Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1228: Big Leaf Difficulty

If Ji Zhizhi didn't say anything about Big Ye Xianzong, I'm afraid he could live a little longer, of course, it was just a few more words.

He never thought that Lin Lang had not spent seven thousand years, but two Yuanhui. What was even more unexpected was that during the two Yuanhui, Lin Lang was already standing at the top of the world, able to wrestle with the great monk.

The so-called ambush laid by the Golden Saints and the Protoss is actually not even a slight wave in front of Lin Lang.

Finished these.

Lin Lang left directly and rushed to Daye Immortal Sect at the fastest speed. In today's world, although Daye Immortal Sect is one of the four sacred places of the human race, there is no monk of the great emperor level to sit in, and it is difficult to gain a foothold in this precarious world.

But with Lin Lang's return.

All this will be different!



One of the four holy places of Terran.

Inside the resident of Daye Xianzong.

The immortal world was developed by Hongmeng Sanren, the ancestor of the Great Leaf Immortal Sect. With the godhead, he has the ability to open up a world. When Hongmeng Sanren opened up the fairy world, the leftover scraps were used to forge the resident of Daye Immortal Sect.

Daye Immortal Sect is located in an independent space, and if there is no way out, it would be difficult for the ruler to find Daye Immortal Sect.

of course.

This is based on the premise that Big Leaf Immortal Sect is self-closed and will no longer be born. But in today's troubled times, it is also an opportunity for the rise of all races. As the holy land of the human race, the Daye Immortal Sect is naturally unable to exile itself.

Originally, Daye Immortal Sect had the opportunity to defend against the two major forces' surprise attacks, but I never thought that a certain senior immortal emperor in Xianzong would be bought out and directly let go of Daye Immortal's outermost guardian formation.

Even though Daye Immortal Sect reacted fast enough, he still lost the two layers of protective sect array, leaving only the core defensive array still struggling to support.

The core formation without any offensive ability is actually no different for them from lingering. No, the core formation is broken, and the two parties have begun to meet each other.

After all, Daye Immortal Sect is mostly ordinary disciple. Even though the talent is good, the young and middle-aged fighters of the two major races are stronger.

Moreover, the fighters of the two major races often experience fighting, knowing how to arrange troops, this is the biggest advantage. A race can devote the power of a clan to build a large number of troops, but the sect can only increase its deterrence by controlling some local powers.

This is the biggest gap between the Holy Land and the race.

However, Big Leaf Immortal Sect is one of the holy places of the human race after all, even if there is no detached person sitting on the ground, even if it encounters a joint attack by the two major races, it does not immediately show much decline.

There is a master master of the Daye Immortal Sect, but the two opposing forces have sent two masters, the God Emperor Xuantian from the Protoss, and Jin Xuan from the Golden Saint, both of whom became famous before the nine Yuanhui.

As for other masters, most of them stay behind in their respective races.

The two major forces need to leave some masters in their respective ancestors to avoid being taken advantage of by other major forces.

But Rao is so.

The first wave of battle between the two sides was **** enough to be accompanied by the fall of many immortal emperors. As for the monks in the realm of the immortal king, not a few died.

In the sky, countless magic weapons fly randomly and collide with supernatural powers. Accompanied by the heated drums of the two major races, there was also the deafening roar of the disciples of Big Leaf Immortal Sect.

Bang bang bang!

The entire world has become a fierce battlefield, and the cultivators on both sides have spent their entire lives learning, and they don't care whether they are injured or not.

This is the battle to destroy the sect. Either defend the holy ground or die with the sect!

"Kill kill kill!"

The disciples of the Xianzong who were elegant and easy-going on weekdays, at this time one by one, seemed to be mad, pinching the tactics and chanting, all kinds of turbulent magical powers burst out.

Almost as soon as the two sides touched.

Hand in hand, blood-stained holy land!

The contemporary lord of Daye Immortal Sect, Zhen Youzi stood in the air, looking at the black and heavy coalition forces in the distance with a serious face.

"In this war, the two major races have enlisted millions of soldiers. There are more than 400,000 monks in the realm of the immortal king, and there are at least 700 monks in the fairy emperor."

"It seems that they are determined to destroy my Da Ye Xianzong in one battle." Zhen Youzi is in charge of the overall situation, but looking at the scene in front of him, he is also full of sadness.

Seven hundred immortal emperors, four hundred thousand immortal kings, and millions of true immortal soldiers, this lineup is enough to push any force in the immortal world, throw out top masters, and win any holy land.

In sharp contrast, the monks of Daye Immortal Sect. There are only three hundred immortal emperors and tens of thousands of immortal king monks, both in terms of quality and quantity. They are all at an absolute disadvantage.

It is basically impossible for them to win this war on their own.

"Have all major sects been notified?" Zhen Youzi looked at the foreign affairs elder beside him.

The foreign affairs elder nodded his head and said: "Basically, they have been notified, but some schools have changed their contacts. I don't know if I can notify them."

"It doesn't matter how much we can come." Zhen Youzi raised her head and murmured.

At this moment, in the distance, a black cloud quickly approached, accompanied by a rapid shout.

"Xianjie Yuqianzong, ordered to assist Xianzong!"

