Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1134: Deep in the Styx

For Lin Lang, the appearance of Xu Guanyin may be just an episode, and it will not have any effect on his mood.

For them, the real attraction is the mountain turtle, or the monument of reincarnation.

Because of the large number of back mountain tortoises blocked, the two have completely lost the trace of the stone stele tortoise, and they may be able to chase it deep in the Styx River.

However, this kind of thing is meaningless looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Unfortunately, it ran away in the end." Yao Xi looked sad. Although the two didn't get along for a long time, it was the first time that Lin Lang saw Yao Xi's loss.

"When the little demon girl will have troubles?"

Lin Lang curiously said.

"What's up with you." Yaoxi turned her head fiercely and said: "I can't catch a tortoise. I dare to call myself a genius of the Immortal Realm Yuanhui level. I am ashamed of not."

"I think it's better to lock it up for you." Lin Langdao.

"you dare!"

As she spoke, Yao Xi straightened her chest proudly, curling her body away quickly. Lin Lang didn't stop him, and soon followed, and after that he didn't mention the matter of loading Yao Xi into the Chu Ling Orb.

One reason is that Yao Xi's methods are weird, and he may not be able to completely seal the opponent. Another reason was that Yao Xi was wearing a collar, and it was impossible for Yao Xi to escape his palm in a short time.


The two walked side by side all the way, which attracted the attention of many underworld cultivators. After all, it is impossible to keep a Raksha clan princess by her side even if she wants to keep a low profile.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Yao Xi can show up. For the time being, those powerful Raksha tribes know that the princess is still safe, and they are unlikely to trouble him unless it is Yao Xi who actively leaks the news.

This is also unlikely.

Yao Xi had already made a vicious vow of heaven before, and with this heavy protection, it is unlikely that Yao Xi would have the thought of fleeing in the short term.

About three days later.

The two obviously felt that the surrounding reincarnation aura became stronger, and there were already many underworld fairy kings around who could not bear the pressure and voluntarily withdrew from the range of Styx.

Styx, that's not everyone can break through.

at this time.

Lin Lang took a step forward, the light in his hand was like a pillar, and a blow was falling on the back of the guardian deity of the Styx. With just one blow, the guardian beast of the Styx crawled and threw it away.

That is, the skin of the guardian of the Styx is thick and thick. If you change to someone else, you will be seriously injured by this blow.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lang bullied himself up, the shadow of the fist in his hand fell like dense raindrops, and the back of the guardian beast of the Styx that was hit by the huge fist kept cracking.

There was a rain of blood in the sky, the guardian beast of the Styx struggled hard, the roar tore the world, and Lin Lang landed on the guardian beast of the Styx within a step.

From the first to the seventy-first, the golden elephant fist greeted the top of the guardian beast of the Styx.

Bang bang bang!

There was a muffled sound echoing between the heaven and the earth, and the flesh and blood of the guardian beast of the Styx flew. It was at this time that Lin Lang could see the whole picture of the guardian beast of the Styx.

It turned out that what this guy had on his head was not a single horn, but a stone tablet-like object with complicated Sanskrit characters painted on it. Vaguely, Lin Lang seemed to fall into a mysterious mood.

That is the power of reincarnation.

If you talk about the breath of reincarnation, the Styx itself is filled with this kind of energy, which is not rare. However, the power of reincarnation that Lin Lang felt now was completely different.

Compared with the reincarnation aura contained in the Styx, this stone tablet is more dense, even if Lin Lang is only a short distance away, it seems to be sucked into reincarnation.

Very strange.

However, what Lin Lang didn't notice was that when he was observing the stele, the spirit storage ball that was sealed by him flashed with an impenetrable light.


The defensive ability of this Stygian Guardian Beast is indeed not trivial, especially after being completely enraged by Lin Lang, the stone stele above this behemoth's head suddenly lit up with a black light, and a powerful and terrifying beam of light rushed into the sky.

This is an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation, at the moment of catharsis, it can almost evaporate a high-level immortal emperor in an instant.

Lin Lang's reaction was also very quick. He turned around in an instant, and a paper man avatar appeared tens of thousands of miles away. At the very moment, he and the paper man avatar exchanged positions and moved to far away.


The paper man avatar responded to the catastrophe for Lin Lang, and was torn into countless fragments in an instant. However, this is not over yet, that terrible black light shot into the sky, piercing the void through a bottomless hole, let One cannot judge where this pit leads to.

In other words, there is a big hole in the sky above the head.

Standing in the distance, Lin Lang still had a shocking color on his face. He couldn't understand why this Styx Guardian Beast was obviously weak in attack power, but why it could perform such a terrifying attack.

"There is only one possibility, and that is that there is a problem with the stele itself, or that this unusual stele has nourished a monster."

Lin Lang pondered for a moment, keenly aware of the key. It was a stone tablet, a series of extraordinary actions by this Styx guardian beast were mostly related to that stone tablet.

Maybe that stone tablet was obtained by this Styx Guardian Beast by chance, and then acquired an extraordinary ability.

Hearing what Lin Lang said, the surrounding underworld monks were also in deep thought. This Styx guardian beast did have some problems.

