Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1139: Daoyuan Fish

Then Yao Xi continued: "In this way, if that **** turtle appears, you have to make a shot in front of me. This condition shouldn't be too much."

"Yes, but before I get to the shore, you need to provide me with all the branches and leaves for enlightenment, can you do this?" Lin Lang looked back at Yao Xi.

"of course."

Yao Xi raised her head in an arrogant posture, properly a rich little woman.

After the two parties negotiated the conditions, Yao Xi gave Lin Lang several leaves of the Taoist tree.

It is clearly just a few leaves, but they are squirming all the time, really like a few mollusks. Of course, the branches and leaves of the enlightenment are not close to each other.

Lin Lang took it in his hand and couldn't help but move.

The branches and leaves of the tree of enlightenment really have extraordinary effects. Even if he just holds it in his hand, there is even the illusion that the avenue grows wildly. If he perceives the avenue at this time, it can grow nearly ten times faster than usual.

This is the power of the tree of enlightenment!

"If I can catch the source of Dao that fits my attributes, and cooperate with the branches and leaves of the tree of enlightenment, maybe my cultivation level will achieve a qualitative leap in the short term."

Lin Lang thought secretly in his heart.

After that, he also followed Yao Xi's appearance, preparing to take out a bamboo pole to fish, but Yao Xi stopped it.

"You are wasting like this. You think your hair can withstand the overlook of the Styx. When the time comes, the branches and leaves will fall down, and you can't get it."

Yao Xi glanced at Lin Lang complainingly, then pulled a few hairs from the top of her head and handed them over.

"No, use mine."

Lin Lang took the hair and experienced it carefully, but didn't find anything special. The only difference was probably that Yao Xi's hair had a faint smell of the same origin as Styx.

For this, Lin Lang blamed it on Yao Xi's avenue of cultivation. The power of the avenue can affect every organ of the human body, including hair.

After receiving Yao Xi's "feeding", the three of them followed Yao Xi's movements and threw the bait into the water.

In this way, the four of them were sitting cross-legged in each direction of the white bone boat, pulling the fishing line into the water and fishing.

This is destined to be a long and boring journey.

And this thing depends most on luck and patience.

Among the four, Daoist Cangsong caught a Daoyuan fish first, but the attributes were completely contrary to him, but they followed the same route with Jiang Yan, and the two made a simple exchange.

Even so, it took about half a year for the four to catch the first Daoyuan fish.

one year later.

Jiang Yan also caught a Daoyuan fish on the Speed ​​Avenue. This is a golden road that can basically fit anyone. According to the agreement, it was given to Taoist Cangsong.

The number of avenues between heaven and earth is inexhaustible, and the number of major roads taken by each person is also completely different, and the path of the immortal monk has been fixed. It is not easy to find a Tao source that fits oneself.

It depends on luck.

Yaoxi almost had luck with Lin Lang. Two years later, Yaoxi's other Daoyuan fish took the bait. She checked her attributes and found that it was just a summoning avenue, which had nothing to do with her own practice.

So I decided to throw it away.

"and many more."

Lin Lang quickly stopped Yao Xi. Summoning the Dao is useless to Yao Xi, but it is extremely useful for the Demon Dao clone who cultivates the Dark Dao.

One of the branches of the Dark Avenue is a product of summoning dark creatures, and it is inextricably linked with the Avenue of Summoning.

"What do you need?"

Yao Xi looked at Lin Lang with a smile, her hand slipped, and the Dao Yuan fish in her hand moved into the water.

"what are you doing?"

Lin Lang frowned and looked at Yao Xi, feeling quite dissatisfied.

Yao Xi didn't take it seriously, folded her hands on her chest, and said plausibly: "Sorry, my hands slipped..."

"What's more, I provided the fishing line and the bait. Daoyuan fish was caught by the princess herself. What if I don't exchange it with you?" Yao Xi said unreasonably with her waist in her waist.

Lin Lang's face turned dark, and he was about to stand up and teach the little demon girl a lesson. Although he can't kill Yao Xi yet, he still needs to teach the latter to observe some rules.

And just now.

The fishing line in Lin Lang's hand moved suddenly.


Lin Lang stretched out his hand and quickly grasped the fishing rod, just about to lift it up.

At this time.

The fishing rod in Lin Lang's hand suddenly sank, almost flying out of his hand, and even the white bone boat with a few people under him sank a little.

"It's a big fish!"

Lin Lang's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly increased his strength, but the power of the Taoyuan fish underwater was so great that he could even wrestle with Lin Lang underwater.

"Come up to me!"

Lin Lang let out a low cry, and stepped on the deck to increase the power output, and the fishing line woven from a hairline quickly tightened, bearing the strength of the two.

On the one hand, Lin Lang is still on board, and he needs to take into account the safety of the bone boat and everyone, and control his power. Otherwise, once the white bone boat is overturned, the few of them basically don't want to go ashore safely.

That’s why.

The fishing line became more and more taut, and finally stretched into a straight straight line.

next moment.

