Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1209: The most terrifying magical power

Lin Lang stood in the distance, side by side with the immortal emperors, watching these descendants cross the calamity.

"Between heaven and earth, the most threatening thing for immortal cultivators is Heavenly Tribulation. Starting from the foundation realm, large and small Heavenly Tribulation has spread throughout the entire cultivation career."

"So, the most terrifying magical power between heaven and earth is Heaven's Tribulation." Lin Lang sighed, and at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and many insights poured in.

"The monk is walking against the sky, and the biggest resistance is not only innate ability and understanding, but the most important thing is the robbery, even the nine emperors are in the robbery."

A bold idea in Lin Lang's mind was gradually taking shape. The more he thought about it, the faster he breathed.

"The greatest threat to the monks is the robbery. Can my attacking methods be created based on this? Yes! My attacking magical power is robbery!"

Lin Lang carefully watched the tens of thousands of monks crossing the robbery and analyzed carefully. Gradually, even he himself fell into the deep realm of enlightenment. He sat on the ground, surrounded by invisible catastrophes, and became more and more intense as time passed.

At a certain moment.

Lin Lang jumped up directly and jumped into the crowd who was going through the catastrophe. He fell into enlightenment, doing things completely subconsciously, so that he didn't realize how terrifying the external thunder catastrophe was.

"What is this guy doing, isn't he afraid of being killed by thunder robbery?" The people around him exclaimed.

But at this time, Lin Lang had already stepped into the distance, and one of the true immortals was crossing the catastrophe. Lin Lang directly broke into the thunder light, and the power of the catastrophe suddenly increased and fell fiercely.

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the immortal emperor's robbery that surged in power fell, it can be said that the true immortal monk who was crossing the robbery was frightened. The Tribulation of Heaven is a way for Heaven and Earth to prevent the monks from raising their realm. If unrelated people intervene without authorization, the Tribulation of Thunder will explode with even stronger power, eliminating those who interfere with the Tribulation.

This is absolutely a fatal blow to the monks who should normally cross the robbery. They had been difficult to survive the catastrophe, but now that Lin Lang intervened in this way, there was even less hope.

"My life is over!"

The real cultivator's pupils shrunk, looking at Lei Jie who had suddenly become more than a few times stronger, his face was desperate. After half a lifetime of cultivating, he was finally hopeful of becoming an emperor, but in the end he was interfered with and ended up in a dead end.

How sad!

However, at this moment, Lin Lang rushed forward and took the initiative to face the catastrophe.


One after another thunder robbery was blocked by Lin Lang in the sky, bursts of blue light burst out. However, this terrible thunder robbery that was enough to kill any true immortal fell on Lin Lang, but he could not see any lethality.

Lin Lang gently shook his head and waved his hand to smash the thunder calamity that was about to disperse in the sky. Snow-white petals descended high in the sky. This is the opportunity to successfully survive the catastrophe and the heaven and earth bestows on the monks.

Of course, this kind of opportunity is only suitable for the person who crosses the catastrophe, and the avenue of other people's cultivation does not match, even if it is stolen, it does not make much sense.

The monk who was crossing the robbery stayed in a daze. Since ancient times, the emperor's robbery has been a weapon to deter every monk, and how many princes of heaven have fallen at the last pass on the road to becoming an emperor.

Without Lin Lang's intervention, I am afraid that he will most likely not be able to survive the emperor's calamity. But in front of him, Lin Lang not only resisted the emperor's calamity for him, but also easily eliminated the punishment of Heavenly Dao.

After absorbing the flowers of the Great Dao that had fallen from the sky, he became so inexplicably emperor. The easiest horror of becoming an emperor in the history of the fairy world is him.

After finishing this, Lin Lang was not satisfied. He stretched out his hand to gather together several true celestial cultivators who were crossing the catastrophe. Several true celestial beings crossed the catastrophe at the same place, their power multiplied, and the frightened monks looked like earthy faces.

Boom boom boom!

Countless thunders danced, and a thunder robbery that was more terrifying than a thunder came crashing down, but Lin Lang raised his head, opened his mouth and sucked, and instantly swallowed the doubled robbery into his belly.

The cultivators below could even hear it. At this time, Lin Lang's body rang loudly, his body seemed to open up, and the loud noises continued.

Finally, these thunders were completely digested by Lin Lang, and for the first time some strange energy magnetic fields appeared around his body.

This is a weak fate.

"Too weak, too weak."

Lin Lang murmured. Several monks crossed the Tribulation at the same time, and the power of the Heaven Tribulation multiplied, but it was too difficult to hurt him. It is still too difficult for the ordinary Xiandijie to kill the overlord.

The cultivators below were stunned, and they were shocked: "Is this still a human? The challenge to the catastrophe with human power, but it was unscathed."

His body flickered, and he kept walking among the monks who crossed the Tribulation, waved his hand to gather one by one true celestial monks, while crossing the Tribulation, felt the weak fate of the Tribulation.

More than a dozen monks crossed the robbery at the same time, more than 20...

The difficulty of Lin Lang's challenge was getting higher and higher. Until the end, even if his strength was comparable to the master, he suffered a lot of injuries under the indiscriminate bombardment of Thunder Tribulation.

But he didn't notice it at all, only saw a figure flying around in the thunderous world, as if it were an ancient **** and demon, attacking the catastrophe.

Of course, the good thing is that the calamity surrounding Lin Lang is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, the calamity even actively weakened a lot of energy that smashed other monks and attacked Lin Lang.

Heaven is enlightened, and it seems that Lin Lang is not allowed to exist as a arrogant and arrogant monk.

Inexplicably, the way of heaven descended the calamity, and Lin Lang also became a member of the robbery. But he is really too strong. Heavenly Tribulation can hurt him, but it can't really kill him.


Lin Lang stretched his arms and encircled the sky. He actually gathered nearly a hundred tribulation monks in the nearby area at the same time, while he stood in the air above everyone's heads, facing the thunder tribulation that was more terrifying time and time again.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, Lin Lang's position had turned into a thunder pond, and every drop of thunder liquid contained the will of heaven, and he could easily kill any immortal monk.

Not only was it to experience catastrophe, but in the process, Lin Lang's physique was also greatly strengthened, absorbing countless heavenly energy from the thunder pond, and dissolving it in himself.

He is the body of heaven. Heavenly energy can easily kill anyone, but it is an inestimable treasure for him.

But this is the case, the power of hundreds of immortal emperors at the same time was gathered together, and the heavens deliberately attacked Lin Lang, this has far exceeded the level of the emperor.

"Good guy, even when the old man crossed the ninth dimensional disaster, he was not so terrible in front of him." In the Qingyun Palace in the distance, a master master of the Nine Emperors screamed.

"Don't say it's the ninth dimensional disaster, even if you go up now, there will be no scum that can be smashed in less than ten seconds." A cultivator teased.

"He is comprehending the fate of the catastrophe. The catastrophe is not any avenue of the heavens and the earth, but a carrier of the will of the heavens." The always calm Emperor Slaughter's eyes flickered and said lightly: "If he can comprehend the fate of heaven and earth There are few opponents in time."

"Jie is the most terrifying magical power in the world."

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