At this time, the golden sacred star, the wedding is going on as usual.

Huang Gan also truly deserves the title of outstanding young generation, even if he just broke through to the Emperor Realm, his combat power cannot be underestimated.

Even if the Emperor Two Tribulations faced him, he would suffer.

As for the Golden Saint Clan's assessment, Huang Qian passed easily, almost without touching his body. In the end, he only paused a little while climbing the Qicai ladder.

"It's really a **** of the gods, it is not cultivated by the negative intention to dominate, and after breaking through the realm of the immortal emperor, the speed of the cultivation seems to be several times faster than before."

"Son of Tianjiao, nothing more than that. If I could escape to such a son-in-law, I'm afraid I would wake up with a smile in my dreams." The immortal emperors below did not hesitate to express their beauty.

"Young and promising, the dominance can be expected!"

A senior immortal emperor also solemnly commented.

At this time, Huanggan had already boarded the cloud platform, and Gong Qimu nodded with a smile, then raised his hand. In the other direction, the huge buds on the gimbal bloomed gently.

The elves among the flowers jumped horizontally, tapping on the petals, and they held hands, singing and dancing. At the same time, the huge strange flower on the cloud platform bloomed with nine petals, holding another bud inside.

The new buds bloomed again, nine times in this way, finally revealing a woman with a red belt floating around her waist. She walked gracefully and moved forward slowly.

The scent of fresh flowers rushed to the face.

Among the flowers and brocades, Chen Miaoxuan wears exquisite makeup, and her clothes are light and like a fairy. She took a brisk pace, growing lotus every step, with many visions.

In the sky, a **** clan immortal emperor quickly flew from a distance. This person is the father of Huang Gan, a genuine immortal emperor of the Seven Tribulations!

"The princess of the saint clan is really a god, and it's not in vain that the dog has been thinking about it all the time." Qigan's father laughed: "Next, I have to ask in-laws, can you agree to this marriage?"

The Golden Sage also flew out an old immortal emperor, who was the one who picked up Chen Miaoxuan from Emperor Linxing. After returning to his clan, Chen Miaoxuan has also been under his sect.

She attended the wedding with Chen Miaoxuan's elders, but it was a matter of course.

Just before he could speak, Lin Lang below suddenly took a step forward, and his loud voice spread throughout the square.

"What's the use of your agreement, I don't agree!" Lin Lang stood in the middle of the crowd, with his head raised, but there was no awe in his eyes.

Even those icy eyes made everyone present shiver.

I disagree!

When Lin Lang said this sentence in front of the monks of various races, the audience was silent for an instant, no one spoke, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Lang.

Something big!

"It's over, Lin Youye still walked this path of death after all!"

During the dinner, the Emperor Immortal of Taichu Castle sighed.

"In the past, the major forces were hindered by the face of Big Ye Xianzong, even if they attacked Lin Youye, they were mostly carried out in the dark, and it was impossible to put them on the table."

"They need a reason. But now that Lin Youye trespasses into the Golden Star, the two big races have a reason, and they justifiably kill him!"

Yaozu Da Neng also nodded.

"No one of the major forces is weaker than anyone else, and when these people are evenly matched, the least valuable justice becomes their means of confrontation."

Everyone was silent.

It is also true that if the Protoss deals with them, they can completely suppress them and destroy them directly. But if the opponent is a holy land of human race like Daye Xianzong, it is time for them to intrigue and discuss who is responsible.

Equivalence of strength is fair.

In the situation like this, I am afraid that it is Da Ye Xianzong's help, and there is nothing he can do.

Even everyone can clearly see that the people of the Golden Saints, including Huang Gan, have a bright smile on their lips.

They have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

"Lin Youye, today is my wedding day with the thirteen princesses. I didn't want to splash the square with blood and taint this marriage."

Xiaogan straightened his back and said, "You are disturbing my wedding before. Now, I also give you a chance to abolish your own practice and get out of the auditorium. I can spare your life on behalf of the Protoss."

Xiaogan's voice rolled and moved, seemingly high-sounding, and even raised his own position several times. But Lin Lang was also full of humiliation.

"Self-defeating cultivation base, I see who of you has this ability!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, and then stepped forward heavily, turning the whole person into an electric light and rising into the sky.

Go straight to the heights of the Yuntai!

"Do it!"

Huang Gan's father, the Old Immortal Emperor of the Golden Saint Clan glanced at each other, and at the same time cast a look at the monks under his command.

At this moment, dozens of figures flew out of the square, holding a knife handle, and intercepting Lin Lang in advance. These people are all powerful immortals!

They have long been in ambush, and they are waiting for this moment!

"A few immortal emperors dare to block my way?" Lin Lang's eyes flashed with divine light, and at the same time, the Spirit Snatching Sword appeared in his hand.

Huh huh!

The sword light in Lin Lang's hand soared, and the momentum was like a rainbow. The sword is in his hand like an arm and a finger, and his complicated sword moves have been succinctly evolved by him.

Despite this, there are still supernatural powers that ordinary people cannot guess.

In an instant, the surrounding area of ​​Lin Lang's body was transformed into a kendo domain, and countless dazzling lightsabers hovered beside him, spinning rapidly.