The fishing line could no longer withstand the strength of both sides, and it broke into two pieces with a click. Lin Lang was prepared for a long time, and could not help taking a few steps back, almost to the edge of the bone boat.

The Bone Boat has traveled a long distance.

"It's a pity, this should be a big fish, at least it's also the source of Taoism at the ancient avenue level." Yao Xi hurriedly sighed.

"Be quiet, it's not gone yet."

Lin Lang made a hiss gesture and pointed to the water. After Lin Lang's reminder, Yao Xi also quickly looked behind her.

Under the water, a cloud of phantom has not left, about half a meter long, and it should be digesting the mysterious power of the enlightened tree leaves.

"it is as expected."

Yao Xi's eyes flashed.

Crimson Yan and Taoist Cangsong also put down the fishing rods in their hands, looking in the direction they were looking, they were all confused.

They didn't see anything.

"Can you see it too?" Lin Lang looked at Yao Xi curiously. The reason why he could see Daoyuan fish underwater was because of his boring attempt not long ago.

He found that Ziyan's eyes could clearly capture the fuzzy outline of Daoyuan fish in the water of the Styx River. As for Yao Xi, it was something he hadn't expected.

It seems.

The pupil technique of this little demon girl is also quite complicated, at least not inferior to Ziyan Divine Eye on the level.

"You test me again!" Yao Xi glared at Lin Lang, just about to happen.

At this moment, she only felt a pain in her scalp, and her whole head was hot. When she looked back, a lock of hair appeared in Lin Lang's hand on the other side.

Lin Lang's speed was also very fast. He quickly entangled these hairs, hung the two sections with fishing rods and bait respectively, and left the boat.


The Daoyuan fish, which was still hundreds of kilometers away, rushed to the bone boat like crazy after smelling several branches and leaves of the tree of enlightenment.

The branches and leaves of Taoism are extremely attractive to Taoyuan fish, not to mention three or four stacked together.

There should be a scene to catch this fish!

"Little Demon Lord! I'm going to kill you!"

On the other side, Yao Xi turned into anger, and rushed towards Lin Lang regardless, her small fist hammered Lin Lang's chest frantically.

This **** guy actually squeezed a lot of her hair. Needless to say, the importance of hair to women is of course needless to say. At this time, Yao Xi was completely missing a piece on the top of her head, as if she was wearing a bald spot.

The mentality burst on the spot!

Lin Lang pressed Yao Xi's head with one hand, while the other was controlling the fishing line. When Dao Yuan fish bit the hook, he suddenly exerted force and a big fish broke through the water.

Lin Lang threw away Yao Xi, tapped the nail plate on one foot, and flew up, holding the half-meter-long Daoyuan fish in his arms in the air.

Then he fell lightly on the deck.

"What kind of avenue is this?" Lin Lang frowned and checked it carefully, but he didn't notice any avenue power in this Dao Yuan fish.

The only thing there is is a slightly richer breath of reincarnation.

At this time, Yao Xi stopped crying, came to Lin Lang and began to check this Daoyuan fish.

"Do you know the attributes of this Daoyuan fish?" Lin Lang frowned and looked at Yao Xi.

For a long while.

Yao Xi finally retracted his gaze and changed to a serious expression, and said: "This Daoyuan fish has no effect on you. Not only that, it will even become the source of disaster."

"Legend, this is a very unknown Daoyuan fish. Anyone who gets this Daoyuan fish will die inexplicably. The soul is not in reincarnation yet."

Jiang Yan and others frowned.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Yao Xi stared at everyone nervously, pointed her finger at Lin Lang, and said, "Quickly, throw it away! It's about to release its unknown power!"

Lin Lang subconsciously prepared to throw it away, but fortunately, he reacted quickly, and his half-stretched hand retracted again, secretly saying that he was almost cheated by this demon girl.

It was obviously Kuang that he threw it away, and then caught it again by himself. In this case, even if Lin Lang was dissatisfied, this fish had nothing to do with Lin Lang.

"Since it's so dangerous, I'll take care of it for you first." Lin Lang showed the expression of a demon girl who only believed in you.


Yao Xi sighed faintly, and said: "I have said so, why don't you believe it, the lives of all of us in the boat will be in your hands."

"is it."

Lin Lang stared at Yao Xi with a smile. None of these people present is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. Yao Xi's acting is pretty good, but no one is really stupid enough to believe it.

Unless this fellow Crimson...

"Little Demon Lord, I advise you to throw it away as soon as possible. Among these people on our boat, no one knows Styx better than Princess Yaoxi."

Jiang Yan persuaded.

Just now.

The Dao Yuan fish in Lin Lang's arms suddenly began to struggle violently. After a few breaths, Lin Lang only felt that his chest was kicked away by a huge force. Dao Yuan fish grew a pair of feet and almost kicked Lin Lang directly off the boat.

That’s why.

That Daoyuan fish escaped from Lin Lang's arms and was about to jump off the boat. Jiang Yan and the others hurriedly stopped, blocking Dao Yuanyu in all directions, blocking the way forward.

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