Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1188: Shameless

Everyone knows what he means.

"Go to the Holy Land of Human Race...Go to the first..." Someone muttered this sentence many times.

With the defeat of the last ray of consciousness of Hongmeng Sanren, the future golden saints will also become more arrogant. This sentence was spoken from the Golden Sage, and it also represented the Golden Sage's full-scale war against Daye Immortal Sect.

The Daye Immortal Sect, who has lost the protection of the detached person, has no chance of winning at all. In the future, the golden saints will aggressively attack, and the situation is worrying.

Also because of the acquiescence of the golden holy **** Jinkou Yuyan, in the future, I don't know how many wolves, tigers and leopards of other races will be willing to be the forerunners, completely tearing up this holy land of human race.

"After this incident, even if Big Leaf Immortal Sect suffers from a remnant, his vitality is severely injured and he cannot keep the name of the Holy Land."

"The Holy Land of Human Race is a piece of fat, no one dared to move before, but now, I want everyone to rush to get a share."

"Da Ye Xianzong, it's over!"

There was constant discussion in the crowd.

At the same time, the golden holy **** looked at Lin Lang suddenly, after the Hongmeng Sanren was solved, the last thing was to solve the hidden danger of Lin Lang.

In contrast, the people of Daye Immortal Sect were all desperate, some were downcast, some were unwilling to crush their fists, full of anger.

A word of master can determine life and death! No matter how many people there are, they are all mobs, can it be hurt to the point of failure?

"How do you want to die?"

The golden holy **** stared at Lin Lang with stern eyes.

Lin Langang started without fear: "In the past, my purpose was pure and confused. My life is filled with a clear conscience and I will do my best."

"But now, I have a new goal. If you hurt my people, I will destroy your temple. If you violate my homeland, I will destroy your ancestor."

There has never been a moment when Lin Lang's conviction is so firm, he will no longer be a muddle-headed cultivation, and finally has a goal of fighting.

The account of the golden saints must be calculated. Similarly, the truth of the death of the three Hongmengs must be found out, and those who participated in this matter will be killed with his own hands in order to sacrifice the spirit of Hongmeng's scattered people in the sky.

"Is this a declaration of war on the detached?" The expressions of the people around were strange. From ancient times to the present, monks who directly call the name of the detached are very rare.

Besides, he declared war with the detached?

A little fairy king, on the other side is the immortal master, looks really ridiculous!

"When you die, you have to be hard-headed, and you dare to be disrespectful to the Holy Spirit." The monk of the Golden Saints sneered.

Someone's eyes flickered, and he was surprised: "Could it be that Lin Youye has other ways to get out, what his words mean..."

"Get away? You look at him too high, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, he can't be saved!" Xuan even greeted countless negative voices.

The killing intent of the Golden Holy God has been determined. Who else can save Lin Lang now?

The Hongmeng Sanren who are also detached people may be able to.

However, the Hongmeng Sanren had fallen, and all his cultivation techniques, essence and blood, and godhead were given to Lin Lang, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

It can be said that Lin Lang must die in today's game!

Naturally, the Golden Holy God couldn't allow Lin Lang to offend his immortal might, and suddenly a sword-like coercion burst into his eyes, piercing his bones.

After the emperor's prestige passed, Lin Lang's hair bun shattered, and it directly penetrated all the defenses on his body, smashing him into serious injuries.

But Lin Lang didn't fall, he was disheveled, he looked like a madman, and he looked up to the sky and smiled.

"Why are you laughing?"

The Golden Holy God looked at Lin Lang coldly, and did not squeeze the ant to death in a hurry.

"I think the golden saints are also a bunch of wine and rice bags. They can't deal with us, so letting the detached go out to deal with our gang of younger generations, which is disgusting."

With blood dripping from Lin Lang's mouth, showing a row of **** teeth, he grinned.

"I laugh so shamelessly as those who are detached!"

The expression of the Golden Holy God has not changed as a result, and is still so indifferent: "If you feel that if you feel that I will let you go if you arouse me in this way, then dispel this idea."

"Let me go?"

Lin Lang was more like hearing a joke from Tianda. He stretched out his head and said word by word, "Today, I am going to walk out of the golden star freely, and you can't stop it!"

