Soon his gaze fell on the golden star in the distance, looking at the battlefield that turned into a meat grinder, he also stunned for a moment: "How can the golden saints be like this... is this a battle of extermination?"

Immediately, he was shocked by the battle fluctuations in the distance, and his eyes fell on the fierce fighting between the Golden Holy God and the Supreme Immortal Venerable, and he was slightly taken aback.

"Golden Holy God... After tens of thousands of years, has his combat power been so strong." The Taoist Qingpao looked surprised, a little unbelievable.

You must know that the golden holy **** back then, the background is far from being as strong as it is now, and at best it can only be equal to his heyday.

but now……

Visually, the combat power of the Golden Holy God has far surpassed him.

"In exchange for the eternal and endless lifespan, in exchange for the slower and slower growth rate of the Taoist tree, it is also an enviable ability." The Qingpao Taoist smiled wryly, without much loss.

In turn, his gaze fell on the Supreme Immortal Venerable again. He is the ruler of the Nine Tribulations of later generations. Although he walked a long way on this road, he had never met the Supreme Immortal Venerable.

"Is it a monk of later generations? I really didn't expect that the avenue has declined so far, and this kind of monk who has almost grown a perfect Tao tree can be born."

A strange light flickered in the eyes of the Taoist in Qingpao: "There are still people who can climb the clouds to the sky? No, the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth is changing and it is no longer exhausted."

After watching for a while, Daoist Qingpao did not intend to continue watching the battle from a distance. He pulled out and floated to the center of the battlefield, his left and right palms exuded a soft halo, against the fists and lengths of the Golden Holy God and the Supreme Immortal respectively. Knife.

"Why are the two of them like this? They have to distinguish between life and death." The Taoist Qingpao sighed softly, his face was kind.

"Qing Xuzi?"

The Golden Holy God was obviously taken aback for a while, and immediately revealed a happy expression, and said quickly: "The old friend quickly help me kill the monster opposite."

Obviously, they had a certain friendship before.

However, the Taoist Qingpao did not do it. Instead, he half-smiled, with his hands in his sleeves, arched his hands to the Supreme Immortal Venerable, and asked, "How is this Taoist friend called?"

"When the Tao is still in progress, the world will call me extremely superior." The headless corpse will faintly said.

The Qingpao Taoist was in awe when he heard the words and couldn't help but worship: "It turns out to be the famous Supreme Immortal Venerable, disrespectful. The younger generations are practitioners of later generations, and the brutal Taoist name Qingxuzi."

If it were in the immortal world, the name Qingxuzi could be said to be a big name, and few did not know.

There is a top sect in the immortal world, which turned into a Qingxu sect, named after this great power. In the past years, Qingxuzi was born, his original method of Qingxu was called the strongest fighting technique.

This strongest fighting skill is that it does not belong to the category of supernatural powers, it can be called martial skill, and it can be used by ordinary foundation-building cultivators.

Moreover, any long-range magical powers can be easily resolved by the Qingxu Dao. The deeper the understanding of this Dao, the stronger the defensive ability, and it can even stop the Great Emperor.

In the old days, Lin Lang practiced this technique when he was still in Emperor Linxing, but it was incomplete, and he couldn't understand the essence at all. As his cultivation became stronger, he abandoned it.

But I have to say that this is a very powerful exercise. Otherwise, Qing Xuzi would not be hailed by the immortal monks as the first defender under the Great Emperor.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable obviously didn't know this person, but with the fluctuations emanating from Qing Xuzi's body, he could probably distinguish the latter's realm.

Above the master, the debut tree has already been condensed.

Although there will be gaps in the detailed combat power, at least they are all monks of the same level, and they have to leave some respect for each other.

Qing Xuzi is relatively weak among the three, but this does not mean that the other two can easily handle him. He is known as the strongest defense in the ages. Apart from the real emperor, few people can really hurt him. His ontology.

It's just that the attacking methods are not as powerful as others.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't just stand in the middle of the two great emperor-level combat powers and stop the fight rashly.

But obviously, the Golden Holy God and Extreme Xianzun didn't seem to care about him, and they continued to fight together after turning around.

Qing Xuzi was a little helpless. He flew high into the air and said loudly, "Since everyone is watching this place, why not come out and give a comment."

"The great world is approaching, and all the powers of the past and present will be revived. We who have come to this world should also establish a charter to discuss the road."

Qing Xuzi's voice spread all over the world, and he didn't know who he was talking to, but some people knew.

"well said."

Nowhere in the sky, a heavy voice suddenly heard. A golden Buddha bathed in the light of Buddha appeared outside the void. His divine body alone occupied half of the starry sky.

"The gods are rampant, and there will be more prehistoric powers recovering in the future. If there is no restriction in the future, I am afraid that today's golden star will be the epitome of the entire fairy world in the future."

Needless to think about the identity of this person, he is naturally a detachment of Buddhism, the Buddha.

"This matter should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, so I invite you to go to Anruo Temple." While speaking, the Buddha waved his hand, and the sky in front of him tore apart, vaguely seeing a peaceful Buddhist pure land.

This is the Buddhist realm.

After being recognized by the world, the eight transcendents were not only given the godhead, but the godhead also contained a source of power to open up the world.

Because of this, the immortal realms, underworld, buddhist realms and Tao realms of later generations appeared. These were created artificially, and there was no distinction between the mortal realm and the immortal realm in the previous life in ancient times.

At that time, it was the Hongmeng Universe, with many planets. Considering that the monks were above the realm of true immortality, ordinary stars could not withstand the battle fluctuations of these monks. The stars were shattered at every turn and countless lives fell.

Not to mention those high-level immortal emperors fighting.

Therefore, the eight transcendents gathered together to create a new order in the universe. This is the ascension mechanism. Buddhism and Taoism monks can ascend to the Buddha realm after being in the heavenly immortal realm, and Taoism monks are like this, and the cultivators outside the two families can also ascend to the fairy realm.

In this way, a lot of trouble will be avoided.

The Buddhist realm established by the Buddha is connected to the Buddhist holy land, and the Anruo Temple is a place where the Buddha usually retreats, and few people bother.


Daozu descended in the other direction, and he stretched out his hand to use his great magical powers to kill the fierce two people on the Golden Star, and forcibly separated them to both sides.

The masters only felt their bodies lightened, and they were held far away by a gentle force, until the opponents left a three-thousand-mile separation zone.

"People from the Protoss, let's leave first."

Yuan Yi snorted coldly, and the next moment the space crack closed, and the coercion of the detached person disappeared without a trace.

This series of changes can be described as bewildering a group of monks, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Is this the means of the transcendence? The realm of such a big figure is really beyond my speculation." Wuxin Sword Emperor couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg." Venerable Taixu fell beside Wuxin Sword Emperor, with a smile on his face for the first time, and said: "After a while, you will see the battlefield outside the starry sky and you will know what the Beyonder can do."

"I really didn't expect that a matter of this magnitude would attract so many detached eyes. Before I changed it, I wouldn't even dare to even see one of them."

Lin Lang also nodded.

He didn't expect that because of his own affairs, he would attract the attention of so many detached people, and he even had a feeling that these people had paid attention to this battlefield a long time ago, but they didn't intervene.

"So today..."

Lin Lang closed his eyes, already faintly guessing in his heart. From the mouths of these detached people, we can faintly know that the great world is approaching, and the existence of these great emperors, or the old monsters of the ancients, have long been ready to move.

Especially those who have become stronger in later generations, have long wanted to sit down and talk with others. His appearance was just an opportunity.

"Let's go."

Wudaozi fell beside Lin Lang.

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