It can be said.

The relationship between the two is the same as that of the father and son, which is also a rare case in the underworld.

at this time.

The Taoist protector threw a rope and tied Crimson's waist at the moment of his death, and then pulled the latter back from the edge of death.

Affected by this, the power of the whole body of the protector is used to hold the crimson, and the clone is lacking in skills, but he cannot resist the hurricane.


The protector was blown into the sky directly, and there was no room for struggling anymore, and he could only let the hurricane roll him down into the river.

"Young Master, stay alive."

The guardian's eyes were dim. At the last moment of falling into the water, he stretched out his hand and slammed the rope tightly, which should have pulled Cyan Yan up from the water.


This loyal guardian fell into the Styx River, just like everyone before, his body quickly dissipated, and it didn't take long for him to melt into a group of crystal clear bones, floating away with the river.

With this force, Jiang Yan also stabilized his figure smoothly, but his own cultivation level was too far apart, struggling to support him in the air, but it was only a matter of time before he fell into the Styx.

the other side.

Yao Xi also acted decisively, with a colorful ribbon floating around her arm, trying to rescue the latter.

But what she didn't expect was that the energy of the hurricane suddenly skyrocketed at this time. Without any precautions, she directly blew Yao Xi's fragile figure into the air, and almost fell into the river like the crimson before.


Yao Xi's face changed drastically.

At this time.

Lin Lang's figure in the sky flashed, and his body turned into a long rainbow, falling on the water below Yao Xi's body. He stretched out his hands and steadily caught Yao Xi.

"You? Would you save me?"

Yao Xi also had an incredulous expression on her face. In her thinking, Lin Lang should have planned to kill him, and would never miss such a good opportunity to take advantage of the situation to kill.

At least, if it was Yao Xi, she would do it.

"When I don't let you die, you won't die."

In the storm.

Lin Lang stood up on the waves, holding Yao Xi in both hands and speaking indifferently. In the roaring gust of wind, the clothes bulged and hunted.

"This guy is really not easy." Yao Xi's eyes flashed, and she suddenly realized that she had underestimated Lin Lang and the latter's heart.

of course.

Yao Xi has other cards, and she won't just fall into the Styx. But she didn't expect Lin Lang to save her.

In other words, Yao Xi still has utility value, at least until Lin Lang sees the stele tortoise through Styx, Yao Xi still has the value of her life.

As Princess Raksha, the resources and contacts she can mobilize in Styx are certain bargaining chips. The most important thing is that Yaoxi knows Styx better than anyone present.

This is why Lin Lang tried to save her!

At this time.

The hurricane over the Styx suddenly dissipated, and all the wind and waves were invisible.

The world returns to tranquility.

At the same time, Crimson Yan also stabilized his figure smoothly in the air, but because of this, he took a life.

There are very few strong people standing near the Styx, and most of them are immortal emperors of the Three Tribulations or even the Four Tribulations, and there are no shortage of high-ranking immortal emperors.

It can be said.

The wind and waves dissipated, but there was no simple character left over the Styx.

But the problem has not been resolved.

They did save a life in the wind, but they are still standing at the border of life and death in the Styx. The Styx in front of him is still a forbidden area, and the immortal emperor rushes into it, and will be swallowed by the Styx.

No one can do this.

"You still won't let me down?"

Yao Xi stared at Lin Lang in her arms.

"I saved your life. I can't hold it for a while." Lin Lang also stared at Yao Xi, his eyes falling deeply on Yao Xi's delicate pretty face.

Yao Xi's long eyelashes blinked, then folded her hands together, put Lin Lang's chest close to her ears, and made a false sleepy posture. She smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll take advantage of you, don't be too Excessive, there are so many people here."

Lin Lang: "..."

This little demon girl is really unscrupulous, but she took the initiative to tease Lin Lang.


The water of the Styx has become a problem that no one can solve.

Just when everyone was at a loss.

Lin Lang's ears moved, staring at Styx without blinking.

After a while.

Everyone present could hear the dull horns in the depths of the Styx River, and similarly, there was a continuous wave of waves, as if something was approaching.

Everyone is like an enemy.

It took about half a minute or so.

Everyone can finally see the source of these abnormal noises.

In the depths of the Styx River, two white shadows are coming over the waves at this time, but their size is extremely small, compared to the distance between everyone and "it", it can almost be regarded as a tiny dust.

"Be careful, this Styx is constantly weird, and it's a life-saving thing to keep it uneven." A high-ranking immortal emperor was wary, even pulling out his weapon to face the white spot in the distance.

Lin Lang also put Yao Xi down and made a guard posture. Today's Styx is different from the past, extremely dangerous, and no one can guarantee that the opposite is good or evil.

