Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1179: Binglin Gold Star

Although the friendship of Sansheng Palace is heavy, it is not helpful to the overall situation in front of us, let alone sending charcoal in the snow, at most it is sending a spark.

But this is all they have.

"Ye Xuanzong's headquarters are here!" Han Zilong and the others also flew into the air, leading a group of underworld immortal emperors to stand behind Lin Lang.

Han Zilong, the immortal emperor of One Tribulation, can fight the strong man who has survived two Yuanhui disasters. Although Zhao Zilong, the Chinese **** of war, has never broken through the realm of the immortal emperor, he will not suffer from the immortal emperor in the last calamity.

There are also Wang Tingting, Sun Yishan, Ba Xia and others who also have the ability to deal with the junior emperor. At least it can be considered a battle.

"Just because you mobs want to fight against the Golden Saints?" A voice of disdain came from the square.

The speaker is a monk of Qiankun Mountain, and a top-notch power in the fairy world.

"To disturb the wedding and destroy the marriage is a big taboo, and I can't see it."

Immediately afterwards, one after another sect forces stood up as the platform for the Golden Saints.

They have no other skills, but it is not difficult to leave a good impression on the Golden Saints. The wall is pushed down by everyone, but they are experts.

"No matter where you go, there are such licking dogs who rely on the goodwill of the big clan for a living." Yao Xi couldn't help rolling her eyes, and said mercilessly.

"If they are not qualified, then how about us." Farther away, a beautiful shadow flew, trailing a soft moonlight behind him.

By her side, there were also several immortal emperor-level elders, except for Sihe, one of them turned out to be a high-level immortal emperor. The visitor was Jiang Xinyue. After hearing about Lin Lang, he immediately left the customs, and successfully obtained the consent of the senior officials of the Jiaoyue Sect to bring people to come.

Really sitting on the position of saint, the Jiaoyue Sect paid much more attention to Jiang Xinyue than before. After some research, the senior officials of the Moon Sect also decided to make good friends with Lin Youye, a junior with great development potential.

This is what happened today.

"Also add us, the same thing, how can I wait to sit still."

Outside the square of the Golden Saints, several beams of light flickered, and then several figures descended in front of Lin Lang.

"Their weight is not enough, what about us?" Qi Jiuyou, Wuxin Sword Emperor and others walked from a distance, calmly looking at the many powerful men of the golden saints opposite.

This is aid from the Great Yexianzong, and there is also an old monster who has survived the catastrophe of the Eighth Dimension Society. These powerful abilities are usually in retreat in order to break through to the realm of dominance and become the ultimate foundation of the Holy Land.

Under normal circumstances, unless the sect was attacked, this old monster would never show up easily. But now, because of Lin Lang's matter, a Great Yexianzong's Eight Tribulations Immortal emperor was alarmed.

It shows their attitude.

The inside of Daye Immortal Sect is also not necessarily a piece of iron, being able to dispatch an Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor is already the limit.

"This is Venerable Ziyang, one of the five great masters of Big Leaf Immortal Sect." After learning about Lin Lang's self-proclaimed immortal battlefield, Wuxin Sword Emperor had basically never returned to Big Leaf Immortal Sect, and he was not familiar with these immortal emperor old monsters. Introduction.

"This is Elder Biyun, this is..."

As soon as Lin Langyi saw it, he finally fixed his eyes on an old man in a green robe: "Master..."

This person is his master, the real Lianhua. Lin Lang was not surprised either, the real lotus person in the previous life died in the hands of the gods in order to rescue him.

However, the real Lianhua is just a pseudo-emperor, and even the real immortal emperor is not even regarded as a real immortal emperor. If they really fight, they will probably suffer.

Lin Lang worried about the safety of real Lianhua.

The current situation is more and more similar to the previous life...

By this time, Cen Bo's face finally showed a little dignity, and he said solemnly: "I ask you, Are you sure you want to participate in Daye Immortal?"

If the confrontation between the holy land of the adult race and the great clan of the fairy world evolves in the end, I am afraid that the matter will not be solved so easily.

"This is the attitude of Daye Immortal Sect." The Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor said faintly. Maybe the others didn't speak enough weight, but when he said this sentence, it represented the overall decision of Daye Immortal Sect.

A few people can't represent Daye Xianzong, but he can!

"Dae Yexianzong, is it worth it for a younger generation who is still in the growing period? Even if it starts a war of three clans, it would be no hesitate?" The Protoss side also walked out of an old monster who had survived the catastrophe of the Eight Dimension Society.

In this immortal world, perhaps only the three forces in front of them can so easily invite the old monsters who have survived the catastrophe of the Eighth Dimension Society.

The battle of the three races, this is not just talking!

Once it is fought, it will be the war of these three top forces, and it may not be possible that the ruler will fall. Since the ancient times, there have been only a few precedents for a full-scale war between the Holy Land and the fairy world.

And every time, the universe collapsed, and the entire fairy world was involved in war. The war between the three clans is not just talking.

"Whether it's worth it, it's not your decision. In order to kill my Daye disciple, you didn't show up in person." Venerable Ziyang said lightly.


The Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor of the God Race shook his head. The three major forces, as well as many big and small sects, faced each other, hundreds of immortal emperors faced each other, and the battle was on the verge.

Now they are already on the line and have to send it.

"Lin Youye has fornicated the demon of the underworld, intending to harm the peace of the immortal world, no matter who the party is, no matter what forces try to protect. Today, the golden saints representing the immortal alliance must be cut!" Qimu Gong said indifferently, and the matter was already settled. Sex.

"Where are the soldiers of the Golden Saints!"

With a wave of his hand, the golden armor had covered his whole body tightly. The armor of the sword was in his hand, and the road roared.

"The underworld demon must be cut!"

Behind him, millions of golden saint soldiers shouted in unison, their voices shook the sky. The voices of millions of cultivators gathered together, and they really shook the sky, and the sky trembled.

"The Fairy League does not agree with the Golden Saints to use the name of the Fairy League to engage in personal grievances and to cut the grass and roots." A heroic woman will descend from the sky.

On the heights of the Yuntai, there are tens of thousands of Hongying soldiers, all with firm eyes and high fighting spirit.

Since Lin Lang rescued them from the underworld, the Red Ying Army did not intend to stay in the Immortal League anymore. After helping Lin Lang solve the matter, Lu Hongying will also dismiss the generals, disarm them and return to the fields, and do what they want to do. Up.

"The defeated general, the shame of the immortal world, a group of deserters who sneaked back to the immortal world. Do you also represent the immortal alliance?" It is true that Lord Qimu does not recognize who Lu Hongying is, but the golden saints always have generals who have retired from the immortal alliance, they know The identity of Lu Hongying.

"It's no wonder that Lin Youye can fish you out from the underworld. I must have reached some ulterior agreement with the underworld." The general of the golden saint clan sneered, and the exit was a pot of dirty water.

"Lin Youye has stolen the underworld. Now the evidence is solid. Are you sure you still want to be a tiger and be a public enemy of the immortal world? Now let go of your weapons and give up resistance, but you can take it lightly." Gong Qimu glanced over the people behind Lin Lang, his heart was almost The joy is blooming.

Before they were worried about slandering Lin Lang and could not find evidence, but now, the appearance of the Red Tassel Legion is to completely tighten the closed ring of slander.

Lin Youye's accusation of fornicating the underworld is already firmly established, and no one can refute it!

On the square below, the patriarchs of the various clans who had been watching the excitement, the elders of the sect also sighed deeply when they saw this scene.

"The matter is over, Lin Youye is gone."

The Immortal Emperor of the Dragon Phoenix clan also shook his head and said, "Lin Youye's influence cannot be underestimated. There are many helpers around him, and there is even an Immortal Emperor who supports him."

"But today's matter can't be solved with a holy land platform. The golden holy race and the gods have made it clear that they are going to eat Lin Lang. He has no chance."

The immortal emperor of the Pangu clan also nodded and agreed: "His biggest mistake is to move the battlefield to the golden star, which is the base camp of the golden holy clan."

"The Protoss and the Golden Saints have laid down their blood. In the end, if they fight, maybe Big Ye Xianzong can retreat, but none of these people around Lin Youye want to live."

"Their number of strong men is not dominant, not to mention there are millions of soldiers of the golden saints around, and they will eventually be submerged. You must know that the master of the golden saints has not yet appeared."

"With a ruler, the golden saints will never suffer, and they are inherently invincible."

Pangu's immortal emperor's sharp comments won the approval of countless visitors around him. Indeed, it is basically impossible for an individual to fight the army.

The army ran over, unless the Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor or the master could retreat. Moreover, the masters of the Golden Saints have not yet appeared.

When everyone was talking about it, the sky of the Golden Saints suddenly cast a shadow. A prince of the golden saint stumbled forward to report.

The cloud platform where the Golden Saints welcomed many foreign guests was broken! The many powerful men above were all driven out by an unknown army, and they couldn't stop them.

However, the voice has not fallen yet.

Dozens of dark clouds enveloped the golden holy race, vaguely, exuding a thick **** power, even if the immortal emperor below, he felt that the action was quite difficult.

That was the fighting spirit, and the blood was filled!

"Lu Hongying, the defeated general in the eyes of everyone, he can't represent the immortal league... Then, what about us!"

The generals of the golden saints just fell, outside the square, in the sky, countless voices covered the audience like a tsunami, the commanders on the altar were all shocked and pale, and they were indifferent!

"The direction of the rainbow is like a broken bamboo. The rainbow army meets the **** of war of the immortal alliance!"

"The fantasy navy regiment, regiment commander Gao Wu, came with 37,000 soldiers to assist!"

"Han Li of the Luotuo Army, led the entire army with 290,000 soldiers to seek justice for the God of War of the Immortal League!"

"All the Demon Legion obey the order, not to die in battle or to retreat!"

"Cangyan Army..."

Exciting and vigorous voices one after another, for a time, the square fell silent, only the voice of countless self-reporting bugles resounded through the sky.

The most mentioned word is the **** of war!

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