Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1223: Time and Space

For example, the Dragon Yin Immortal Emperor, who had a friendship with Hades and Lin Lang in the past. In addition, there are the remains of the archangel of the Guangming clan, the founder of the blood clan, the blood ancestor, the descendant of the great Emperor Yan Luo, who is also the Emperor Yan Luo of this generation, and so on.

These people are all the top monks in the world under the Nine Emperors. And this group of people almost included most of the power of Emperor Linxing after the Nine Emperors returned to her seclusion.

With the addition of this group of fresh blood, the two sides quickly leveled off, and the number of the female emperor of Samsara no longer has any advantage.

On the other side, Lin Lang fought with Jade Rakshasa. Even if he had the strength to crush his opponent, he had never made a move, always maintaining an evenly matched posture.

He understood that with the emergence of the Undead Army, the scene before him has become more and more like the scene described in later history.

Although the female emperor of the reincarnation crushed the Pluto, it seemed that the winner would be determined soon, but the records from the history were unchangeable.

The Empress of Samsara is destined to lose, and among them, the only one who has the chance to change history is Lin Lang, a variable that has passed through from later generations.

Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why the Empress of Samsara wanted to pull Lin Lang into the group!

At this time, the sky suddenly became extremely dull, and a towering figure came across the galaxy, and with one shot, a domineering blow sent the reincarnation empress away.

This person is one of the Nine Emperors, the Bone Race Great Emperor!

There are ten great royal clans in the underworld in later generations, and among them, the longest inherited ones are the Yama, Shura, and Bone tribes.

The Yanluo tribe and the Bone tribe are all forces that were born in the ancient times, and it is not an exaggeration to call them the nine emperors. As for the Asura clan, it is entirely because the Asura war emperor is too powerful, and can already be comparable to the great emperor.

Moreover, the Asura clan is warlike, and the average combat power of the race is higher than that of other underworld clans, which makes it one of the top three underworld clans.

No one thought that it was supposed to be the era of the Nine Emperors' retreat, but the Bone Race Great Emperor was invited by the Hades to come out of the mountain, which became the biggest variable.

The Bone Race Great Emperor is a history-breaking existence, and his own combat power is not weaker than that of the reincarnation female emperor. With the addition of the Pluto at this time, it is almost equivalent to two great emperors joining hands.

But this is not enough!

The Empress of Reincarnation received the blessing of many different universes Styx, and her combat power was increased several times, even if the two great emperors in front of her shot at the same time, she could not completely suppress him.

in contrast.

The female emperor of reincarnation became more and more courageous as she fought, and the two emperor-level existences who fought had no temper.

"Brother, this is your stupid behavior." The Empress of Samsara sneered and said: "You shouldn't find the native emperor, so that all the secrets between you and me will be seen by outsiders."

"Oh, really?"

Pluto is not good.

"But brother, you are enough to disappoint me. I thought that with your qualifications, you can now far exceed the ordinary emperor."

The Empress of Samsara shook her head and said: "Unexpectedly, you have declined so far. Even the one who blessed Styx can't beat me!"

In the heart of the female emperor of reincarnation, Pluto is indeed a generation of ghosts, not only his original six-way reincarnation system, but also extremely powerful.

Even if the big brother of the underworld has lived for nearly half of the universe, the Pluto who has cultivated for so many years has the strength to compete.

In the heart of the Empress of Samsara, Pluto has a very high status, even a little bit beyond the reach.

"That is destined to disappoint you, Junior Sister." The Bone Race Great Emperor and Hades suddenly turned their heads together, staring at the reincarnation empress with weird eyes.

A thick layer of divine light rose up, obscuring everyone's vision.

The Empress of Samsara was terrified for a while, and a very bad guess had appeared in her heart!

"Yes, I and him are one." The voices of Pluto and the Bone Race Great Emperor overlapped, and the two figures quickly fitted and merged into one.

From the very beginning, Pluto was the first emperor at the center of the universe. Only later, Pluto forcibly split out two bodies, and what he owns is Pluto's true spirit and soul.

The Bone Race Great Emperor is a body that carries everything in the past of Pluto. As for the so-called Bone Race Great Emperor, it is just a consciousness born from the past body of Pluto.

This kind of relationship is equivalent to Lin Lang and Little Demon Venerable, the same true spirit, but there is a primary and secondary distinction, turning into two independent individuals.

This is why, when Lin Lang insisted on checking the injury for Pluto, he would find that Pluto's spirit was surprisingly powerful, but his body was fragile.

The reason why the Pluto was weak at that time and his realm fell was not because he created the Styx, but because he separated two bodies, the weak deity has not yet recovered!

This is also the reason why Lin Lang would be obliterated by a mysterious emperor when he walked out of the forbidden place of life and death. He has discovered the core secret of Pluto!

Even then Lin Lang was only suspicious!

From beginning to end, Pluto and Bone Race are the same person! Now that the two bodies are one, Pluto's combat power is not as simple as one plus one!

of course.

These truths that were submerged by divine light are destined to become eternal mysteries for later generations.


Lin Lang didn't know this either. Seeing the Pluto and the Empress of Reincarnation covered in divine light, he already realized that it was not good.

