Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1199: Soldiers of the Nine Emperors

The young woman looked at Lin Lang and hesitated for a while, before she said: "It's okay to tell you, we are here by the emperor's order to explore the truth about the forbidden place of life and death."

"It is said that there is a chance of becoming immortal in the forbidden area of ​​life and death, which may be related to the last era before the heaven and the earth, so the purpose of our trip is not for some treasures, but to go to the end of the forbidden area and find out the truth."

"Oh? Since it's the emperor's fate, why didn't that person come in person, with his cultivation base, it would be difficult to stop him even in the forbidden place of life and death." Lin Lang said lightly.

This idea can be called the fate of the emperor, I am afraid that there are only the nine high above.

"There are things that the Nine Emperors are not willing to contaminate, and this time the action is also approved by the Nine Emperors, and we are not the only team that comes."

Regarding the forbidden area of ​​life and death, indeed, I have never heard of the great emperor coming in person, and even they forged their own divine tools, which were resources obtained from other places.

It can only be said that there is definitely a secret hidden in the Forbidden Land!

"Okay, I'll talk to you in detail next." After speaking, the woman pulled Lin Lang back to her team and started to introduce Lin Lang on her own initiative.

Her name is Ye Qing, she is very big in terms of her background, she is one of the nine emperors, a certain granddaughter of the red emperor. Southern Chidi, one of the four emperors of Emperor Linxing, is the great emperor of the Yaozu.

"The two gangs over there are led by Emperor Luo Tian’s grandson, Luo Gu, and Emperor Yunluo’s four-line descendants, Sikongxiang. The rest of the masters are mostly the ancestor General Yunduan and Qing who participated in the crusade against the gods. Emperor Hongxian, mother-in-law Fuyun."

Ye Qing gave a brief introduction of herself, and as for others, she didn't bother to introduce them one by one.

"No wonder."

Lin Lang nodded slightly, no wonder that Luoqi was staring at everything. It turned out to be from the Nine Emperors Taoism. In this era, few people really dare to provoke.

He keenly caught a key point, why would the descendants of the Nine Emperors who have a low cultivation base come to such a dangerous place, wouldn't it be safer to let the subordinates with stronger cultivation base come over?

In this way, the Nine Emperors may indeed be planning something, and they must let their descendants personally participate in it.

The crowd quickly set off again. They passed through the foggy area, and Immortal Emperor Qinghong, who had been leading the way, suddenly stopped.

"Be careful, the front is the inner periphery of the forbidden area of ​​life and death, and it is also the boundary between life and death." Immortal Emperor Qinghong stopped, his eyes hovering around, and finally fell on the two young monks.

"You two go."

He pointed out the two people casually, which was simply for people to explore the way. The latter was obviously very reluctant, but the situation was compelling, and they had to go if they didn't.

"I can help you find the way, but I also hope you can abide by the agreement and let us leave when we come back." One of the monks said in a deep voice.

"It's up to you."

Immortal Emperor Qinghong rolled his sleeves and swept the two directly away, falling into the depths of the mist. It is worth noting that these two people are entangled with chains, and apart from their legs being able to move, there is probably little hope of running away alone.

Time is short.

The other end of the chain held in Immortal Emperor Qinghong's hands suddenly tightened, and then trembling violently up and down, as if the two people at the other end of the rope were suffering some inhuman torture.


Time is short, the chain in Immortal Emperor Qinghong's hand is hanging softly, and when he pulls it back again, the other end of the chain is covered with blood, and there is a broken finger in the middle.

Those two poor little monks, most of them had already encountered an accident.

"Sure enough, those monsters are still wandering nearby." Immortal Emperor Qinghong said in a deep voice, his expression very serious.

Granny Fu Yun also nodded and sneered: "These beasts are used to eating people, so they should be taught a lesson, otherwise we will have to spend some time to enter the forbidden place."

While speaking, the two Da Nengs picked out five sluggish young people from a group of hundreds of people. Their faces were muddled, their actions were stiff, and they looked more like puppets.

the most important is,

All of these three people have abnormal great volatility, their auras are chaotic, but they are extremely strong, they are clearly not the immortal monks, but they are much stronger than some immortal monks.

Immortal Emperor Qinghong and the others fastened the chains separately, and released the five young people out as if they had released their own watchdogs.

Lin Lang frowned slightly, staring from the back of the five people for a moment, and finally fell on the two dozen monks behind him.

The fluctuations emanating from these people are similar to those of the previous five people, and they should have cultivated the same method. He quietly released his spiritual knowledge and fell on one of them.

He is curious about the origins of these people.

The consciousness is silky, and it is basically difficult to detect with the naked eye or the consciousness of others.

"Good fellow, how many such monsters have the Nine Emperors' clan secretly researched?" Lin Lang couldn't help taking a breath.

