Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1169: Re-enter the fairyland of good fortune

At Yao Xi's reminder of such a coincidence, Lin Lang suddenly thought of a place. If you make good use of it, maybe it will become a powerful hole card for him.

"So, you already think of a heavy hole card now, right?" Yao Xi smiled at Lin Lang. In many cases, it is clear that the two people do not have deep friendship, but Yao Xi seems to know Lin Lang better than anyone.

This may be innate, Yao Xi is already delicate and can clearly understand the emotions of other people. It is more likely that the two get along longer.

Since the two have known each other, they have stayed together for at least a few hundred years. Although the relationship hasn't gotten further due to this, Yao Xi can indeed be said to know Lin Lang better than anyone else.

"Why are you laughing?"

Lin Lang frowned.

"I laugh at you stupidly."

Yao Xi smiled and said, "It's clear that the girl doesn't know you anymore. You still have to rob the marriage for him. You can't tell, it's true love that someone can do with Huang."

"What you are doing now is just wishful thinking. Or, they don't even bother with your help, and they have already decided to marry Huang."

Lin Lang glanced at her, her facial expression did not change, she was still an indifferent face.

"You do not understand."

"She doesn't remember me, and I respect her new life. I can accept it with confidence to marry anyone. But I can't do it alone. I don't want her to be the saddest victim in this vortex because of me."

Lin Lang said lightly.

"So, so you have to decide the next life for that girl for your own selfish desires?" Yao Xi looked at Lin Lang sarcastically: "The prince who focuses on love and righteousness is actually just a completely selfish ghost. ."

"Whatever you say."

Lin Lang didn't look at him, stepped on the long seat, and suddenly accelerated.

"You are crazy! There is a sea of ​​chaos in front of you, aren't you afraid of death if you rush in so hastily!" Yao Xi screamed, and then the two figures quickly plunged into a sea of ​​chaos.


Originally, Lin Lang's first stop was Dao Men, but after Yao Xi reminded him, he remembered a vital place.

Good luck fairyland!

There are four heavens in the land of good fortune, namely, the earth evil mysterious sky, the blue thunder chasing the sky, the ice fire cloud and the sky, and the Tai Xu Gui Yuan Tian.

But few people know that the good fortune fairyland is actually above the Taixu Guiyuan Heaven, and there is the fifth heaven, there is a world constructed entirely of flames.

According to legend, the last heaven of the good fortune fairyland was the place where the source of ten thousand fires separated and the world was divided into ten thousand fires. There still remained the breath of the source of ten thousand fires, and countless Yuanhuis have not dispersed since.

The first four heavens are dangerous, but they are always accompanied by countless opportunities, so the monks all over the world are flocking to them.

But the Fifth Heaven is completely different. There is a forbidden area, and the fire burns all year round, and few people get involved. Unless it is the top power of the fairy world, perhaps it will try to enter the last heaven to refine weapons.

"This good fortune fairyland..."

Lin Lang looked up at this familiar place in front of him, but it was more of a strangeness.

Near the entrance of Good Fortune Fairy Land, there were no disciples from various sects who had collected tolls, and there were no long queues of immortal monks around.

The most important thing is that there is a cloud of chaos at the entrance, sometimes accompanied by flickering thunder, and the roaring sound can be heard tens of millions of miles apart.

The land of good fortune is indeed different!

Lin Lang looked up at this space that was evolving into Chaos World, and squinted slightly. At this time, there is no such thing as the five heavens.

Only the upper and lower layers are left. At the bottom is the chaotic space formed by the unity of the four heavens, and at the top is an endless field of fire, burning the sky.

I still remember that when Lin Lang came to the immortal world, the first thing he did was frantically looking for good fortune ganoderma. As a result, the secret place where good fortune ganoderma was produced in the past few days collapsed one after another.

Lin Lang, who was always short of the last few good fortune Ganoderma lucidum to continue his life, had to rush to Taixu and return to Yuan Tian, ​​and went to war with the emperor, only to win three good fortune Ganoderma lucidum.

At that time, the first two heavens had collapsed.

The land of good fortune has been a land of good fortune since ancient times, and its resources are not endless. For countless years, there have always been monks who have fallen into it. Their bodies and the treasures they carry have become the nourishment of the land of good fortune.

When the resources of good fortune immortal land are nearly exhausted, it will fall into an autonomous cycle and re-evolve into a new world. And it is such a state right now.

Good fortune fairyland breaks up all the substances in it, and then reorganizes, countless years later, it is a brand-new good fortune fairyland.

This process has been going on for nearly a thousand years, and it is unknown when it will evolve to completion.

And in the period of chaos evolution, it was also the moment when good luck was the heaviest, and the chaotic energy contained in it was the most precious thing in the world.

none of them!

The reason why the previous Wuxiangzong made all the masters was that only one Four Tribulations immortal emperor was sitting in the sect, largely because of the relationship between good luck and immortal land.

