Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1166: I am back

The disciples and elders outside the gate of the Sansheng Palace have quickly assembled, and masters of all sizes in the palace are dispatched one after another. This is a team of almost two thousand people.

Among them, there are nearly a hundred elders in the realm of immortal kings, and the rest are disciples of the realm of real immortals. This is the full combat power of the Three Holy Palace.

And the opposite.

Coming from several nearby sect forces, plus the troops from the headquarters of the Wolf God Pavilion, the total number is already 10,000, and the comparison of strength is extremely different.

"Luo Rishan, Danxiazong, you really want to participate in the dispute between the Three Holy Palace and the Wolf God Pavilion." Shennong's face was gloomy. In any case, he did not expect that the affiliated forces under the Three Holy Palace would turn their guns so quickly.

Instead, he accepted the invitation of the Wolf God Pavilion and came to encircle and suppress the Three Holy Palace.

"The Three Saints Palace is gone, we just want to find a way out for our sect." Danxiazong's pseudo-emperor said lightly.

"It is your stupidest decision to take refuge in the Wolf God Pavilion, who eats people without spitting out bones." With a sneer, Fu Xi took a step forward.

The confrontation between the two sides seems to be a battle of life and death soon.

The immortal emperors of the Wolf God Pavilion also flew up one after another, stood in every corner of the sky, and blocked the retreat of the monks of the Three Holy Palace in advance.

They are targeting the immortal emperor.

"Thousand-armed demon wolf, dare to fight?"

Fuxi flew into the air a few steps, staring at a wolf **** pavilion master with Sen Leng's eyes. They were definitely rivals, and they had been fighting each other in the past.

"Why fear you?"

In the wolf **** pavilion, an immortal emperor of the Second Tribulation stepped heavily on the ground. The mountains shook and the earthquake trembled. He flew in the air and stared at Fuxi coldly.

It is war, and it takes a long time for a leader to win the battle in the next battle, and the morale of his subordinates is very encouraging.

Obviously, this unspoken rule of the battlefield also applies to disputes between sects.


The two immortal emperors fought in a group, and the two camps waved their flags to cheer, and the fight was not ordinary fierce.

However, it was obvious that the Thousand-Handed Demon Wolf also underestimated Fuxi's combat power. The opponent was just a one-half immortal emperor, but he could even stabilize his head in a frontal battle.

After 10,000 moves, the Thousand-Handed Demon Wolf was injured and was knocked down by Fuxi to his camp. At the same time, an immortal emperor of the Second Tribulations once again stood out from the Wolf God Pavilion camp.

This person is not the kind of monk who has just broken through the Second Tribulations Immortal Emperor like the Thousand Hands Demon Wolf. He has broken through the Second Tribulations Immortal Emperor as early as 100,000 years ago, and now he is not far from the calamity of the Third Dimension Society.

It was in this situation that Fuxi was also wounded, covered in blood, and won the battle with difficulty.

"Is the people of the Wolf God Pavilion just this strength? You guys also want to win the Three Sacred Palace, I'm afraid it is wishful thinking." Fuxi the Great has won two games in a row, and his momentum is flourishing.

"But there are still people fighting!"

Of course, defeat and beheading are completely two concepts. Fuxi can win the opponent in a row, but everyone is also a beginner immortal emperor, and no one can kill anyone in a short time.

Similarly, if the two immortal emperors join forces, no matter how strong Fuxi is, he will be restrained in a short time.

"I will meet him."

The Three Tribulations Immortal Emperor who had been invited by the Wolf God Pavilion to help, couldn't stand it at this time, and stepped out of a fierce battle with Fuxi.

Obviously, the cultivation gap between Emperor Two Tribulations Immortal Emperor and Emperor Three Tribulations was vividly manifested in him. At first, Fuxi was more than defensive and was able to fight back.

But the more later, this gap manifested more clearly, even if Fuxi's combat power was extraordinary, he could not withstand the pressure and was injured repeatedly.

Taking advantage of Fuxi's counterattack, the Immortal Emperor of the Three Tribulations of the Wolf God Pavilion directly penetrated Fuxi's defense, and half of his sharp wolf claws protruded into Fuxi's chest.

It was this time that Fuxi waited!

He held his hurt heart, raised his hand and cut off the opponent's wolf claws. It was just that the lingering power on the wolf's claws had not dissipated, and he flew far away.

Has been in the camp of the Three Holy Palace.

The crowd hurriedly supported Fuxi from the ground by thousands of people, and it was not until this time that everyone in the Sansheng Palace realized that Fuxi had been wounded in the previous fight.

Although Fuxi won the battle, it was not so easy to win as everyone saw.


On the side, a young man who was supporting Fuxi looked worried. It was the first time he saw the unrivaled God of War Fuxi suffered such a serious injury.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, not to the point where you can't stand up."

Fuxi pressed the disciple's arm and stood up. Emperor Xuanyuan took the lead, stopped in front of Fuxi, and said solemnly: "Senior, leave it to me next."

Fuxi smiled and shook his head. The previous confrontation had ended, and the Three Holy Palace side was winning vigorously, and it was time for the decisive battle.

The idea of ​​the wolf **** pavilion was similar, except that Fu Xi was looking for morale, and the will to live toward death. The Wolf God Pavilion wanted to consume Fuxi's combat power with wheel warfare.

Both sides have their own plans, but the goals are the same.

That is to say, in the current decisive battle, the swords of both sides are raging, and a battle to destroy the door is about to start.

It happened at this time.

"How about the wolf **** pavilion's two tricks with me?"

In the middle of the two camps, a white figure fluttered down, and this person was also Lin Lang.

"A little fairy king dared to stand in the center of the two armies, I will kill him." The inherited disciple of the wolf **** pavilion, who is also the strongest in the realm of the fairy king, immediately stood up and planned to face Lin Lang.

On the side, an immortal emperor from the Wolfshen Pavilion stopped him and shook his head slightly: "You are not his opponent. Let the clan master solve it."

The disciple obviously didn't understand what his master meant, but the latter's next sentence made him feel excited.

"This guy is Lin Youye who has disappeared for thousands of years. Only Langque can fight him." He said in a deep voice.

Langque is the only master of the Three Tribulations Immortal Emperor in the Wolf God Pavilion. The portrait of Lin Lang's name has long been known by the forces of the fairy world.

They recognized Lin Lang.

Similarly, the Immortal Emperor Three Tribulations of the Wolf God Pavilion also recognized Lin Lang and stood in place, but did not intend to make a move.

Because he was also not sure whether he was Lin Lang's opponent.

"The Three Holy Palace is gone, and the pavilion master is already on the way to come. When the pavilion master arrives, it will be their death date." The Three Tribulations Immortal Emperor of the Wolf God Pavilion said with a gloomy face.

The Lord of the Wolf God Pavilion has been promoted to the Four Tribulations Immortal Emperor, and he is already on his way. I believe that with his strength, defeating Lin Lang shouldn't be a problem.

In the frontal battlefield, even though he could block Lin Lang, the number of other monks under his command was far superior to that of the Three Sacred Palace, but if he stumbled like this, even if he ate the Three Sacred Palace Wolfshen Pavilion, his vitality would be greatly injured.

It would be better to wait for the pavilion master to arrive, and there is a peerless master sitting in charge, and there will be no resistance to destroying the Three Holy Palace at that time.

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