"Daye Immortal Sect belongs to the Enchanted Demon Sect. On the order of the leader, help the Holy Land repel the invading enemy!"

"How can I fall to Guyun Mountain, if it were not for the assistance of the Great Yexianzong back then, my Guyun Mountain would have been conspired by the Protoss thieves. Don't dare to forget this kindness!"

Loud voices sounded around Daye Xianzong, making the Daye Xianzong disciples present could not help but cheer up, pick up the swordsman, and rush to fight on the front line.

Part of the forces from these sources were the vassal forces of the former Daye Immortal Sect, who had accepted the protection of the Daye Immortal Sect. The other part is the strength that has been blessed by Big Yexianzong.

And more, it is the strength established by the disciples who walked out of Daye Immortal Sect.

A large number of monks came from all directions, and their cultivation bases varied from high to low. Some were just immortal emperors who had just passed the emperor's robbery, and some were powerful men who had been famous for many years.

The strongest cultivation base was an outstanding disciple of the Holy Land nine Yuanhui ago. Not long ago, he also successfully broke through the last obstacle and was promoted to the master level.

His arrival was like a divine help to Daye Xianzong, and almost instantly equalized the gap between the top players of both sides.

"How can we fall, Daye Xianzong's fellow Taoist, Bright Moon Sect is here!" A gray-haired old woman descended from the sky, and behind her were Jiang Xinyue and other experts of the Bright Moon Sect.

In addition, there are also powerful people in Taoist and Buddhist holy places. They still know the truth about the Four Great Sacred Grounds.

However, the Protoss and the Golden Saints also considered this situation in advance and put pressure on the holy land of the two human races, causing them to take care of themselves and only sent a few masters to come.

"Xianzong abandoned disciple, Gongsun is back!"

If you say this name, in fact, there is no reputation in the immortal world, it is just a Sanxiu immortal emperor.

If you talk about Yuanyuan, it is probably that he had practiced in Daye Immortal Sect, and later accompanied by Xianzong's rigorous assessment system, he became a member of the elimination army in the fierce competition.

By luck, he broke through to the realm of Emperor Immortal. Although the experience of Daye Xianzong is not glorious in his history of becoming emperor, from the bottom of his heart, he has never forgotten that he was a member of Xianzong.

So when he heard that Daye Immortal Sect was under siege, he also hurried forward.

"Daye disciple, swear to live and die with the sect!"

"The 97th generation true disciple of Daye Immortal Sect, Zheng Yu, return to Daye Immortal Sect!"

The immortal emperor Zheng Yu arrived. He was originally a disciple who had walked out of the Daye Immortal Sect in recent years, and he also established the immortal emperor's clan in the immortal world, which is considered to be a small reputation.

Similarly, behind Zheng Yu, there were still many people silently standing in front of the mountain gate of Daye Immortal Sect.

at the same time.

There were a steady stream of monks coming all around, just for this last battle!

All of this group of people were disciples who had walked out of the Daye Immortal Sect, some of them brought their own men and horses, and Starry Night rushed to help them.

This great power of the Holy Land finally revealed their extraordinary at this time. Different from such forces as the Golden Saint Clan, Big Leaf Immortal Sect educates the monks in the world, and some race types are like a school.

There are countless monks who have received the grace of Daye Immortal Sect and have been trained by Daye Immortal Sect. After they break through the immortal emperor realm, they can also freely choose to benefit the sect or stand on their own.

It is precisely because of this that the disciples of Daye Immortal Sect are all over the world, and until this moment of crisis, the advantages of this system will be infinitely amplified.

Although there are not many strong people.


A single spark can start a prairie fire!

With the arrival of this group of people, they immediately became the new force in this battlefield, and the battle with the two clans was no longer one-sided.

At this moment, the entire Big Leaf Immortal Sect seemed to have turned into a **** Shura field, and the entire space was covered by a layer of blood fog.

Under the high-level immortal emperor, it is impossible to protect yourself!

"No matter how many people come, it's a foregone conclusion that Daye Immortal Sect will be destroyed today!" God Emperor Xuantian sneered again and again, as he waved his hands, a heavy cloud condensed from the heights of the battlefield, closing the entire space.

The air pressure dropped suddenly, and the icy air seemed to be able to condense ice ballast. Looking around, the entire space was plunged into a dark blue, thousands of miles of ice.

Pieces of snowflakes fell, and the dark clouds became more restless. Accompanied by the billowing thunder, the terrifying power suppressed the world, and even the actions of the master became extremely slow.

And in the deepest part of the dark cloud, there seems to be a sacred and mysterious power that is slowly brewing. Like the might of the emperor, you win the master!

The dark cloud was slowly forming at this time, condensing a "ruler" shape with a length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers and a width of several kilometers, and a series of values ​​looming above it.

God ruler!

The exact number of artifacts in the world is unknown, but the number will never exceed twenty, and each artifact is accompanied by a shocking origin.

Either be controlled by the holy land of the big clan and deter countless Yuanhui groups of enemies. Either it can be obtained by a powerful person, and it can become an immortal force.

Including the Guangming clan, they are not detached, and they are not immortal emperor clan. The reason why they can last for tens of millions of years has a lot to do with the angel staff left by the ancient gods in their clan.

The Protoss happens to have an artifact!

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