In his divine sense detection, these people's bodies were full of densely packed avenues, and roughly tens of thousands of them, including the shadows of ancient avenues.

This is very impressive.

The reason why the ancient avenue gets its name is not only that the nine gods who inherited the nine ancient avenues suppressed the age of the gods, but more importantly, they represent the limit that ordinary people can master.

Not everyone can practice.

Suddenly dozens of monks with ancient avenues appeared in front of them. Obviously, the Dao seeds in their bodies were not condensed by themselves, but were planted artificially.

"Is Xihe's so-called time and space divine body created in this way?" Lin Lang thought secretly in his heart. The difference from Xihe is that the flames of the souls of this group of people are very thin, and the three souls and seven souls cannot withstand the pressure of the avenue, and they almost disperse.

However, Xihe possesses a strong sense of self, and can even use the Dao of Time and Space to transport Lin Lang back. In other words, this is the difference between a finished product and a group of failed products.

Later, Lin Lang probed several people, and the situation was similar. Only when the last person was detected, the latter's spirit throbbed slightly.

This is a handsome teenager, wearing a deerskin coat, and the hem of the tiger skin skirt is torn into strips, covering only the part below the thigh.

"Does this still maintain a certain degree of self-awareness?" Lin Lang's eyes lit up, and at the same time he explored, he also released the power of the soul and began to nourish the fragile soul.

Gradually, he discovered that this young man was not simple. He was the Hunyuan Eucharist, one of the ten major physiques of the human race. Perhaps because of the special physique, his soul was bearing the heavy pressure of the avenue while still preserving some sage.

Lin Lang is also the master of several ancient avenues. He has truly cultivated several avenues. Relatively speaking, he is more familiar with the heavy pressure of avenues than anyone.

It's just that there are still a few masters staring at him, Lin Lang can't transfer the power of the soul on a large scale, and can only take back the consciousness and let go of this idea.

It's okay to grab a research study later.


The five people who had been sent out earlier also had movement, and there were five explosions in the distant fog. Large areas of the fog were blown up, and some of the **** monsters that were blown up were even visible with the naked eye.

There were several charred corpses lying on the ground, and the monsters quickly scattered and melted into the fog of all parties.

However, the effect of this explosion is also obvious. Not only the monster was killed, but the misty area in front of him was also temporarily missing.

"It shouldn't be too late. Go through the fog area quickly. This ghost is terrible for taking life." General Yunduan urged, and quickly left with his troops.

"Let's go too."

Ye Qing and the others didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly followed through the fog blockade.

Lin Lang's eyes swept away, and the five people who had entered the misty area had been smashed into pieces in the explosion, and those monsters were burnt black, soaked in a layer of dark red, as if they had been soaked in blood for a long time.

The same is true of the ground under the feet. The monster will be injured, but the ground under the feet is quite intact, without any cracks.

"There is indeed weird here."

Lin Lang's heart sank slightly, the explosion of the five monks should belong to the collision of the main roads in the body, and huge energy would burst out in an instant, even if the emperor didn't want to get any benefits.

Not to mention the ground under your feet.

The group of people quickly passed through the blocked area of ​​fog, but when they reached the forbidden area of ​​life and death, their longevity passed faster, and the avenue in the body was also faintly disintegrating.

Even Lin Lang couldn't bear it, not to mention the monks around him who were not yet in the emperor realm.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ye Qing to stop, rubbing his temples a little tiredly, and Grandma Fuyun took out a jade bottle from the space spirit ring and handed it over.

"Miss, take some spirits, just walked into the inner circle, and the road ahead is still a long way away." Fu Yun persuaded her mother-in-law.

Ye Qing also nodded solemnly, took a sip from the jade bottle, and recovered a lot of energy. Lin Lang didn't idle either. He found several ground tests one after another, which was consistent with what he expected. The ground was surprisingly strong, even if he hit with all his strength, he wouldn't be able to make a gap.

Even if a small part is cut off and made into a treasure, it can completely block the master's blow.

"I can't imagine that the ground in such a large area is all indestructible materials." Lin Lang sighed.

The life and death forbidden place is full of weirdness, but only one thing is true. After entering the inner circle, it can be called gold everywhere, and every few steps you may encounter some rare refining materials.

These things have been seen a lot by the Nine Emperors, except for some rare ones, none of them are taken. In contrast, even though Lin Lang has the strongest combat power, he does not have the arrogance of the Nine Emperors' family members.

Most of the materials along the way were loaded into the space spirit ring by him.

"I'm so greedy, I'll take my life, whether I'll take my life out or not." Luo Qi snorted, and Lin Lang didn't look very pleasing from beginning to end.

As everyone went all the way, the destruction energy flooded in the space became more and more violent, and a slight tingling sensation appeared on Lin Lang's skin.

Not only was Shouyuan being exploited, but even the flesh began to disintegrate.

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