Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1157: Eye of Hell

The tsunami rushed and quickly flooded the continent. The immortal emperors did not dare to touch the water of the Styx, and one after another rose up to sacrifice their bodies and fled to the few remaining high points on the continent.

A group of them squeezed on more than a dozen mountain peaks. As the final foothold, the water of the Styx was only under their feet, hitting the mountain peaks again and again, splashing water in the sky.


The water surface is also rising at a slow rate, and it will be a matter of time before the last few peaks are flooded.

Lin Lang and a group of high-ranking immortal emperors stood at a position closer to Dahei Mountain, which was also one of the few high points nearby that had not been swallowed by the sea.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the original location of the Great Black Mountain collapsed, and a hundred-meter-long crack was embedded, and a large amount of mud rolled down and fell into the endless abyss below.

The bottom of the abyss was dark, and all the light was swallowed. But faintly, it seemed that a tiny spot of light could still be seen, emitting a totally negligible light.


The surrounding Styx river flooded, the abyss instantly turned into a waterfall, and the rapids rushed down. Except for the sound of the rushing river, no echo was heard at all.

The depth of this crack is probably far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

at this time.

The water of the Styx River has spread to a position not far from Lin Lang's feet, and they have no choice but to continue to rub up a few steps.

at the same time.

A figure flew high and fell into the Styx with a thump. It turned out that it was a moody immortal emperor who kicked away a behemoth of the underworld that occupies a position around him.

Although the latter has also cultivated to the realm of Emperor Immortal, the difference in strength is obvious. He has been seriously injured in mid-air, and can only watch himself fall into the water.

A small Immortal Emperor of the Five Tribulations occupied a high position, which is indeed wrong in this situation. Lin Lang glanced at each other, but did not continue to fight for it.

They also knew that they would definitely not be able to compete with those immortal emperor monsters of the Seven Tribulations and Eight Tribulations. The identity of Princess Raksha was completely unworthy at this time, so it was better to think of other ways.

"I knew that we would sit on the bone boat ahead of time. Even if we can't take us out of the Styx, there is still a chance to survive floating on the Styx."

Everyone looked at each other and sighed.

It is a pity that the White Bone Boat is too far away from them, with their cultivation base, it is impossible to cross such a long distance and log on to the distant White Bone Boat.

Lin Lang was also helpless. He and Yao Xi had cracked the secret of controlling the bone ark, but they couldn't reach the bone ark across such a long distance.

Also very helpless.

At this time.

Through the river, everyone could faintly see a deep black light under the abyss that was constantly being filled by the river in the distance.

The source of that black light was a black pupil with red eyes around it, and nearby was engraved with twisted and complicated strange Sanskrit symbols.

Even if it is just a glance, there is a feeling that the soul is absorbed and swallowed, this is not an illusion, but if you look at it more, the corresponding soul will be torn off and purified.

"This eye... is... the eye of hell, damn, this kind of thing really exists!"

One of the immortal emperors who survived eight Yuanhui suddenly exclaimed. He is very knowledgeable and has witnessed countless strange events in the underworld.

Naturally no stranger to things like the Eye of Hell.

"The so-called eye of **** is a big unknown thing in the underworld. It is said that any monk who sees it is accompanied by the end of life."

Yao Xi said in a low voice, "This is just one kind of legend, but from another level, the Eye of Hell monitors the world. Nothing in ancient and modern can escape the detection of Eye of Hell."

Yao Xi turned her head and glanced at Lin Lang. Her eyes were filled with determination. Her small hands quietly pinched Lin Lang. Although they could not completely envelop Lin Lang's palm, there were still strands of cold temperature.

"Do me a favor, I have a way to summon the White Bone Boat." Yao Xi's eyes flashed with scorching light.

Lin Lang knew what she was going to do, and didn't say much, the two opened Ziyan's divine eyes in a tacit understanding.

In an instant, the two souls merged together, and the wonderful pleasure of being attached to each other and attracted to each other even made people go straight to the sky, which was a hundred times stronger than the original human instinct.

This is a double cultivation method among Taoists.

However, the two currently have no time to experience these. At this time, all the power of the souls of the two people were all gathered on Yao Xi.

Her eyes, which were originally closed tightly, suddenly opened, and there seemed to be a deep cosmic starry sky in her piercing eyes, able to see all illusions clearly.

And this is also the ability of Ziyan Divine Eye after Lin Lang's small world technique is blessed. One of them cultivated the upper half of Ziyan Divine Eye, and the other cultivated the complete lower half.

Gathering together at this moment, a brand-new magical power that is far beyond the creator of magical power appears.

With the power of Zi Yan's divine eyes, Yao Xi also smoothly saw the full picture of the abyss in the deep sea.

What Taoism seems to have never appeared before, being swallowed by the abyss.

At this time, all Taoism turned into fly ash. Even from beginning to end, the existence of Dao Zang may be a doubt.

Their ability to work together can even directly connect with the Eye of Hell, perhaps because the technique is strong enough, or it may be some kind of coincidence.

They entered the eyes of **** smoothly, and countless scenes and pictures flashed before their eyes. This may be what the Eye of Hell wants them to see.


That is an ancient era.

A woman from the far end of the world, sitting on a precarious wooden boat, came along the Styx.

