Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 116: Shadow Blur

"No way. I saw Man Yao yesterday and it was good. How could it be today ..." Wang Wen didn't believe it.

"It's not something you can talk about." Wang Jinglun frowned.

"I wanted to wake her up in the morning, and no one responded for a long time. I thought she was sleeping heavily, but then ..." Meng Xiyue said cryingly.

"Nonsense, I'm going to take a look." Wang Wen also didn't care about pitying Xiangxiyu, pushed Meng Xiyue aside, and broke into the room.

After a while, when everyone walked in, Wang Wen sat down on the ground in despair.

On the couch, the beautiful ladies of the past were pale and pale, and the jade body was cold, and they could not feel the breath even near them.

One of the juniors of the Wang family who was a forensic doctor was brave and stood out from the crowd. He stepped forward and examined it carefully.

In the end, he turned his head ugly: "People died almost seven or eight hours. The cause of death is unknown. It may be caused by an acute disease."

I heard that the old Wang family was terrified, and the Wang family compound had long been haunted. Lin Lang's great-grandfather died because of this. His behavior was weird before death. In general, the room upstairs and downstairs for four or five days before driving Hexi.

Later, Father Wang felt weird and invited the Master to do something. Perhaps it really worked. Since the Master left, the Wang Family Courtyard has calmed down since then.

And this matter, because of the password by Father Wang, except for a few witnesses at the time, everyone else heard it as a rumor.

But this weird situation in front of them reminded them of the past.

"Let's get rid of her quickly. It's unlucky for Chinese New Year. The old man is most superstitious about this. If he is told about it, I'm afraid I'll kick you out."

Soon the Wang family suggested.

"Contact her family and take it back to deal with it, we can't afford to delay it."

Wang Jinglun sighed and patted his son's shoulder, then turned and left.

The rest of the Wang family also stepped forward, fearing to provoke anger, and then left in a hurry after saying a sorrow.

Everyone was gone. At this moment, there were only Meng Xiyue and the Wang family brothers.

"Brother Wen, I think this is quite scary. Why don't we find someone to bury her?" Wang Hai felt chilly behind, as if someone was blowing cold wind behind him.

"Well, we can only do that ..." Wang Wen was sad.


As soon as his voice fell, Zhou Manyao on the couch sat up in vain.

"Oh my dear!"

Wang Hai was so guilty that he seemed to meet a peerless horror. He hid behind the door and didn't dare to take a closer look.

Wang Wenyi was also taken aback, but because he leaned on the bedside, he could clearly see Zhou Manyao's situation at this time.

I saw "Zhou Manyao" with a black face entwined, with white eyes showing a strong red, extremely cold, she shed her hair, like a demon.

Wang Wen suddenly had an illusion. Zhou Manyao's nails with red nail polish seemed to have grown a lot at this time, and he didn't know if he had read it wrong.

"You're not dead?" Wang Wen exclaimed.

"Dead? How could I die?" Zhou Manyao's voice was vague. "You're going to die."

Zhou Manyao's scarlet tongue stuck out and licked around the corner of his mouth.

Similarly, she looked at the three people in the house with hot eyes.

The atmosphere in the room was too weird. The goddess of Shuxian yesterday, like the upper body of a ghost, became so terrifying that everyone lost the ability to think.

Just then, a cold voice rang through the room: "Sin barrier!"

As early as Zhou Manyao became ill, Lin Lang noticed.

At this moment he yelled, turned his palm into a knife, quietly appeared behind Zhou Manyao, and a palm knife split her.

咣 Dang.

Zhou Manyao was weak and lost consciousness again.

"Is it the magical power of the demons?"

Looking at Zhou Manyao, whose eyelashes were constantly trembling, Lin Lang frowned subconsciously. If he did not mistake, the strange things that happened to Zhou Manyao had the shadow of the magical powers of the Demons. Although the similarity was not high, there were seven or eight Fractal shape.

If it weren't for the immediate scene, it would be really difficult for Lin Lang to associate this matter with the demons.

The demons are an inherent race of the immortal world, with many veins. They are afraid of the vast number of immortals. Their individual combat power may not be the strongest, but the effort of cursing poison is the best among the ten thousand. The birth of five of the six pulses disturbed the immortal world.

It is strange that the demons were born in the immortal realm, and it is absolutely impossible to appear in the lower realm unless they can break through the barriers of the two realms.

However, this is not possible. Even if Lin Lang, who had achieved the immortal king, wanted to travel back and forth between the two realms, it was not easy, how could the demons appear in the lower realm, and he would still cultivate the declining earth.

"Is there something wrong with the barriers of the fairyland?"

At this moment, many thoughts emerged in Lin Lang's heart.

"What's wrong with Man Yao?" Wang Wen calmed down and asked with a trembling voice.

"She's got something, it's not a big deal."

Lin Lang shook his head, then raised Zhou Manyao, and patted him a few times on Jiao's body.

The real demons have very difficult magical powers, and it is difficult to get rid of the slightest contamination, but Zhou Manyao's body is only a curse imitating the demons' methods, and it is not difficult to dispel them.

"Will you still heal?" Wang Hai swaggered. Perhaps in order to conceal the recent state of dysfunction, at this time, I had to get back some face from Lin Lang.

Lin Lang glanced lightly and said nothing, his mind was now on the Devil.

"First, seek the magic jade, then the magic power of the demons. It seems that there are many secrets hidden on this declining star of the earth."


After a while, Zhou Manyao woke up and looked around blankly.

She had recovered, but she had just lost some memory.

"What's wrong with me? I feel so weak." Zhou Manyao asked sickly.

"It's okay. You just passed out. I'm afraid you're in trouble. So come and see." Wang Wen also helped conceal and didn't want her to know the truth.

"Actually you are evil."

Wang Hai quietly said.

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