Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1121: Who counts who?

"So what, it's just that there are more cabbage masters." Lin Lang said faintly, he gently stretched out his fingers, without any spiritual power gushing out.

By the way, his finger carries an unusually peculiar power, and he can only use his spiritual sense to capture the strands of murderous intent, pointing directly at Yao Xi.

"What's this trick?"

The Immortal Emperor Protector who carried the cradle frowned, but she didn't dare to neglect, and quickly urged her cultivation.

Wool and scissors floated out of the medicine basket, not to mention these mundane things, but each one is a genuine imperial weapon.

Several imperial weapons flew into the air to meet Lin Lang's finger. At this moment, Lin Lang suddenly showed a meaningful smile, and he calmly retracted his finger.

Nothing seems to have happened.

Just when everyone was extremely confused by Lin Lang's behavior.

Sudden change!

the other side.

Little Mozun suddenly shot.

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