Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1182: Three big gifts

The people who were still watching the battle in the distance heard the anger of the Protoss master, and they couldn't help but shook their spirits.

The mother fire flame is the bright flame that remains in the good fortune fairyland when the source of all fires is dispersed. It has no rank, but it has the ability to burn all things in the world.

It is said that 90% of the artifacts in the world must be fully melted with the flames of the mother fire in the casting stage. This is a flame that even a divine tool can melt, let alone a mortal body?

"Do you think this is over?!"

Lin Lang's figure once again appeared from a distance. This time he approached the place where the masters of the two races gathered, his eyes bloomed with brilliance, his body was like a container, and he was madly moved.

Pieces of fire are pouring down!

Under this kind of overload operation, his second condensed body couldn't bear it, and it was crushed again!

But in the same way, the positions where many masters of the two races stand have also turned into a sea of ​​fire. Countless figures churned and struggled, wailing endlessly.

It can be seen that in the sky at this time, countless figures covered in flames slammed around, some people cast fire avoidance curses, and some people called the divine fountain to try to extinguish the flames in various ways.

On the ground, there were countless golden holy clan immortal emperors rolling all over the floor, howling tragically.

After the fire, there were vaguely flaming flames in some parts of the Golden Star, except for some faint groans, there was no other sound!

At the moment, the Golden Star was relatively close to the square, and it was devastated, with countless humanoid ashes. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are turned into fly ash, and the heavens and the earth show a strange coke color.

Sorrow everywhere!

This is the mother fire flame that even the master can burn to death, even the master can't handle it well will be burned to death, ordinary immortal emperors, or ordinary people will die.

Few people can survive!

In the distance, the Protoss Master finally revealed his original figure, it was the Desire Master. He was protected by a group of Protoss Immortal Emperors, and he was flooded with countless potions, only to hang his life.

"Unfortunately, this old guy survived."

Lin Lang shook his head secretly in his heart, he even added the taboo flames in the last area of ​​Good Fortune Immortal Land, and the flames of the mother fire, but unfortunately he still failed to directly burn Ji Yi Domination.

The vitality of the master monk is really tenacious, and as long as he still has a breath, with the master level cultivation base, it will not take long to fully recover.

at this time.

"I think you must be curious, how many female flames can I take out?"

Lin Lang stood faintly in the void, the flames on his side were raging, turning into flame dragons, spreading their teeth and dancing claws, coiling around his body, covering hundreds of miles!

Above him, Zihuo was a containerized cauldron, the opening of the cauldron was half tilted, and the liquid flames flowing in the cauldron could be vaguely seen. Even if I just glanced at it, it felt like I was in a vast lava field.

This is not a simple tripod, but an independent space. It is roughly estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of squares of liquid flame, if it is scattered enough to destroy a tenth of the golden star.

As for how many deep levels there are, it is not known.

"If this is all poured out, the Golden Stars can't bear it?" Now, even Qimu Gong has no bottom.

The flames that Lin Lang had just released almost burned a master, so the fallen Immortal Emperor didn't know how many. Who can be sure how many female flames are still in Lin Lang's hands?

just in case……

No one dares to bet on this just in case!

Domination can only protect the homeland of the Golden Star, but it cannot prevent the flame from spreading. The Golden Star may be able to keep it by then, but 90% of the creatures on it will fall.

And now the master clones of the two golden saints lacked skills, how could there be so much effort to care about the life and death of ordinary people.

"This is my first big gift to the Golden Saints." Lin Lang said faintly, and he stomped his feet suddenly while he was speaking.


With a loud noise, the stone skin that was wrapped on the stone stele sent by Lin Lang suddenly burst. The monk who originally held the stele was directly blown into a cloud of blood.


The stone tablet fell to the ground, and the stone carving pattern on the top gleamed, and the Sanskrit characters seemed to be given life. They cheered, jumped off the stone tablet, and radiated quickly to the surroundings.

At the same time, strange ripples swayed round after round in the square, rapidly spreading towards the entire golden star. As long as the monks who were swept by the ripples, at this moment, they only felt that the avenue in the body was suppressed by an overbearing force.

Can't feel the avenue anymore!

"I can't perceive the road anymore, damn, what's going on?!"

"This stone stele seals the road above the golden star. I can't practice anymore!" Countless fearful voices rang from heaven and earth.

"No, this is the power of a curse. He did not seal the avenue of the Golden Star, but the avenue in the blood of our entire race and everyone."

"This is to extinguish the hope of my golden saints!"

"Not only." A master of the Wu tribe shook his head, and said: "Not only is the golden saint tribe unable to get close, but this power will also affect the blood inheritance and affect the reproduction of future generations."

The words of this master of the Wu clan make people feel cold, and he said with a gloomy face: "In the future, the population of the golden saints will only wither, and the number of newborns will drop sharply. Even if there are occasional descendants with talents against the sky, the cultivation on the road in the future Also full of shackles."

"In the end... the holy race is withered, and it exists in name only!"

The person who spoke was a descendant of the ancient witch tribe, and he was unique in the study of witchcraft and the power of curses. No one in the world can beat him.

Everyone also understands that this is definitely not his alarmist talk, as long as the monks close to the emperor realm can feel some changes in the dark.

"What a vicious curse!"

The monks of the Golden Holy Clan felt deep fear, and it was nothing to cut off the cultivation path of their generation. What was even more frightening was that the descendants of the Golden Holy Clan would also be restricted in the future.

No household count!

"I seem to have seen this monument in a certain volume of ancient books..." Wu Clan Da Neng frowned, lost in thought. At a certain moment he suddenly exclaimed: "I see!"

"Reincarnation Monument! It's Samsara Monument!"

Reincarnation monument, this term is very unfamiliar to most people on the field, most people don't even know whether reincarnation exists, let alone a strange thing in the Styx, the reincarnation monument.

Even in the underworld, there are very few monks who know the reincarnation monument.

"Ancient book records that there are 36 reincarnation monuments in the universe, which are respectively suppressed at various key nodes of the Styx, suppressing the luck of a world, and none of them are indispensable."

"But there is no record in the ancient books what would happen if one side of the reincarnation monument is pulled out." The Wu Clan Da Neng looked low and said: "But once this kind of strange thing leaves the Styx, I am afraid it will affect the order of reincarnation. It is against the heavens and is unknown! "

"In that case, the princess will also give the Golden Saint Clan a gift!" Yao Xi, who had been standing in the line, giggled. She took a step forward and looked up at the sky.

There seems to be a fairy tune in her body, ding dong. She opened her arms naturally, a red skirt fluttering in the wind, her legs close together straight, and her light body slowly floated to the sky like a leaf of fragrant grass.

It looks like it's a fairy!

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