Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 119: The coming of Wang's annual meeting

Lin Lang's remarks were tantamount to turning his head on the spot.

After some interrogation, I pointed directly to my heart, in order to please others, and let relatives take the initiative to apologize. Although the reason is this, but everyone's heart is justified. Why bother to talk about each other?

By the time Lin Lang's words fell, Wang Lifeng was already complexion. Rao was able to speak well and couldn't find the slightest flaw. After all, what he said couldn't make sense.

"Don't misinterpret what I mean, even if it's not for you to apologize, you can hardly blame it." Wang Lifeng snorted coldly.


The sound of flesh hitting the table sounded, and the tableware on the table was shaken.

At the first sight everyone saw the expression of Mr. Wang, and they bowed their heads, afraid to continue the argument.

The old man had to bow his head when anyone said anything, even the two brothers of the Wang family who professed their own business, but there was only one person who dared to look up.

Lin Lang stood indifferently, looking at Grandpa Wang calmly. If the other party could not give him a reasonable solution, the family would stay there.

If the old man dared to show partiality, even if he would not be revengeless, there would be no need for the Wang family to rise in the future.

It's not that he has no room for people, but that what the family has done has completely disappointed him.

"That's all for now."

The old voice of Mr. Wang sounded.

"Lin Lang's point is quite reasonable. Anyone's success requires the help of noble people. However, don't place your hope on others. Only your own strength is the weight of the rise."

"Our Wang family wants to get out of the sea and rely on the management of the whole family. With this controversial effort, it is better to study ourselves."


Father Wang's muddy eyes glanced at everyone.

"I understand." Wang Jinglun bowed his head.

"Dad, I see." Wang Hai nodded.

Mr. Wang nodded, and those who glanced at him did not dare to look at them, and then his eyes fell on Lin Lang.

Once, his impression of Lin Lang only rested on his timidity as a child. Today, the words of the other party made him add eyes, and his mind has changed a bit.

"I say these things, can you agree?" Father Wang looked at Lin Lang and asked.

Lin Lang also raised his eyes and glanced at each other, saying, "If you don't help, you can help yourself."

"A good helper is self-help. I haven't realized this in recent years." Father Wang muttered a silent sentence, then nodded slightly.

"Well, I'm tired too. Everyone go back to rest."

Mr. Wang took his hand and took the lead to get off the table. When passing by Xiaomei Wang and his wife, they spoke lightly and indifferently.

"Your son is getting better and better."

Then, the old man left, and everyone was relieved and got up and went to the table.

Wang Xiaomei was a little frightened, and really couldn't hear whether this moody father praised or criticized.


For a few days, it was a matter of years ago.

The 18th Spring Festival has ended, but some people have been satisfied during this Spring Festival, while others have been more gloomy and depressive. For example, the Wang Lifeng family did not say a word on the Chinese New Year dinner. Numbers have left them face to face.

As for Wang Hai, I hate the Lin Lang family.

It was Lin Lang who took away his glory and made him lose his face. Even his parents couldn't look up in front of relatives. However, when thinking of the Wang family annual meeting to be held tomorrow, his hatred was lessened.

"The annual meeting of the Wang family is held every year, just two dog-legged managers, and then see how shameful your family is!" Wang Hai thought coldly.


This day is the third day of the first month, and it is also the time for the annual meeting of the Wang family.

The Wang family is similar to other families. The situation inside the family is inextricably intertwined, and it is not only the grandfather Wang's words. Many of them are close relatives or distant relatives in other provinces and cities. They will return to this family on this day.

On this day, the Wang family will break through the threshold and gather together.

This is a family tradition, and it is also a good time for relatives to exchange connections and reunite. It is precisely these people who have not been at the bottom and high-levels existed. The Wang family was able to intersect the sea for many years. There were businessmen and officials, and they also joined the army. man of.

Just after the Spring Festival, the Wang family is still full of flavor, but the next Wang family annual meeting is to keep the people of the Wang family completely busy.

The lights were bright outside, and the interior of Wang's villa was already full of guests and friends.

Mr. Wang Tairan took the top spot, and his festive clothes seemed to be shaking, as if he was ten years younger.

Next to the old man, there is a drowsy old man. He is uncomfortably old and looks like he must be 80 or 90 years old, as if the old man is about to fall scum. Hold the junior ceremony.

This man is the uncle of the Wang family, the only old man who has achieved much fruit.

On the right of Father Wang, there is an old man who is similar to him. This is his brother Wang Xixi, who started from scratch in Ji L province and worked hard to build a large family business. He is one heavier than him.

These three people are the core of the Wang family, and they are also the oldest. Anyone who comes must pay a year of worship.

As for Lin Lang's grandmother, she was not qualified to sit on it, and was arranged next to Wang Xiaomei. This is a place that belongs to the female family members.

"I wish my uncle a good fortune like the East China Sea and Shoubi Nanshan ..."

A member of the Wang family came forward to congratulate him, and then it was the father Wang, and Wang Xixi.

"Lao Wang, Xun Er is here to pay you a new year."

This young man is named Wang Xun. His appearance is not noticeable, but he is the best in the third generation of the entire Wang family. Because the young man has the strength to go to Beiliao Province to follow Lin Bao and dare to fight Dare to fight, won the trust of Lin Leopard, his young age is still his first love.

To some extent, his status is not lower than the two middle-aged brothers in the Wang family.

After Wang Xun worshipped the father, he talked about his recent development in Beiliao Province. The old man was also quite pleased that such a dazzling role appeared in the younger generation, and he was specially given to sit beside him.

"Wang Xun, you are the best of our juniors."

Father Wang sighed.

Then the rest of the Wang family came one after another to pay tribute to the father.

The arrival of these people after their relatives settled down was the arrival of a wave of outsiders.

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