Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1211: So-called robbery

Lin Lang fell from a high altitude and hit the ground heavily, forming a deep pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles in the appearance of Qingyun Palace. The robbery cloud in the sky dissipated, and the world returned to tranquility.

"Trying to provoke Heavenly Tribulation, this guy is too courageous!" Everyone took a breath. The first monk who dared to use Heavenly Tribulation to enlighten Dao in history is definitely a legend.

"It seems that he should be dead this time?" Everyone looked at each other, although Lin Lang's body was intact, but he could not find any vitality.

"Can't die."

Emperor Slaughter shook his head and said: "He just interrupted the realm of enlightenment, and coupled with the effect of the tribulation, the vitality was closed in an instant."


When the words of Emperor Slaughter God fell, Lin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes slightly blank. In the state of enlightenment, he basically follows subconscious actions, and can only protect himself.

But as he regained consciousness at this time, he discovered that a faint fate of fate actually appeared on his body, which he had taken the risk of taking it from the catastrophe.

"If I intend to, I can even provoke the tenfold emperor's calamity of some old monsters who are short of time." With a move of Lin Lang's heart, he can control a trace of calamity, and to some extent increase the probability of someone's crossing the calamity. .

As for the deeper things, he hasn't discovered it for the time being. But even if only one strand of fate could be grasped, this would have terrible damage to most monks in the world.


Lin Lang moved a little, but found that his body was not called at all. Before he rushed into the robbery cloud, he had endured too much force of the thunder robbery, his muscles and flesh were chopped to pieces again and again, and then reborn.

Even if he is not dead, his blood and energy are quite depleted. He reluctantly took out a few healing pills from the spatial spirit ring and swallowed with great effort.

After a few small weeks in the body, it got better.


Lin Lang suddenly looked towards the void. He had a perception ability far beyond ordinary people's tribulation. He suddenly discovered that the tribulation cloud that was supposed to disperse had the potential to regroup at this time.

And it is not against others, it is himself. At the same time, the avenues inside Lin Lang began to faintly boil, and Guangming Avenue, Natural Avenue, and several avenues that he had transformed into Taoist avenues also escaped uncontrollably.

"My Immortal Emperor has arrived!"

Lin Lang immediately judged the whole story. Before returning to the ancient Yuanhui, he had already reached the critical point of the immortal king realm, but he thought he had not yet developed to the extreme of the immortal king realm, and had been pressing Chengdi Jie.

Right now, he has been through several calamities in succession and was in a coma for a short time, which indirectly led to him not deliberately suppressing the emperor for a long time.

Perhaps for others, welcoming Chengdi Jie can be said to be something that is expected and fearful. But for Lin Lang at the moment, Cheng Di Jie's arrival at this time did not benefit him at all.

Lin Lang cultivated several ancient avenues at the same time, and he also had the sentiment of Hongmeng Sanren for countless years. God knows how terrifying his triumph of becoming an emperor will be.

If he said that he was okay, he would have a bit of confidence in facing Cheng Di Jie, but now his blood and energy are very depleted. At this time, choosing to cross the Tribulation is basically the same as looking for death.

"Worse, I have to recover as soon as possible, otherwise, after Chengdi Jie has been condensed, there is only a dead end for me." Lin Lang's heart shuddered.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the Jieyun that had just been brewing had just disappeared out of thin air.

His Chengdi Jie, just so inexplicably scattered!

Lin Lang was stunned, and soon thought of a possibility: "It is said that there is no need to cross the calamity after enlightenment and transcendence. It seems that it is not that the transcendence is equal to the heaven and the earth, but the gods will not choose the person with the godhead to descend the calamity."

"The Godhead gives the detached endless time, allowing them to explore the mystery of the Great Avenue in the long history. In contrast, they have more time for trial and error."

"The emperor is not the case. When they are going through the catastrophe of the Tenth Dimension, they will use their own avenues to verify the heaven and earth avenue, and finally determine the most correct avenue."

A speculation faintly emerged in Lin Lang's heart.

The cultivator cultivates the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, but everyone has different ideas and circumstances, which indirectly leads to different perceptions of everyone.

This is the reason why any monk in the world, no two people will practice the same great path.

Every monk has a different understanding of Dao, and he doesn't even know how much the Dao he cultivates is different from the Dao that exists naturally in the world. What they cultivate is not necessarily the correct Dao.

The detached are stronger than the master, not because they control more avenues, but because they are closer to the essence of the avenue than anyone else.

They have endless lives and countless opportunities for trial and error. The reason why the emperor is strong is because they used the heavenly calamity to verify their own way when they crossed the catastrophe of the tenth dimensional society.

Correct the wrong and keep the right.

It can be said that the so-called Yuanhui catastrophe is generally an exam. Every great emperor will get a passing score and then reverse the wrong path.

of course.

