of people actually cultivated to the heavenly state of mind in this short period of 7,000 years, and even reached the level of ninety-nine percent of perfection, until they were about to face the immortal emperor's robbery, their cultivation speed slowed down.

The realm breakthroughs are sequential, and the major forces have long accumulated grievances. In this case, the universe in the lower realm is in chaos, and race wars across the stars continue to erupt.

more importantly.

With the emergence of smugglers from the immortal world, they took control of the wind direction of the forces in the lower realm at an extremely fast speed, and many large-scale battles have their shadows.

Stowaways, although the name is not good, but their strength is definitely not weak. The one who can break through the barriers between the two worlds and come safely is at least the Intermediate Immortal Emperor.

Moreover, these immortal immigrants also had grievances with each other, and when they were in the lower realm, they also brought the conflict to the local forces.


A huge flying boat landed on Emperor Linxing, attracting countless monks to stop and watch. Of course, few people dare to get too close.

"Such a big flying boat can hold at least hundreds of thousands of monks. Could it be that a certain great power in the fairy world has swept the lower realm?"

Someone took a breath, but as the monks appeared on the flying boat, some of them quickly recognized the origin of the flying boat.

"This is Big Leaf Immortal Sect, they are also taking the initiative to lower the realm! Since Big Leaf Immortal Sect is all out of the nest, doesn't it mean that other great forces in the Immortal Realm will also come?"

"It's messed up, the space of the fairy world will be completely chaotic!" Someone muttered: "When a holy land of the fairy world moves out, this represents the wind direction of the fairy world, and the great clans of the fairy world will come soon!"

After all, they are only smugglers, even if their cultivation base is not weak, they still can't help but feel frustrated compared to forces like Daye Immortal Sect.


Lin Lang stepped off the flying boat and looked at this familiar star in the distance. Once, this is where he struggled.

But now Di Linxing has changed a lot. The high-rise buildings in the past have disappeared, either in ruins or in virgin forest.

During the recovery of the Emperor Linxing, the planet's area continued to expand, resulting in the emergence of many unmanned areas.

As for the high-rise buildings, most of them have been demolished. After the aura recovered, more and more monks clashed. These buildings have been destroyed in their battles.

"When one civilization rises, it will replace another prosperous civilization system." Lin Lang sighed.

In his impression, the Emperor Linxing is still full of tall buildings, busy streets, and occasionally a few planes drifting across the sky. Today, the ground is virgin forest, and there is also a blessed land occupied by monks.

What flies in the sky is no longer an aircraft, but a lot of monks with different cultivation skills. The civilization of science and technology has now been replaced by the civilization of immortality.

With his memory, Lin Lang could still vaguely find the address of Ye Xuanzong. It's just that the current Ye Xuanzong has become a vassal, and it is no longer the number one sect on Emperor Linxing.

He ascended to the immortal realm, things are not human, even if the incense of Ye Xuanzong became more and more prosperous, Han Zilong and others ascended to the immortal realm one after another.


In the past seven thousand years, the cultivation speed of the monks in the universe has surpassed Ye Xuanzong, and the monks of various races on the Emperor Lin star have successively risen to establish sects.

Ye Xuanzong was able to maintain a certain degree of autonomy in the early days, but later the stowaways came, fought each other, and seized one side.

Under heavy pressure, Ye Xuanzong could only choose to subdue to others. It was incorporated by a very prestigious force nearby.

The strength of this house is called Fengyutang, and the hall master is also one of the immigrants from the immortal world, a five-tribulation emperor. At that time, with his arrival, the forces in the nearby area were integrated in less than half a year.

Under the heavy pressure, Ye Xuanzong also gave up resistance, bowed his head, and set aside more than 90% of the resources each year for worship.

Dare to be angry but not speak!

Indeed, the former master of Fengyu Hall was a wise man. He seldom stayed in the sect, and only appeared when the major forces entered.

In the past hundred years, the Fengyu Hall Master has never returned, and his cultivation base shouldn't be lost. It is very likely that he will take this opportunity to return to the immortal world.

During this period of time in the lower realm, he really made a fortune, and returning to the fairy realm was enough to create a first-class sect.

Are there so many resources on Dilin Star?


In the ancient times, the Emperor Lin Xing was the most prosperous among all the heavens and stars. There were nine emperors and clansmen, and the great powers of all parties were entrenched. Needless to say, the resources are naturally.

Later, the heaven and the earth were closed, and Emperor Linxing was suppressed by the immortal world. These rich resources were gradually sealed in history, and only recently did they appear like a blowout.

The Hall Master of Fengyu Hall took a fancy to this opportunity and enslaved the major forces in the lower realms to mine resources for him. When the resources were fully earned, he had a foreboding that the monks of other races would come.

So he returned to the fairy world.

It's safe, but also a fortune!

Today, Fengyutang is mastered by a former deputy head of Fengyutang, named Huantian. This person was also one of the smugglers, but was collected by the master of Fengyutang.

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