These things he saw were too coincidental, as if someone had arranged for him early. Starting from entering the third thatched house, he was guided by an inexplicable force to awaken the brand in his body.

Later, under the influence of his branding, he discovered this small world that perfectly fits himself, and can even complement his own practice.

It was this wonderful coincidence that inevitably made Lin Lang think more.

But in any case, Lin Lang is already in this bizarre space, this is a huge opportunity that others cannot enjoy or experience.


Lin Lang sat cross-legged and guided the power of the surrounding Dao to begin to perfect his own practice.

Such a process is destined to be long.

Twenty years later, Lin Lang stepped out of the thatched hut again, his beard had grown to the length of his chest, and it seemed rather uncut. During this period, Lin Lang's practice has also been further improved.

Fighting power is even higher.

This is not an increase in the types and number of avenues, but from the level of cultivation techniques. After sharpening the tip of the gun, even wood can kill people.

"Unexpectedly, there were such three powerful monks retreating on the Styx in the ancient times." Lin Lang sighed.

the other side.

Yao Xi and others have also left the customs one after another, and they have all made considerable improvements in their respective cultivation directions, especially Yao Xi, who has faintly oscillated reincarnation in every move.

Each of these three thatched huts represents a kind of great opportunity, even monks who have nothing to do with them can benefit a lot.

Of course, only the first one, the thatched hut that represents the power of time and space, no one dares to touch. They are also worried that they will be drawn into other time and space after entering, and there will be no return.

"I haven't seen it in twenty years, Qingsi has turned white hair, and Princess Yaoxi has become a bit old." Lin Lang said with a smile.

"Stop talking, no one treats you as dumb."

Yao Xi's face turned dark. Of course, what Lin Lang said may be a bit exaggerated, but Yao Xi did have a few strands of white hair on top of her head, perhaps because it was too much effort to understand the road of reincarnation.

"His Royal Highness, don't blame him, some people are blind at a young age, and don't know what is outstanding in the world." Jiang Yan spared no effort to please.

For some reason, when Lin Lang was exploring the second thatched hut, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Just now.

A heavy dock sound suddenly sounded in the ears of the four of them. The sound was so penetrating that it could even penetrate the eardrums directly into the soul.

This voice instantly caught everyone's attention.

They turned their heads and looked at the distant shore.

At this time, a huge bone boat came slowly, half of the hull was submerged under water, and the part floating on the water was several hundred meters in length.

On the deck above this bone ship, there stood a large group of underworld monks, many of whom were also familiar with Yao Xi and others, who were also underworld monks of recent generations.

They should have landed from other directions on the Styx River, and encountered similar conditions to those of Lin Lang and others. They were taken by other small bone boats to various piers, and then picked up by the big ship in front of them.

The big ship docked slowly, but no one disembarked at this time. One of the immortal emperors of the underworld who is familiar with Yaoxi shouted, "Princess Yaoxi, you can board the ship."

The four of Lin Lang glanced at each other without much hesitation. At this time, they rode the rainbow to board the ship.

Although they haven't fully penetrated the avenue in the thatched house, they can't stay on the island since there are already ships coming.

Otherwise, God knows there will be no similar big ships that can carry them away in the future. If not, they may only stay on the island in the future.

The four people boarded the ship, looking around.

Most of this ship is the Immortal Emperor of the Underworld, and there is no weak hand. The lowest realm is also the Immortal Emperor of Three Tribulations. Only such a group of people have the initial ability to navigate the Styx.

"Where is this ship going?"

No one can answer Yao Xi's question. One of the immortal emperors said, "We don't even know this, but this is the only ship that can lead deeper into the Styx."

No one can explain where the ship will go, when it will dock, and what chances will there be in the deeper part of the Styx.

Yao Xi nodded, but did not continue to question.

"There are rooms under the ship?"

Lin Lang suddenly cried out curiously. He stood on the edge of the bone ship, with a spiral staircase in front of him, allowing him to descend into a deeper space.

At this time, the immortal emperor on the deck showed a different color, but no one answered the conversation and didn't know what he was thinking.


Yao Xi also walked over and said, "This ship is really complete with all internal organs, and has rooms prepared for us?" After speaking, Yao Xi planned to get down into the cabin.

"His Royal Highness, it's better not to go down." An old immortal emperor from the Raksha clan couldn't help but reminded that he didn't want to watch Yao Xi go down and die.

"What's the matter? Seniors, can you elaborate on it?" Yao Xi stopped in midair before turning around and asked.

Seeing that the rest of the crowd hadn't spoken, the old immortal emperor sighed heavily at this time, telling about a pending case not long ago.

About three years ago, after each of them boarded the boat, they all went down to the lowest floor and found a room to live in. Originally, everyone was waiting for the bone boat to dock.

They are all at peace with each other.

But only half a month later, an immortal emperor in the ship died, the soul and flesh and blood were swallowed clean, and only a pile of bones remained in the room.


Everyone thought it was the immortal emperors who had private enmity, and secretly killed the unlucky immortal emperor during the time when everyone was not paying attention.

after all.

There are basically few good things that can cultivate to the realm of the immortal emperor. The grievances and entanglements between each other can't be written in a book, and it is not difficult to imagine some tragedies.

At first, no one cared, and each set up defenses in the room, thinking that it would be better to be alert.

But who ever thought.

The good times didn't last long. After the third day passed, another immortal emperor died in his room. When he was discovered, his body was stinking.

This is the second immortal emperor who died on the ship.

Then, another three days passed.

A fairy emperor of the bone race has fallen!

From then on, three days are like a time node, and every three days in the past, a fairy emperor will die on time. Unfortunately, with so many of them present, they didn't even notice any fluctuations in the battle.

It stands to reason.

The immortal emperor level cultivator can no longer handle it with common sense. Even if the means of sound insulation is installed, the emperor level battle fluctuations can't be concealed.

So many immortal emperors have fallen one after another, but there has been no fluctuations, this kind of thing sounds really strange!

"There is weird in the cabin of this ship, killing people invisible at every turn, so after that everyone also evacuated, but they did not continue to die."

Said the old fairy emperor of the Raksha clan.

There are weirdness in Styx. This argument has existed since ancient times. People often blame weirdness for things they can't explain.

But this is not without reason.

There are too many things on Styx that cannot be explained by common sense, and there are not a few immortal emperors who fall due to this every year.

After what he said,

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