"As far as I know, most of the Styx Guardian Beasts only exist in the depths of the Styx. There are Styx Guardian Beasts around here, but they rarely appear in normal times, let alone attack us actively."

"That said, it seems that the appearance of this Styx Guardian Beast is also problematic." In the crowd, an immortal emperor pondered for a moment, and said: "As far as I know, most Styx Guardian Beasts have strange appearances."

"I can't describe the exact words. To be precise, the guardian beasts of the Styx should not belong to the species of this world. I have seen them once. They are definitely not the products of the creatures that this world can nurture."

That said.

Lin Lang also had a general answer in his heart.

of course.

Now is not the time to pursue these issues, he has deliberately caught the Styx Guardian Beast and researched it for himself, but... whether the stele can still release a similar attack.

This is where Lin Lang needs attention.

At this time.

Suddenly an anxious female voice came from Lin Lang's mind.

"Quickly, catch up with this Styx Guardian Beast, it has a problem." The speaker is naturally Yao Xi, and I don't know what means the latter can use to contact Lin Lang.

Lin Lang frowned.

"As a prisoner, do you think I need to listen to your instructions?" Lin Lang sneered.

This Yao Xi was really not easy. Lin Lang put her into the Spirit Orb for close surveillance, even sealed the latter's cultivation base, and imposed layers of restrictions.

Now, since Yao Xi can ignore Chu Lingqiu and directly contact him. That can only prove two problems.

Yao Xi has the ability to perceive everything outside, but Lin Lang is not really controlled. In addition, Yao Xi also has a way to directly establish contact with people.

"Quickly, it's going to escape into the Styx. If you don't chase it, it will be too late!" Yao Xi urged.

Lin Lang was unmoved.

"In this way, you let me out first, and we two will chase it together. This Styx guardian beast has a great opportunity hidden in its body. I will tell you the specific plot."

Yao Xi said.

Lin Lang still sneered and said, "Do you think I will be fooled by you for such a simple trick?"

Yao Xi didn't give much explanation, she simply said neatly: "Aren't you worried that I would take the opportunity to run away? To tell you the truth, if this princess wants to escape, you can't keep me."

"You let me out first, I can take the heavenly oath, if you run away at this time, you will be condemned by the heavens!" Yao Xi said, pointing her finger at her temple, and swore a vicious heavenly oath in front of Lin Lang's perception .

The content of the vows is also quite spicy, and everything that takes the opportunity to escape is all in pediatrics. If you die, you will strip your clothes and expose the corpse, and hang the fairy world tower high. If you are alive, you will be lonely and die without pleasure.

Even Lin Lang was shocked by Yao Xi's oath.

"Oh, you deserve to be a demon girl, who cursed herself so hard." Lin Lang was speechless for a long time. Especially the first half of the vows made him sound very enjoyable.

This is a proper arrangement of everything before and after oneself!

"Don't talk nonsense, my old lady has finished swearing."

Lin Lang hasn't moved for a long time in Yaoxi, and can't help but explode with a swear word.

Vaguely, Lin Lang felt a trace of causal power entwined around Yao Xi's body, and a chain of heavenly aura formed a chain, shackled on Yao Xi's divine soul.

The oath of heaven is not false.


Lin Lang didn't hesitate anymore, he himself was very eager to figure out the origin of the Styx Guardian Beast. On the other hand, I also wanted to see what it was that made Yao Xi not hesitate to expose herself, but also to fight for Lin Lang.

If it weren't for this coincidence, I'm afraid that Lin Lang would think that Yao Xi was in her control when she returned to the immortal world.

at this time.

Lin Lang waved his palm, Chu Lingqiu flew into the air, and the light was shining. Yao Xi Pingting's figure appeared in the air for an instant, still the beautiful face of the country.

But there was a deep eagerness on his face, and it was the first time that Lin Lang saw this scheming demon girl showing this look.

"Take this first."

Lin Lang threw a collar casually, which happened to fall into Yao Xi's hands. Yaoxi lowered her head and glanced, only that this collar was a bit familiar, but for the time being she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

However, the situation was urgent, and Yao Xi didn't get the least bit muddled, she just put the collar around her head. In an instant, the purple gold collar melted into liquid, and one flowed down her cheek to the position of the collarbone.

At the same time, the purple gold collar solidified again, firmly hooping Yao Xi's white gooseneck.

After doing this, Yao Xi flew into the air again, and flew straight to the direction of the guardian beast of the Styx.

"Princess Yaoxi! Why is she here?"

"This time Pluto's acceptance of disciples is really incredible, and even the dignified Raksha clan princess was shocked."

"It seems that the relationship between that man and Princess Yaoxi is not shallow, and I am afraid he is also an important child of a certain underworld clan." The underworld monks around him talked.

Lin Lang took a look, and then followed him. Although this Styx Guardian Beast was a bit worse than Lin Lang, it was far incomparable with Yao Xi's cultivation level.

After all, Yao Xi's cultivation base is not outstanding, perhaps compared to the same realm cultivator will be a bit more powerful, but how could it be an opponent of a demon turtle comparable to the Five Tribulations Immortal Emperor.

Lin Lang stood in the distance, looking far away.

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