A cold light flashed in the golden holy god's eyes. Originally, he still had some questions that Lin Lang needed to answer, but now he suddenly dismissed this idea.

It is more convenient to search for souls. In front of him, even if Lin Lang wants to destroy the souls, he can't do it.

The golden holy **** stretched out his finger, a brilliant divine light, wrapped in incomparable destructive energy, burst out of his hand and shot towards Lin Lang.

This is the power of the transcendence, and the force that oppresses the nerves has already come first, making it impossible for people to resist.

This is a fatal blow that can kill the master, even a monk who is stronger than the master. Not to mention Lin Lang, even a monk who is ten times stronger than him would never want to survive this blow.

At this time, Wu Daozi, who had been standing next to Lin Lang, also suddenly made a move. He gently raised his palm, and a wisp of breeze passed. Instead of being able to drop the attack of the Golden Holy God, he stopped directly in front of Lin Lang.

next moment.

The sleeves of Wudaozi's clothes were directly shattered by the supernatural power beam in front of him.

No one thought that standing next to Lin Lang, such an ordinary monk would have such a cultivation level, and he would calmly resolve the exploits of a detached person.

Just as everyone was shocked by Wudaozi's methods, the Golden Holy God also made another move. Historically, there are not no monks who can block the blow of the transcendence, but it takes more means to kill them.

The Golden Holy God didn't care, he arrived in a flash, and the next moment his generous palm reached Lin Lang. Wudaozi used magical powers, but he far underestimated the determination of the Golden Holy God to kill Lin Lang.

This was a full blow from the Golden Holy God. The reason why he got close was that Wudaozi could not respond in a short time. Waiting for Lin Lang to be killed was his time to solve the troublesome problem of Wu Daozi.

Wudaozi did not expect that a transcendental power of the Golden Holy Spirit Hall would attach so much importance to Lin Lang, and would not hesitate to put down his body of ten thousand gold and fight melee.

Wu Daozi is far from the Golden Holy God, and such a delay is enough to change the situation of the battle. The palm of the Golden Holy God is only half a finger away from Lin Lang!

Wu Daozi could only beg Lin Lang not to be too weak. He had already accumulated innocent power if he was killed by the Golden Holy God. Even if the Golden Holy God killed Lin Lang, he would have to make the latter pay a large enough price.

Just when everyone agreed that the current situation was unsolvable and Lin Lang would definitely die.

The Immortal Gate Ling in Lin Lang's arms suddenly lit up with a faint light. Then, a palm of the Immortal Gate Ling came out. From the perspective of an outsider, it looked like a hand extending from Lin Lang’s chest. Firmly grasped the palm of the Golden Holy God!


The Golden Holy God tried hard, but he couldn't shake this arm for a while, like a pair of vise, he couldn't push it away with all his strength.

Immediately after.

"I think he is right, and so is the detached person, who is narrow-minded and has no tolerance for others. How can it be called an example of heaven and earth?"

With a hearty laughter, a sound of riding a war horse and holding a long knife appeared in the world. It is worth noting that this person has only the body below the neck.

As for the head, it is missing!

This is a headless corpse commander, the supreme fairy!

The colorful divine light appeared in front of the golden holy god, like a broomstick, photographed the head of the headless corpse general, and he stood far away, his eyes also showing fear for the first time.

"The famous Supreme Immortal Venerable, how can he make this ghost look." The Golden Holy God responded with a sneer.

How could he not know the identity of the headless corpse on the other side. In history, there are not a few people who try to shake the nine emperors and imperial prestige.

But most of them either did not get a response from the nine emperors, or the emperor did not come back alive.

However, in the era of the Nine Emperors, there are not a few talented generations, there are always some evildoers who really fought the Nine Emperors and returned alive.

There are very few such people, and only the Asura War Emperor, the Supreme Immortal Venerable, and the tenth emperor who is the most enchanting are recorded in history.

Coincidentally, the Supreme Immortal Venerable is one of them.

Moreover, the Supreme Immortal Venerable can be counted as the best among them, and there are even rumors that the Supreme Immortal Venerable and a certain one of the nine emperors fought fiercely for several months, and finally lost regretfully by one move.

But this does not hinder his dazzling results, he fought against the emperor at his peak!