After a while.

The two small white dots finally gradually enlarged in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone's field of vision could vaguely distinguish the shape of the "white dots".

"It's a boat, it's a ferry!"

Someone exclaimed.

At this time, many immortal monks showed excitement on their faces. Regardless of whether the little white dot is a boat or other monsters, as long as they can navigate the Styx, it means that they can use this thing to go to the depths of the Styx.

Why are they not happy?

boom! Wuwu!

As the two boats approached, everyone finally saw the full picture of the two boats. The whole body is grim white, and the anchors and masts are all pieced together.

Numerous heads are piled up to form a deck, and the arm bones and leg bones are connected together to form a horizontal mast.

As for the material of the boat.

There are two bone boats!

"Autumn wind crossing, bone boat."

"Luo Guming, connect to Jiuyou."

"Little Pluto, don't be ashamed."

"Get on the boat, don't want to slip."

Between heaven and earth, weird nursery rhymes sounded. That childish voice, coupled with the content of the nursery rhyme, made people feel terrifying.

Especially the last sentence, even people have an urge to refuse to board the boat.

This undulating nursery rhyme naturally came from these two bone boats.

The gloomy bone boat came slowly, and the size of the bone boat was not large. It could only accommodate about three or four people. If it was more, it had to be squeezed off the boat.

"What does this mean, Lord Hades's name is also a bone ferry that can be humiliated?"

Everyone also feels incredible about the content of nursery rhymes. Cursing Pluto, who has such courage?

I am afraid that the two white bone ferry boats are not from Pluto, but from other characters in the Styx.

"Could it be that the Underworld can't dominate the Styx family, and there are other forces in the Styx that can't participate?" Lin Lang frowned imperceptibly, always feeling that something was wrong.

In other words, Pluto, as one of the many detached persons in the underworld, has developed countless Yuanhui, and the underworld should have been the only one in the underworld.

Although the underworld does not interfere with the affairs of all races in the world, no one offends it, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the number one power in the underworld.

Pluto alone is enough to overthrow any race in the underworld, including the ten kings!

It was the first time they saw anyone who dared to insult Hades.

"What about him, as long as he can board the ship, I am afraid that the strangeness on the ship will not happen?" A fairy emperor sneered.

The rest of the immortal emperors also secretly gathered momentum. There are only two White Bone Boats, which can accommodate at most seven or eight people on board, but this is their only chance to go to the depths of the Styx!

Accompanied by the weird nursery rhymes, the white bone boat slowly drew ashore.

at the same time.

Several nearby high-ranking immortal emperors rose into the sky, stepping on the surface of the Styx under their feet, and rushing towards the bone boat.

Lin Lang did his part, two immortal kings and one immortal emperor descended near the bone boat.

But some people are faster than them.

A high-ranking immortal emperor had already boarded the ship first, watching the surrounding competitors with vigilant eyes.

"Everyone, I have taken this ship, Bihan, please go elsewhere." The immortal monk held his fist and looked at everyone around him.

The high-ranking immortal emperors present naturally couldn't stop there, and with a sneer, they brazenly shot.

For a time, the magic light near the bone boat was surging, and the power of the spirit fluctuated. A group of high-ranking immortal emperors fought, shaking the bone boat around.

"Go away."

At this time, Lin Lang also decisively chose to take a shot, and the vast energy fluctuations poured down, and a Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor in front of him was the first to be hit, and Lin Lang was directly hit and flew away.

"Die to me!"

In such a short period of time, the monk who had previously occupied the bone boat vomited blood under the siege of everyone, and was directly knocked down by the Styx, corroding into a pile of bones.

Behind Lin Lang, a high-ranking immortal emperor sneaked in, and the palm prints in his hand expanded countless times, turning into fierce flames and sky-covering palms, blasting towards Lin Lang's back.

Being hit by a high-ranking immortal emperor, even Lin Lang would be seriously injured.

Although he has the ability to resist the Six Tribulations Immortal Emperor, he is not much different from the Immortal Emperor monks of the same level in terms of defense.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in Lin Lang's eyes, and his body was plunged into a vision of illusion and reality intersecting, and his whole person was as if he did not exist in the world, except for the vague outline of his body, he could no longer capture his breath.

Covering the sky, the palm of his hand fell in the empty space, and the three of Lin Lang and Yao Xi also took this opportunity to board the bow.

"Princess Yaoxi, I don't want to embarrass you. Please disembark and make room."

A monk of the Yan Luo family descended near the bone boat and faintly spoke.

Yao Xi is a princess of the Raksha clan, and she has a high status. But that was just under normal circumstances, everyone kept smiling, but it was impossible for these high-ranking immortal emperors to make any concessions for matters involving their personal interests like this one.

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