Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 124: Mo Lao arrives

This year's annual meeting of the Wang family was very lively, and it was so lively that even the big brothers of the South Liao who had disdain the Wang family in the past came to the door in person.

The annual meeting of the Wang family was also very cold this time. None of the people who came to the Wang family had a relationship with the Wang family. There were countless guests sitting there, but there were a few who could pass the group in front of them.

"No wonder he said that visiting the Wang family were all small characters. It turned out that he had to move so many big people." Suddenly, Wang Hai realized that he remembered everything Lin Lin had said.

But his heart growled.

"You are obviously just a high school student. You have to be inferior to me in terms of education, inferior to me, and inferior to me in terms of background.

"Why is this!" Wang Hai growled in his heart.

Wang Wenlun was standing beside Wang Jinglun. They were originally the role of welcoming guests, but now none of them needed them to welcome, because they didn't have the confidence to talk.

"Lin Lang, who are you, Lin Lang? Why did they all come to please you?" Wang Wen said with a loss of eyes, he couldn't help whispering.

At this moment, he seemed to see Lin Lang for the first time. The cowardly boy when he was a child is different now.

"I don't know why you can invite this group of people, but Wang Jiali's family has so far depended not only on contacts, but its own strength is the basis for speaking."

"Even if there are as many people as you know, there will be a day of turning your face, and our family is the backbone of the Wang family."

"As long as Grandpa doesn't fall, the Wang family is still the Wang family, not your Lin Lang can dominate!"

Wang Wen fluctuated violently in his heart until he saw that the old talents on Gao Tang were much calmer.


"Xiangxiang, you have taught a good grandson." The uncle's caretaker had a long laugh, and he felt a lot of spirit at this moment.

"Where can I teach such a good child."

Father Wang only laughed bitterly, looking down at the bustle, where there were Lin Xiao, Lin Lang, and Wang Xiaomei.

He really couldn't think of a daughter who was married, did not rely on any power of the Wang family, and had no foundation in Shencheng, but he could be sought after by many big men. This is simply beyond imagination.

What made him even more surprised was Lin Lang. These people ... seemed to come at him!

Think of these days when Lin Lang keeps talking loudly, now think about it, everything is traceable, and it can be done without putting Jiang Dafeng in his eyes.

"Is it the Kyoto Lin family remembering to re-incense?" Father Wang secretly guessed.

The Lin family is Kyoto's top giants. As long as a little bit of tone, it is not surprising that these Nanliao big brothers are attracted.

"But why haven't I heard of it?"

Father Wang frowned, then waved to Wang Xun: "Help me call Lin Lang, I want to talk to him."



Wang Xun walked directly among the gangsters in Nanliao. He was not very polite. Even some weak rich men were pushed aside by him.

The person pushed away was furious, but after seeing Wang Xun's appearance, he dared not to speak, and obediently returned.

Because they recognized that this young man was the first family member of the Lin family in Beiliao Province, saying that he was a family member, but the actual power was only a bit below Lin Bao, which was more amazing than some rich people.

"Lin Lang, my father asked you to pass." Wang Xun said lightly.

"Why should I go and let him come by myself."

Lin Lang also sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, leisurely said.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Xun's face suddenly became gloomy, and he chuckled, "Going to the sky, your grandfather told you to dare to play."

"I once met him and he refused, so he wanted me to come and ask me in person." Lin Lang sneered.

"You ... see that I don't teach you today, you don't know what ethics is!"

Wang Xun rolled up his sleeves, his muscular muscles curled up, and he had a strong physique.

"You have to go with me today, you have to go without it!"

Wang Xun chuckled and grabbed Lin Lang.

This time, it is no small, with a whistling wind, scared many frail rich people pale, you can imagine how it feels to grab a paw on your body.

"It turned out to be the late warrior?"

Lin Lang, who had been sitting safely, suddenly made a noise. Even he did not expect that a martial artist would be hidden inside the Wang family, and the martial art practice was not low.

However, it is also reasonable to think about it. The Lin family in Beiliao Province can try to build a large foundation and occupy Beiliao. Few martial arts soldiers have long been swallowed.

Wang Xun suddenly closed up: "Do you still know the warrior?"

"of course."

"Now that you know, let's get hold of it, and you won't be able to resist it easily."

Wang Xun gave a cold drink and intensified his efforts.

It was just that he didn't notice that although the rich people around him were far away from him, they had already shown compassion in his eyes.

Sure enough, Wang Xun didn't even touch Lin Lang's clothes, and a dull voice sounded in vain.


Wang Xun's body shook, and he retreated in shock, with three steps on his face, and every time he fell on the ground, a corner of his mouth overflowed with blood.

"It turned out to be the Grand Master in person, I don't know Tarzan."

Wang Xun's face suddenly changed, and he arched to Lin Lang.

Lin Lang said nothing, and his face was expressionless.

Wen Liangshan is a human being. How can I not see Lin Lang's mercy, while lamenting the skill of the other party, he coldly stretches out his hand: "Please come back."


Wang Xun lowered his body, slowly retreated humbly, and eventually disappeared into the field of vision. He didn't return to Master Wang's business.


Just as Wang Xun had just left, three people appeared in the courtyard very low-key without going through the roll call of the doorman.

But some people don't talk about pomps any more, and his appearance is destined to be noticeable.

As soon as the three of them appeared, someone recognized their identity.

On the left hand side is a cold and arrogant girl in an ice-blue dress with her crystal high heels on her feet. She is like a queen standing on earth, unaffected by the earth.

The middle-aged man on the right-hand side is in a suit, with a wide-brimmed face and a self-assured facial expression.

At the center, an old man stands with his hands on his back and is imposing.

This person is exactly, Mo's, Mo's waiting for you!

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