Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1128: Suppress the Ghost Emperor

Dao Guidi had already made up his mind. If the Little Demon Venerable couldn't support it, he would try his best to protect Lin Lang's cultivation base. A dead body would not have much effect on him.

He wants to seize the soul of She Lin Lang and inherit all the Dao system of the latter.

The empty shell that has been buried in the soul, how can it be more energetic when alive?

However, his worries are unnecessary.

At this time, the sky above the Ghost King City was filled with smoke and mist, and the sky was rolling.

A series of silver thunders of Heaven's Path, the thickness of a bucket, fell one after another, as well as the ancient strange soldiers who were photographed in the depths of time and space, the incarnation of the young emperor, and various visions appeared.

Such a scene also lasted for half a month.

And after half a month.

"To deal with me, you really took pains." Lin Lang didn't know what to say.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Yao Xi snorted coldly, her face gloomy.

"I have a question. A dignified Raksha princess wouldn't be so poor, right?" Lin Lang glanced at Yao Xi, and said, "There is not even half of the dark stone in the entire space spirit ring, if I didn't catch it myself. You, you really thought you just caught a beggar."

"You speak human words."

Yao Xi glared at Lin Lang fiercely, then snorted proudly: "You think there are a few things under the sky that I can't tune. I will mobilize the treasure house of the Raksha tribe at will, so why should I bring it with me? ."

Lin Lang pondered for a while, but that was the truth.

Given the status of Yaoxi and the Raksha clan in the underworld, she is optimistic that she can't get anything, even if she doesn't bring a piece of the underworld, someone will definitely sell her face.

I thought that there would be a large sum of abundant resources in her space spirit ring, but looking at it this way, the current princess Yaoxi is really a pauper, there is nothing else except three imperial artifacts.

"A repository of the Raksha tribe's heritage is nearby, but if you have the courage to come with me."

Yao Xi said.

"I'm so excited to die, right?" Lin Lang snorted coldly.



Lin Lang remembered one more thing, turned his head, and asked: "I remember you said before that Master Guigua gave you three kits about me. I used two before, what about the last one?"

With that said, Yao Xi also suddenly remembered the incident, and patted her forehead with regret. She should have opened the third kit if she knew that the situation just now was wrong, she might have a countermeasure.

"I didn't take it with me, do you think I would be caught by you after seeing the third kit."

Yao Xi glared at Lin Lang.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Lang to believe it, and inferred from Yao Xi's expression that this thing is likely to be carried by her.

"Expand the spirit, let me have a look."

Lin Langdao.

"Don't go too far."

Yao Xi also had a calm face. If Lin Lang continued to entangle herself, even if she paid more, she would get rid of this shameless fellow.

However, Lin Lang didn't give Yao Xi this opportunity. He pointed out that a wisp of pure spirit invaded Yao Xi's spirit and passed through the memory palace. In front of Lin Lang's eyes, the three hanging bags were suspended impressively. In Yao Xi's sea of ​​knowledge.

"It turned out to be a great kit, no wonder I didn't find it."

Lin Lang suddenly. There is a divine soul kit that can be directly injected into the monk’s divine soul, as long as the mind moves, it can be unfolded, and you can see the information contained in it.

With Lin Lang's ability, he can only get here.

In the inner layer, there is a magic weapon to guard the soul, and if you continue to probe inward, I am afraid that you will be fooled by Yao Xi, and it is very likely to alarm the great power of Rakshasa.

But it's enough to touch the third tip.

Outside of the sea of ​​knowledge, two of the three soul kits have been opened, predicting Lin Lang's movements twice. As for the third kit, Yao Xi hasn't had time to open it.

Lin Lang stepped forward, and the power of the soul poured out, directly shielding Yao Xi's perception.

The third kit was also unveiled by him!

As the faint stars fell, Lin Lang also saw the content of the last kit.

For a while, Lin Lang was a little dumbfounded.

In the kit, there are only two big characters of dragon and phoenix dancing.

Accept fate!

If you look carefully, there is also a series of small characters engraved under these two big characters, which are: "Sometimes fate must be there, and fate can't stop it-accept your fate, sister."

Lin Lang: "..."

This Ghost Gua Master, who has never met before, can only say that he is stable and skinny, and a bit dark-bellied, he said there is nothing!

It seems that the Ghost Trigram Master had anticipated the ending of today from the moment Yaoxi planned to attack Lin Lang from the very beginning, it was really...

But having said that, this ghost hexagram master is really not easy. He counts heaven and earth, but mortal things can be estimated.

Absolutely speechless, Lin Lang withdrew from Yao Xi's sea-conscious space.

"What's in it?"

Yao Xi asked nonchalantly.

"You should go and see for yourself."

Lin Lang's face was strange.

Yao Xi was also stunned, and then sank into the sea of ​​knowledge, waiting to see the content of the third kit.

She looked silly.

And immediately afterwards, Yao Xi only felt a smell of sweetness in her throat, and couldn't bear a **** arrow from her mouth, and her expression wilted a lot.

She was not furious, but Lin Lang forcibly invaded her soul, which had already caused a certain degree of damage to her knowledge of the sea. Of course, this is not a major injury.

"This is just a warning."