The sword light flashed, and the precious light of the Immortal Emperor's body guards near Lin Lang's body collapsed. In a few breaths, the upper and lower halves of the body broke into two.

These were just a few Immortal Emperors of the Second Tribulation, and it was just an appetizer for Lin Lang.

Then there are the Three Tribulations Immortal Emperor and the Four Tribulations Immortal Emperor. It's just that these people basically don't have much threatening power in front of Lin Lang today.

They can hurt Lin Lang, but Lin Lang kills them faster!

The square at this time has turned into a field of holy light, and the endless rays of light cover the place, and even shocked many angels of the light race.

"Oh my god, what is this?! How can the pure bright road be controlled by a dirty mortal."

But this was just the beginning. In the square, the sound of earth-shattering battles erupted continuously from the group of holy light, and the leaked magical powers plowed this place into countless ravines.

Fortunately, here is the ancestor star of the golden saints, protected by the detached. Otherwise, just because this planet has long been destroyed by the battle fluctuations of several people, there will be no residue left.

Before this, almost no one thought that several immortal emperors joined forces to encircle Lin Lang, but the result was a series of deaths and injuries, leaving only a high-level immortal emperor and a four-tribulation immortal emperor still fighting Lin Lang.

Although they couldn't see the specific battle details, it was obvious that the golden blood shot from the holy light was enough to prove that Lin Lang still had an absolute advantage.

"Can't let him get closer."

Xiaogan's old father's eyes were cold, he pressed his hand down, and a dozen immortal emperors in the square tore their disguise to reveal their true bodies.

Some of them are the gods and immortal emperors, some are from the golden saints, and the other are the immortal monks of other races they bought.

But without exception, these people are genuine high-level immortal emperors.

In order to kill Lin Lang and hold a wedding that shook the fairy world, he even gathered a dozen high-level immortal emperors to ambush in secret.

It can be seen how powerful they are!

Facing a dozen high-level immortal emperors' joint killings, let alone Lin Lang, even if one of the Seven Tribulations Immortal emperor goes, there is only a dead end.

"The Protoss really has the heart to kill the Sect Master. To deal with him alone, it has dispatched a dozen high-level immortal emperors."

"Your master is dead."

"To blame, I can only blame him for being stupid. A woman is worth his life. Calling him a Yuanhui-level genius, I don't think it deserves!"

Some sympathize, some gloat. The Ye Xuanzong people who came with Lin Lang couldn't help but plan to make a move, although they knew that even if they participated in the war, they would not have much effect.

"Don't worry, because of his character, he will never be reckless and potential without doing anything. He should have another way to deal with it." Qi Jiuyou reached out and stopped them.

as expected.

When a dozen high-ranking immortal emperors rushed towards Lin Lang, the surging aura suddenly erupted from below, stopping the masters of the two races respectively.

This was Lin Lang's first-hand preparation. A dozen immortal emperors of the underworld had already mixed into the square, enough to help him stop the clutters around him and board the cloud platform.

And these dozens of high-level immortal emperors are also more stubborn, such as Yao Xi and his ilk. Once they detect that there are two immortal emperors around, they immediately start the sneak attack mode.

Under the five elements of mental arithmetic, several high-level immortal emperors were seriously injured by them. There were many underworld masters entering the game, and Lin Lang and his group quickly took control of the situation.

As for Lin Lang himself, after getting rid of the three entangled immortal emperors, he stepped directly and crushed thousands of flowers. He stepped on every step of the colorful climbing ladder.

The so-called "saint" assessment is just pediatrics for him.

The old father Honggan above, the old fairy emperor of the golden holy clan, was also stunned when he saw this sudden scene.

"You can't stay here!"

The two looked at each other, and their thoughts were unusually unified. Only a few thousand years later, they already possessed such strength, which was even more difficult than they thought.

If he is allowed to develop, I am afraid it will not take long to grow into a giant in the fairy world. This is definitely not good news for the upper ten!

"Those are the immortal emperors of the underworld, and there is a heavenly connection with Lin Youye in fate, damn, how did he surrender so many immortal emperors of the underworld!"

at this time.

Lin Lang had already boarded the Yuntai, and Huang Gan's father couldn't help it anymore and made a bold move. He wants to kill Lin Lang with his own hands to make sure nothing is wrong.

A Seven Tribulations Immortal Emperor came violently, and it was impossible for anyone to ignore it.

But seeing that Lin Lang was not in a hurry at this time, he waved his hand, and the thick mist gushed out, showing an extremely hideous grimace, and then the black mist surged, revealing a complete body of the soul.

It was the ghost emperor Da Po who had been imprisoned by Lin Lang for a long time.

At that time, Lin Lang thought that he had wiped out all the consciousness of the ghost emperor Napo, but it was not until this moment when he released that he realized that this old fox actually had a deep disguise, and still retained a sober soul.

"This is the fairy world, the golden saints, fight for me if you don't want to be annihilated by the cultivators of the fairy world." Lin Lang voiced secretly.

Da Po Guidi was indeed in an embarrassing situation. He originally planned to eat Lin Lang one day when Lin Lang let him out, and swallowed Lin Lang's.

As a result, he never expected that when he appeared again, he had already reached the fairyland. Even if he didn't want to fight, he couldn't help it.

From the perspective of the race, the underworld monk could not walk out of the fairy world alive.

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