He raised his hand, his five fingers turned into mountains covering the world, and directly suppressed the Jade Rakshasa from the air.

next moment.

His figure flickered and rushed into the area covered by the light.

Pluto had never expected that there would be a fourth great emperor here, and he had never expected that this person would be Lin Lang.

In his cognition, when the two met before a Yuanhui, Lin Lang was just a ruler. Even if the Jade Raksha reminded him later, he only felt that Lin Lang had just planted a Taoist tree, but he was close to the power of the Great Emperor. That's it.

But this time.

When he realized this, it was too late. Lin Lang's attack suddenly broke out behind the Hades, almost covering the full blow of his lifelong cultivation base, and it can definitely cause heavy damage, even kill the emperor!

Lin Lang was getting closer and closer to the Pluto, and he was about to make a contribution with one blow, but at this moment, Lin Lang's body suddenly began to twist.

A touch of inexplicable and mysterious power envelops Lin Lang layer by layer, including the magical powers that Lin Lang blooms. It is set in place and cannot be moved.

"what happened?"

Lin Lang's brows were raised high. At this time, something strange appeared suddenly, and the impact on the battle situation was not negligible. He lost the opportunity to attack the Pluto. Even if he and the Empress of Reincarnation joined forces, he would not be the opponent of Pluto in the heyday!

After a while.

A tall and solemn portal emerged behind Lin Lang, and the power of time and space flowed and turned into flowing runes, blooming with strange brilliance.

next moment.

The gate of time and space opened wide, and a deep passage emerged, like a huge mouth in the abyss, with no end in sight. A shocking swallowing ability suddenly broke out, directly involving Lin Lang and his supernatural powers into the gate of time and space.

At this most critical moment, Lin Lang did not succeed in attacking Hades at all, but was drawn into the gate of time and space, and since then disappeared from the ancient world completely.

In the space-time tunnel, the existence of Xihe can still be vaguely sensed.

"What's the matter, how could I suddenly be teleported back by the gate of time and space?" Lin Lang was puzzled.

"You forgot the three warnings I gave you at the beginning. I tried to change the ancient events, but they were discovered by the long river of time and space, and they were naturally sent back."

Xihe's faint voice came.

"It turned out to be so." Lin Lang sighed. He originally wanted to change the battle situation of the Empress of Reincarnation in the ancient battle, but he did not expect to interfere with the course of the event and was sent back by the long river of time and space.

It is conceivable that the final fate of the reincarnation empress who lost his help. It must have been suppressed jointly by Pluto and others, and has not seen sunshine for tens of millions of years.

It was Pluto that made Lin Lang more concerned about. He really didn't expect that the two great abilities of the ancient times, Pluto and Bone Race Great Emperor, were the same person.

After the two became one, the terrifying combat power completely surpassed any monk in ancient and modern times. Whether among the eight transcendents or the nine emperors, Pluto is definitely the most underestimated one.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the best master in ancient and modern times.

"Forgot to tell you that the little Demon Lord of later generations has disappeared. Someone tried to go back to the ancient times and change the history of planting Tao trees."

Xihe laughed and said, "I believe you will meet again soon."

"Little Demon Lord disappeared?"

Lin Lang was a little stunned, but he calmed down quickly. He had planted the little Demon Venerable's Dao into his Dao Tree, and it was not impossible to infer that the Little Demon Venerable disappeared because of this.

"In this way, Yaoxi returned to the ancient times through the long river of time and space, trying to change the historical process that has taken place."

Lin Lang thought for a moment, even in the tunnel of time and space, he also faintly felt a lot of strangeness.

For example, as he gets closer to modern times, he can feel that the Tao tree he planted in the past is throbbing and shrinking as time goes by.

"Someone is cutting down my Taoist tree." Lin Lang's eyes flashed and he immediately realized the culprit. It should be Yao Xi who traveled back to ancient times to do it.

"But she has forgotten one thing after all. Cutting down the Taoist tree can indeed break my path of cultivation, but the disappeared Little Demon Venerable cannot be resurrected."

Lin Lang shook his head and muttered to himself: "Little Demon Venerable has become a part of my Dao Fruit. When I return to the modern Little Demon Venerable, I will merge into my soul. What she has done is just a futile struggle."

In addition.

Lin Lang also felt a trace of a cloud of robbery passing through the long river of time and space, blessing him.

From ancient times to modern times, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of immortal emperor monks crossed the calamity, and part of their insights after experiencing the tribulation would all converge on Lin Lang.

The so-called stealing the power of common people, Yi Gu himself, is talking about Lin Lang.

For this power, Lin Lang's understanding has reached an unprecedented level, and has evolved a series of semi-mature magical powers.

As long as Lin Lang returns, sinks into a retreat, and transforms all these insights into his own combat power, by then, fighting the emperor will not be a dream!

The breath of Xihe gradually disappeared, and Lin Lang traveled alone in the long river of black time and space. Time and space here are chaotic, lonely and endless journey!

About a month later, a light began to appear in front of Lin Lang, the gate of time and space opened again, and Lin Lang had appeared in an extremely familiar time and space.

This is the time and space of later generations. After two Yuanhui, Lin Lang has returned to the time and space of his original life.

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