If it were not too close to the age of the Nine Emperors, the heaven and the earth lacked the material to be promoted to the emperor, and with the abilities of the supreme immortal, they would be fully qualified to become the tenth emperor of the heaven and the earth!

It can even be said that if the Supreme Immortal Venerable gives birth to a few Yuanhui early, one of the nine emperors will definitely be kicked out of the ranks of the great emperors, and the Supreme Immortal Venerable will jump to the top of the list.


He was born at an untimely time, did not catch up with the era of the emperor, missed the Hongmeng Tribulation, and failed to get the approval of the heaven, but it was fate.

This is the Supreme Immortal Venerable, the most powerful person under the Great Emperor since the ages!

"I'm not like you detached people, who have endless lifespan." The headless corpse will give birth to eyes and faces under his ribs, and smiled Sensen: "If you want to live long, you have to pay some price."

"The killing on you is very heavy, so you are going to guard the devil in exchange for the path approved by the heavens." The Golden Holy God raised his eyebrows, already guessing some details.


The headless corpse held the reins, and the long sword slammed down, shaking up countless circles of space ripples. He said: "I have covered this Lin Youye and Da Ye Xianzong. If you have any comments, how about going out for a fight?"

Fight if you refuse?

How domineering!

This sentence has been uttered from the mouth of the Supreme Immortal Venerable who is the most powerful person throughout the ages, and it will only become a laughingstock for the ages to be another person.

Not a detached person, nor a great emperor.

But don't say that you are a detached one, even if you are the Nine Emperors, I would dare to fight one, this is the Supreme Immortal Venerable!

The face of the Golden Holy God also changed for the first time, becoming extremely green, and said coldly: "I'm afraid you won't make it?"

The Headless Corpse General also raised the long knife in his hand, pointed to the outer space, and said: "I have fought the emperor in my life, and I haven't fought against the detached yet. You are still too weak at the same time."

There was a pause: "I want to see, the guys who hid in Tibet back then gave you tens of millions of years, how far has your cultivation progressed?" The headless corpse general's tone is more like a senior reprimanding Same as juniors.

This is indeed the case.

The Headless Corpse General is too close to the Nine Emperors Era. At that time, many detached persons were just beginning to have gods, and their true cultivation was not much different from that of ordinary immortal emperors.

At that time, the eight transcendents were hiding in Tibet, for fear of being caught by the Nine Emperors and breaking their godheads. It was not until the Nine Emperors disappeared that they reached their age.

The detached person actually has a period of humiliation. Extremely arrogant Xianzun, indeed has this capital!

The Golden Holy God was poked to the pain, and at this moment, he let out a cold snort, which turned into a stream of light flashing into outer space. The Supreme Immortal Venerable also quickly drove the horse and chased it.

The situation was twists and turns, and the immortal emperors below were still discussing. But at this time, the people of the Golden Saints also glanced at each other and sent messages to each other.

"Take this opportunity!"

A group of golden sage monks regrouped and rushed towards Lin Lang. In outer space, the outcome of the battle between the Golden Holy God and the Supreme Immortal Venerable is not yet known.

They must also seize the opportunity to clear the hidden danger of Lin Lang. This is their best chance. Anyway, when Lin Lang is killed in the end, the Supreme Immortal Venerable will be angry, and it is impossible to take the Golden Saint Clan with the Golden Holy God.

"How can you let you go wild?"

Venerable Taixu has experienced great ups and downs, and his heart is mixed. At this time, he came back to his senses and rushed to help.


The holy lord of the three holy places of the human race also sighed at this time. The matter is already here, and they are useless to persuade them. As for whether to help, it depends on the situation...

At the same time, the powerhouses who belonged to Lin Lang, the immortal emperors of the underworld, the Bright Moon Sect, and the soldiers of the immortal alliance, also took action one after another.

"Damn you!"

Lin Lang stomped his feet heavily, and his anger finally had a place to vent, and he rushed out in the direction of many golden saint masters.

For a moment, the sound of killing shook the sky, and the magical beam covered the whole world.

Thousands of immortal alliance soldiers ran over, and many masters of the Golden Saints flew into the sky one after another, their blood rushed into the sky, turning the entire Golden Star into a **** purgatory.

An unprecedented race war broke out after all!

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