At that time, all the masters without Xiangzong came to the good fortune fairyland to seek opportunities, resulting in the emptiness of the old nest, which was blocked by Lin Langzu for hundreds of years.

"Is this the land of good fortune in the immortal world? It really deserves its name. Opportunity and good fortune coexist. It is also the only place in the world where you can truly see the evolution of chaos."

Yao Xi was amazed.

Although she knew all the treasures of the fairy world well, it was the first time she had been here. The estrangement between the underworld and the immortal world would not allow her, a princess of the Raksha clan, to come to the immortal world.

Once the identity is revealed, it will be the immortal emperor's endless pursuit to greet Yao Xi. Yao Xi's life can be exchanged for many things.


The two did not hesitate. Even if they stepped into the entrance of the Immortal Land of Good Fortune, as the muffled thunder passed by, the two of them were instantly hit by countless thunders, and the electric current surged past, like torture like crushing bones.

Fortunately, the two of Lin Lang's cultivation skills are not bad, and they finally successfully crossed the entrance of the good fortune fairyland.

When the two reappeared, they had truly arrived inside the good luck fairyland. Here is a chaotic space, which is accompanied by matter in the void space.

It is really a scene of the beginning of the world.

The opening of heaven and earth was definitely a rare opportunity for others, including Lin Lang. But he doesn't have that time now.

He only has three years left!

After three years, Lin Lang would not make much sense even if he rushed to the ancestor star of the Golden Saint Clan.

of course.

The danger of the good fortune fairyland in this state is not just talking about it. Not paying attention, even the high-ranking immortal emperor who has been famous for a long time will not be spared.

This can be seen when the two first entered the entrance of the Immortal Land of Good Fortune. God knows how many crises there are to meet them.


The luck of the two of Lin Lang was pretty good, and the two urged Ziyan's eyes at the same time, most of the dangers could be avoided in time.

Even if it is sometimes avoided, Lin Lang has a way to calmly resolve it. His own practice is the way of a small world, forming a small world in his body, which is not much different from the immortal land of good fortune before him.

These are definitely advantages that others don't have.

It can be said that even the Seven Tribulations or even the Eight Tribulations Immortal Emperor could not walk so far so safely here.

Maybe they were lucky. After half a month of trek, they were really close to the entrance of the last heaven.

Here is the most dangerous place in the fairyland of good fortune. Good fortune fairyland will evolve again, but not here!

The remaining prestige of the mother fire of heaven and earth, even if so many Yuanhui passed by, has not been reduced by half, even if the reorganization of good fortune and immortality cannot interfere in this area.


"You better go in by yourself."

Yao Xi shook her head, not planning to go in. She also knew how many catties she had, even if she could contend with the Immortal Emperor Three Tribulations, but she still couldn't set foot in the last heaven.

Even if they were still standing at the entrance, the rushing heat wave had already scorched their faces and their hair danced with the heat wave.

Below high-level immortal emperor, entering this space will undoubtedly die. That terrifying high temperature is a crucial threshold for measuring monks!

Yao Xi still knows herself. Going in by herself is basically no different from sending her to death, so she simply stands outside and waits.


Lin Lang nodded, took one step, and the next moment he would directly enter the endless world of fire.

The reason why he dared to enter was also because he had an advantage that no one else had. He has the upper part of the purple flame divine eyes, which can contain a lot of flames, and over time, his ability to resist heat is stronger than others.

Although Yao Xi had practiced the lower half, she did not absorb the mystery of the flame in the upper half. At least, she does not have the advantage of Lin Lang.

the most important is.

Lin Lang possesses a ball of fire, which is an advantage that no one has!

Lin Lang entered the last heaven very smoothly. As he continued to advance, the flames around him became more and more prosperous, and Lin Lang was almost advancing in the flames that rushed through the sky.

The body has gradually reached its limit.

"I should be able to persist!"

Lin Lang gritted his teeth and moved forward slowly. At this time, Lin Lang's body had turned into a red for ironing, like a refining tool, his skin was constantly peeling off, and only a pool of ashes remained on the ground.


Lin Lang's mentality is a bit blurred, and at this moment, the small world in his body is slowly rotating, and the Five Elements Avenue is flowing.

Flame is also a kind of avenue in the five elements.

There is a small world in Lin Lang, and in this small world, a relatively complete system of five elements has been established in this small world.

He can completely transform all the other five element elements in the small world into flames, thereby offsetting most of the high temperature outside.

that's it.

Lin Lang walked more than ten miles with difficulty.

At this time, Lin Lang swayed and almost fell. But fortunately, his eyesight was quick and his hands were quick, he took out the Soul Debating Sword in time and slid on the ground.

If he fell, Lin Lang would turn into ashes in a moment, and even his soul would not remain.

This is the remnant of the mother fire of the heyday!

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