Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 122: One after another!

There was silence in the room, and the needle drop was audible.

Everyone thought that Jiang Dafeng had come in the face of Father Wang, but no one had expected that he had suddenly turned around and went straight to Lin Lang's family before he had reached the father.

Who is Mr. Lin? Lin Xiao or Lin Lang?

But no matter who it is, it's the same unacceptable.

Wang Xiaomei began to breathe quickly, but this is the role of their top boss, a rare role in daily life. How come to them now.

"Jiang ... Chairman, wait for me, why do you run so fast ..." Wang Jinglun trot all the way, tired and out of breath, but when I saw the scene in front of me, the second half of the sentence was alive Swallowed back.


Not only Wang Jinglun, everyone else was dumb, his throat seemed to be blocked by a ball of cotton, but his throat was throbbing but he couldn't speak.

"Dafeng, you're here." Lin Lang smiled.

Undoubtedly, Jiang Dafeng's previous sentence was shocking, and Lin Lang's second sentence was to give them a thunderous thunderstorm!

Who is Jiang Dafeng, and even Father Wang may not even call his name directly, let alone "Dafeng". He is called by a high school student. Isn't this big man angry?

On the contrary, Jiang Dafeng felt glorious when he heard this title, his eyes narrowed, and he looked even more humble.

"Fortunately, the dog met Mr. Lin before, otherwise I'm afraid I'll miss Mr. Lin this time."

Everyone was shocked by the outer focus of Jeninen, and they didn't expect the scene in front of them to break their heads.

"Who are these sitting people? Especially the young man, Chairman Jiang worships him?" Someone asked the companions around him.

In the end, a Wang family member answered their doubts: "Wang Xiaomei and his wife left home more than ten years ago, and recently returned to Wang's family, and that boy was their son, Lin Lang."

"Did the Wang Xiaomei couple go out these years and come up with a huge background? Or how can Jiang Dafeng be brought in?" Someone asked.

"You are wrong. The Wang Xiaomeis really have little patience. Now they happen to work in the branch of Jiang's Group. As for Lin Lang, high school students, there is nothing patience."

It does n’t matter if you do n’t say these words. It ’s even more confusing when you finish talking. Under what circumstances, is it now popular for superiors to give subordinates a new year?

At this time, I saw Jiang Dafeng chat, and then saluted to the couple Wang Xiaomei.

"Mrs. Lin, Manager Lin, Dafeng is here to give the second oldest new year."

"Don't don't, don't do it. It should be our New Year ..."

Wang Xiaomei, like sitting on a needle felt, couldn't stand it, but wanted to stand up but was stopped by Meng Xiyue. After casting a reassuring look, Wang Xiaomei was slightly stabilized.

"Mrs. Lin, Manager Lin, this is a New Year gift prepared by Dafeng and the second old man. The gadgets are not big and the meaning is booming and flourishing."

After all, Jiang Dafeng presented a flamed ruby ​​on the table.

What a bauble, it's bigger than a bowl!

Wang Xiaomei was flattered and afraid to take it, but Meng Xiyue held it in her arms, smiling sweetly, said.

"Thank you."

"This big piece of ruby ​​will not be fake," Wang Wen said in his heart.

At this time, a jewellery merchant suddenly exclaimed with excitement: "This red flame totem, this gem has appeared in an auction in Hong Kong, and it is rumored that the buyer from Liao province took it away."

"And the price of this Red Flame Totem was 90 million!"

The voice fell, and there was no one who could be calm, including Father Wang.

Ninety million gems are given as congratulatory gifts. How big is this?

How much is Jiang Dafeng himself? !!

Everyone took a breath.

"How could such a person be a high school student ..." someone mumbled.

Mr. Wang's brow frowned too high. He originally thought that Wang Xiaomei's family was ordinary, but now he has to re-examine the other party.

From the days of helpless people a few days ago, self-help began, and Grandpa Wang has begun to pay attention to this grandson, but did not expect that he would be so surprised today.


Jiang Dafeng is very knowledgeable, and after leaving the New Year's gifts, he hurried away, which left a good impression on the Lin Lang family.

"No wonder, no wonder, I said why the Lin Lang family had two managers in less than a year, so it seems that there must be a noble person behind him." Wang Lifeng figured something out.

"But ... who is this noble?"

Wang Lifeng was also wondering.

"But fortunately there is only one Jiang Dafeng, otherwise this time it will be embarrassing."

With this in mind, Wang Jinglun also relaxed a little.


Wang Xiaomei was flattered and felt that the stool could not sit still. She naturally knew that Jiang Dafeng worshipped his son, but ...

Wang Xiaomei looked at Lin Lang, but it didn't look like it.

"Son, tell me what the **** is going on, Jiang Da ... uh ... why did the chairman come to pay us New Year?" Lin Xiao had a solemn face, but he did not want his son to be good, mainly because he was young In case it goes astray ...

"Dad, do you remember what I told you before I came to the Wang family?" Lin Lang smiled.

Lin Lang thought about it, and suddenly his face changed. He remembered what Lin Lang said at the time and had a close relationship with Mr. Lin.

"Actually I'm Lin ..."

Lin Lang's words were half-cut, and another noise broke out at the door.

The riots are much more terrifying than they were just now.

The doorman rolls his name: "Wen Liangshan, the master of the Shencheng city, Wen Liangshan and the young master are here!"

The doorman paused here.

Someone on the field was calm.

"Even the Wen family is here? These are the three major families of Shencheng, and their status is not lower than Jiang Dafeng." Someone was surprised.

However, the sound of discussions has not yet started, and a series of roll-calls over there rang.

"Shen Cheng, the owner of the Xia family is here!"

"Shen Cheng, Zhou Shihai is here!"

"Sanjiang City, Jiang Chutai is here!"

"Shencheng, Shengchun International Co., Ltd., Mr. Liu is here!"

"Linhai ..."

There are more than 20 sounds in a continuous stream, and each one is a big man who will shake every city.

In the end, the doorman's mouth was squinted, all he knew was a machine gun-like registration.

The audience was uproared, and even the last ... Muran!

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