Lin Lang faintly said, "If you dare to play tricks, I can guarantee that you will end up a hundred times worse than now."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lang did not continue to hesitate, and began to arrange formations one after another, which sealed all Yao Xi's power fluctuations, and even the soul was sealed to prevent this cunning demon from sending messages to the outside world.

"You plan to seal me and take me back to the immortal world."

Yao Xi said coldly, without any happiness or anger on her face: "I want to see, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Master Guigua."

Yao Xi also trusts the Gui Gua Master quite a bit, even if it can't be called 100% trust, at least 90% or more.

There is a close blood relationship between her and the Guigua Master, and the relationship is also extraordinary. At least, it is impossible for the Guigua Master to harm her.

So, what is the purpose of the Guigua Master doing this?

Since Master Gui Gua didn't tell her, just search for it yourself.

After successfully suppressing Yao Xi, Lin Lang also put Yao Xi into a spiritual reserve ball, and covered it with a solid formation barrier, which was a little relieved.

Finished these.

Lin Lang took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, and adjusted his state to the best.

Lin Lang stood up and said to himself: "It's also time, it's time to cross the robbery."

He is going to cross the Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor, of course, his deity has not yet reached the qualifications to cross the Tribulation. And in a sense, it can also be said that it is not a avatar of the magic way to overcome eternal catastrophe.

Instead, he took the initiative to provoke Xiandi Jie.

The Demon Dao clone's own cultivation has not yet been completed, and he is not reconciled at this time. The reason for the first eternal catastrophe that proactively caused the immortal emperor realm is mainly because he wants to attract the ghost emperor Napo to appear.

Crossing the catastrophe is false, suppressing the ghost emperor is true!


Lin Lang opened the space of the semi-sacred artifact. This was a four-legged golden ding, which contained space, but this semi-sacred artifact had been damaged and the four legs had become three legs, which could only be used as a space magic weapon.

at this time.

Lin Lang put away the four-legged golden tripod, he raised his finger to the sky, and before a while, thunder was rolling over the Ghost King City, and thick dark clouds floated from a distance.


Sky thunders condensed in the dark clouds, faintly, shining with dazzling light.

at this time.

The entire Ghost King City was plunged into a deep atmosphere. Between the heaven and the earth, an unspeakable pressure fell instantly, suppressing the entire city, and all the creatures under the emperor realm were crawling on the ground.

Xiandijie, eternal catastrophe!

The large and small creatures in the Ghost King City also felt the difference, and the ghost emperors raised their heads and looked up at the extremely low sky.

"Someone is going to cross the robbery."

"It should be the Little Demon Venerable. At present, there are only a handful of people in the Ghost King City who have the opportunity to enter the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Moreover, just before crossing the Tribulation, it is possible to make such a big disturbance. I am afraid that there is only the Little Demon Venerable. "

Below, several ghost emperors communicated silently.

And in the mansion of the lord of the ghost king city.

At this time, the ghost emperor Dapo suddenly stood up, and a dazzling light burst out of his dim eyes, and there was a flame of excitement that throbbed in his eyes.

"Good good!"

Da Po Guidi gave a long laugh, and the haze of the past was swept away. From today on, his life will also shine with another spring.

the other side.

Lin Lang has also begun to cross the catastrophe, and the disturbances are really not small, and the whole Ghost King City can be destroyed with a little carelessness. Had it not been for the ghost emperor of the Seven Tribulations like Napo Guidi sitting in town, I'm afraid that only a few of the ghosts who could survive under the heavenly disaster.

The ghost cultivation system is inherently afraid of things like sun thunder and heavenly thunder. If it is not successful in cultivation, a little exposure to thunder may lead to death.

This is also the reason why the base of the ghost repair group is not smaller than that of the human race, but there are very few ghost repairs who truly become emperors. Their loss in the tribulation is too great, and there is no suitable physical body, and very few can survive.

The thunder of the tribulation fell one after another, and the ghost king city burst out from time to time with exclamation, shocked by the catastrophe of the immortal emperor Lin Lang. As someone else, I'm afraid I would have died long ago.

You know, this even contains the terrifying power of destroying the fourth-order ghost emperor.


Now that Lin Lang and Demon Dao clones are in one, they are also in the most complete state, and there is no problem in dealing with a catastrophe.


Lin Lang smashed the thunders one after another, and the whole person was also baptized by the thunder of the heavens, and his cultivation became more refined. However, he didn't want to survive the Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor, at the last moment, he took the initiative to cut off the Dao Guo of the Immortal Emperor.

If he crosses the catastrophe, his two bodies must cross the catastrophe at the same time, but the problem is that his two bodies have not yet completed their cultivation. At this time, crossing the catastrophe of the immortal emperor will only restrain his own way.

The gain is not worth the loss!

So this incomplete Immortal Emperor Dao Guo, he doesn't want it!

of course.

These outsiders were also invisible to Lin Lang's actions.

The only thing they could notice was that Lin Lang was struggling in the thunder sea, and it was dangerous. Several times, in the eyes of outsiders, Lin Lang was almost dead in the catastrophe.

even. The ghost emperor Napo who was observing from the outside world deeply sweated for Lin Lang, and sincerely wished Lin Lang could survive the first Yuanhui catastrophe safely.

He thinks that even if he himself will be in disaster, he has no such worries.

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