This was just Lin Lang's guess. After grasping a trace of the fortune, he gradually deepened his comprehension of the tribulations, and only then made this inference.

"Because of this, I, who possess the Godhead, won't suffer any catastrophe from the heavens. I am afraid that in the future, the catastrophe will not suffice me."

"This also means that unless I take the initiative to remove the godhead, I will always stay in the realm of the immortal king." Lin Lang frowned slightly, but there was not much sadness in his heart.

In his opinion, the development potential of the Immortal King Realm is far greater than that of the Immortal Emperor Realm. What's more, what other people got in the realm of Emperor Immortal, he has now got it, and it is still eternal life.

Lin Lang took a short rest, relying on his strong self-healing ability, and at this time the injuries in his body also recovered a lot. He stood up from the ground and stepped into Qingyun Palace.

His appearance was actually just a small episode for the entire mission hall. This grand ceremony will continue.

After most of the process of the ceremony, the rest is the debate. After absorbing the insights of the nine emperors, the cultivators of all parties climbed up straight, argued with others, and proved each other's learning.

Since it is a discussion of the Tao, it is certainly impossible to persuade other people with the strength of the tongue, and of course such things as actual fighting are inevitable.

The first to appear is a group of juniors who have not yet reached the realm of the immortal emperor. They are the mainstays of the future universe, and their fight represents the division of the future universe.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity for all parties to become famous.

Followed by the monks in the realm of Emperor Immortal,

As for the real masters, they rarely fight, unless it is the kind of sentiment that reaches a certain critical point, and other people must help.

And for the master, their potential is exhausted, and the way out is all set. In contrast, the preaching of the nine emperors is the least useful to them.

Sitting on a high platform, the Nine Emperors looked at the true cultivators who were constantly fighting against each other. Sometimes they encountered some talented people who were against the sky. The Nine Emperors would not be stingy with words, and would personally give pointers.

"Since it's a controversy, the palace will give you some more color." Chi Di smiled sweetly, and the light flickered between his waves, erupting endless divine light from the cuffs.

next moment.

A short and exquisite sword was inserted straight into the square.

"This is the weapon of the palace in the past years, a semi-sacred weapon, and a monk in the realm of true immortality who can defeat the heroes can get on stage and obtain this sword of the palace."

The real immortals below took a breath of air. Many people know this sword. Before the Nine Emperors became Dao, the Chi Emperor commissioned an ancient military master to forge a weapon called Huan Fang Jian.

Before the catastrophe of the Tenth Dimension Society, Huan Fang Jian had always been a commonly used weapon of the Chi Emperor. She has experienced countless battles, large and small, and defeated her opponents.

In terms of materials, the Huanfang sword is only under the artifact. In terms of meaning, it is worthy of being the treasure of the family, representing the supreme glory.

"Since the Red Emperor has the heart, then this seat can't be stingy." When the Emperor saw the Red Emperor's words on the day, he followed closely, with ten drops of crystal liquid floating in his palm, five black and five white, exuding profound waves.

"I am beheading the King of Light and the Queen of Darkness, and each of them has been refined into hundreds of drops of essence and blood, which contains two kinds of profound meanings. The true immortal monk can condense the way."

The value of the blood of the **** king in the ancient times is even more difficult! If Chidi weapons are more about the meaning they represent, the cultivators also have the possibility of acquiring other semi-divine weapons.

But the essence and blood of the **** king that the Emperor Tian took out was different. The **** king had fallen, and the essence and blood was used one drop less than one drop. What's more, swallowing it allows the monk to directly master an ancient avenue.

The most significant improvement of Chidi’s gift is combat power, but the blood of the **** king raised by Tiandi Zhou can increase the potential of the monk! All are priceless and rare!

"Then I will take out a half-immortal grass as the color head." Emperor Yunluo said. The other great emperors also spoke one after another.

The same emperor, they can't be too stingy in front of the monks in the world. Each of the nine great emperors took out their prize money as a reward for the strongest true immortal of this era.

The collection of these treasures can even directly create a top power. One can imagine how temptation this is for the monks in the world!

At this time, the monks from all sides clenched their fists and were eager to try. There were some people who were reluctant to take action before, but after seeing the handwriting of the Nine Emperors, they were also forced to join the war by their parents.

There are no rules in this battle, as long as you can stand till the end, you are the strongest among the true immortals. They can choose to rest under a long battle, or they can challenge others.

There is only one purpose.

That is until the end of the battle, no one will challenge!

Of course, as to whether anyone will adopt wheel tactics, this situation basically does not exist. Sitting there are the nine most powerful emperors in the world. Who dares to play these careful thoughts in front of them?

This battle on Taoism has already begun!

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