Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 114: Who apologized

The crowd looked around, and saw a young man dressed in high-end custom-made men's clothing, slowly carrying a hot beauty in his arms.

This person is about twenty-six years old and has a golden yellow on his head, which looks a bit like a street hunk. Does not match the suit on the body.

"Jiang ... Jiang Shao!"

Shouted Wang Hai, and what he had been worried about finally happened.

When he called out Jiang Shao, the faces of several nearby Wang families all changed.

The incident was so big that the assassin came to your door!

You should know that Jiang Pengfei is not an ordinary cymbal. It is said that he has learned some kung fu in the martial arts hall and once beat a guy who offends him.

Older teachers who have taught him have suffered.

Lin Lang robbed him of his clothes, and was already beating Jiang Shao's face in the face. Can such a lawless guy tolerate?

"Jiang Shao, things are not what you think, they are all misunderstandings. He doesn't know that it is something you are optimistic about. I will let him return it to you, and then let him pay you no. This dress is like Here's your gift. "

Wang Hai pointed to Lin Lang. Although the appearance of reconciliation was apparent, the actual move was undoubtedly sold to Lin Lang.

"I'd like to see the guy who dare touch me without opening his eyes ..."

Jiang Pengfei's voice stopped abruptly.

"Why? I haven't seen you for a long time and have forgotten me?" Lin Lang turned and said lightly.

"Did not forget it."

At this time, a dramatic scene appeared. Jiang Pengfei, who had angered up to find trouble, turned into a docile little sheep and lowered his body.

"I'm not convinced I bought a dress for my sister?"

"Dare not dare." Jiang Pengfei didn't even dare to raise his head, for fear that the other party would let him go.

Wang Hai was one of them. He was playing role-playing in his heart, and he could not counterattack. At this time, he quickly said: "Jiang Shao, this is something we did wrong. Tingting, we don't apologize to Jiang Shao."

Wang Hai glanced at Wang Tingting.

Wang Tingting nodded in horror, she knew the terribleness of Jiang Pengfei.

"Jiang Shao, what I did wrong was that I was doing it alone. I had to buy it from Lin Lang. If you want to blame, blame me. It has nothing to do with my brother."

Then, Wang Tingting bent down and bowed.

Jiang Pengfei hurriedly avoided, and did not dare to accept this worship.

"When Tingting comes back, we worship God and we just don't worship people, and we can't afford to bow to this guy."

"Yes, yes, you're right, we only worship heaven and earth." Jiang Pengfei echoed.

Wang Tingting did not know why, but still obediently returned according to Lin Lang's words.

"Really don't need to apologize?" Wang Tingting asked carefully.

"Why do you need to apologize to me? It should be me who wants to apologize. I really want you to apologize. Mr. Lin hasn't chopped the skin for me yet." Jiang Pengfei smiled bitterly.

To say that among the people present, the most aggressive was Wang Hai. He did not understand why Jiang Pengfei met Lin Lang, as if a mouse met a cat. To such an extent, even the top kids in Shencheng did it. Can't you?

Then the only possibility is that the two men have known each other before, and they are not close.

"In this way, the promotion of Lin Lang's parents is easy to explain. It turned out to be Jiang's thigh." Wang Hai secretly analyzed.

However, what happened today has made Wang Hai no longer dare to underestimate Lin Lang. At least people who can talk to Jiang Pengfei on an equal footing do not want to offend more.


Until Lin Lang and others left, Jiang Pengfei was relieved and relieved. He finally gave away the evil star.

The **** beauty next to him is also puzzled. Jiang Pengfei is already the top batch in Linhai City, but today he is completely short in front of this strange teenager. How can he not let people Startled.

"Who is this person?" She asked curiously.

"He is Mr. Lin." Jiang Pengfei sighed heavily.

"He's Mr. Lin? No, Mr. Lin showed up and didn't look like this."

"That was impersonated by others. In addition, he was also called Lin Shenyi by the big brothers in Nanliao Province."

Mr. Lin and Dr. Lin are actually one person!

Jiang Pengfei's faint voice undoubtedly made the **** beauty completely shocked.


A lot of people had almost played, and then left the ski resort. Zhou Manyao and Meng Xiyue were in line, and followed the Wang family to return to the Wang family.

On the way, Wang Hai, the two beautiful women who lived in "enthusiasm", quickly fell down under their pomegranate skirts and obediently took them back together.

"Xiaohai, I always feel weird about this." Wang Wen whispered a few words across Wang Hai, and the Wang family was not a superman, he liked it again, and couldn't help but doubt the second daughter motivation.

"Brother, are you more attentive? Our Wangjia villa is not profitable. People just want to make friends."

Wang Hai doesn't care.

"Hopefully, I'll ask my friends tomorrow to check their origins." Wang Wen looked worried.

In this way, Wang Wen and Wang Hai took cover together, and Meng Xiyue broke into the Wang family.

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