There is an amazing origin behind her, it is the three generations of messengers from the underworld. There are underworlds in the world, and there are even more underworlds, which are a group of people who truly control reincarnation.

It is rumored that the palace lord of the underground palace is vast, and he is completely capable of immortalizing and eternal existence. Unlike the detached one, the palace owner of the underground palace can live the same life as the heaven and the earth without the approval of the heaven.

The underworld is also the world's first-class power. Although Lin Lang has not really experienced this, he can still infer some information from the part of the scene refracted by the eyes of hell.

The Styx runs through the world, including the wasteland of the universe where no one has yet to find the end. The palace lord of the underground mansion rules the world's reincarnation, and countless powerful men under his command maintain the normal operation of the living world.

In addition, there is a special position in the underworld, that is, the underworld messenger. From a certain point of view, the envoys of the underworld of each generation can be said to have obtained the tacit approval of the Dao of Heaven. The cultivation base will not be stronger due to the Yuanhui disaster, and can only be improved through slow accumulation.

Similarly, their lifespans are much longer than those of ordinary Three Realms monks, and most of them can live to about 30 yuan, so the combat power of each generation of envoys is extremely outrageous.

These messengers of the underworld are not the legendary ecstasy messengers, but shoulder the orders of the palace lord of the underworld, to go to all realms to clear the Styx and construct a complete reincarnation.

The identity of the first generation netherworld messenger need not be mentioned, perhaps it has already fallen before countless Yuanhui. And the second netherworld messenger is the Pluto in the world today.

According to the information transmitted by the Eye of Hell, Pluto, as the second-generation netherworld messenger, went alone to the universe where Lin Lang and others were located, and opened the cycle of this world with his own power.

If things go on like this, there is no problem, but this Pluto has great ambitions. After starting the cycle of reincarnation, he invited several of the nine emperors to jointly close the passage with other universes, which is regarded as self-reliance as a king.

He wanted to be the "Lord of the Underworld" of this universe, and even imitated the underworld and established the current underworld world, and then led others to build the underworld world.

Because of this meritorious deed, Pluto succeeded in gaining everything from the heavens, transcending the world. But how could the palace master of the netherworld allow them to send the third generation of netherworld messengers and several netherworld masters separately.

This person is also the mysterious woman imprisoned in the iceberg, and is also the female emperor of reincarnation in the few records of this era. Her combat power is not much worse than that of the detached Pluto, and even with the assistance of many masters from the underworld, even Pluto fell into a disadvantage.

The Empress of Samsara is the three generations of messengers from the underworld.

Similarly, the accumulation of Pluto in that era was not as strong as it is now, and its combat power was much worse than that of the Nine Emperors. The powerful reincarnation empress almost captured Pluto several times, but the latter escaped.

At this time.

A man broke into the life of the female emperor of reincarnation. His name was Raksha. He was also the first Raksha. He created the Raksha Empire, one of the top ten royal families.

The reincarnation empress who has been guarding the cycle of reincarnation all the year round, even if she is so powerful that she has a stunning era, she is unpopular after all and is deceived by Raksha's rhetoric.

The two quickly fell in love and gave birth to a daughter.

The first generation of Rakshasa knew the identity of the Empress of Samsara, and the two decided to join forces to open the seal connecting the two universes.


This vast ceremony was forced to interrupt. Pluto and the first generation of Raksha had actually conspired long ago, and the two big men were fooled by the reincarnation female emperor.

In the end, at the moment when the ceremony was about to end, Pluto and Raksha made a sneak attack at the same time, and there was even a shadow of an emperor.

But the three of them also far underestimated the true combat power of the Empress of Reincarnation. At the last moment, the Empress of Reincarnation rebelled on her own, and she just opened the two-world channel.

It was like opening Pandora's box, the Undead Army came across the two worlds of Styx, and a battle broke out with many local masters.

In the end, the Nine Emperors were forced to intervene, and the reincarnation female emperor and the remaining undead army were also suppressed by the iceberg, and the passage between the two realms was closed again by the Nine Emperors.

The end of the picture.

The first generation of Rakshasa sealed himself and the baby girl born by the Empress of Reincarnation with his great magical powers, placed it on the Stygian River for endless years of wandering, and set up a handed down oracle that only each generation of Rakshasa emperors have the right to contact.

One day, the Styx baby girl appeared in the imperial city and was the lord of Raksha. Perhaps, each generation of Rakshasa is also afraid of the majesty of the first Rakshasa. I hope that the Styx baby girl will not appear in the era when she rules the Raksha country.

But compared to this, a more convincing guess is that the first generation of Rakshasa left some kind of back hand, so that the later Rakshasa had to pinch his nose to recognize this handed down oracle.

As for whether the first generation of Rakshasa sealed the baby girl to this world because of the guilt of the reincarnation female emperor, this is probably only the person involved knows.

And this baby girl is also Yao Xi.

Having said that, why Yaoxi can control part of the power of reincarnation is actually not difficult to understand. The tens of millions of years of wandering on the Styx had already immersed Yao Xi's body in the road of reincarnation.

This is the beginning and end of this story, and it is also all the information that the Eye of Reincarnation feeds back to Yao Xi.

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