Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1115: Reenter the trap

No one noticed that at this time a young giant spirit quietly bypassed the investigation of all giant spirit warriors.

Just walked into the palace in a big swing. The giant warlocks on the side didn't respond, and still focused on healing the Heavenly Canal Immortal Emperor.

"Tiancan Immortal Emperor, your old acquaintance is here, don't you plan to get up and meet." Lin Lang sneered.

All the giants in the palace raised their heads and looked at this strange figure with confusion.

A giant spirit warrior responded quickly, and an arrow step was stopped in front of Lin Lang, Shen Sheng said: "The lord is the giant spirit, there is a valuable cadre here."

In the palace, several other giant spirits also quickly surrounded them, and they stood firm in front of the Emperor Tiancan.

They can recognize that the giant spirit that Lin Lang has incarnate is not from their branch. Now, taking advantage of the severe injury of the Emperor Tian Can, I am afraid that it is not good.

"Naturally came to take his life." Lin Lang sneered, and no longer disguised his identity, directly transformed into the original body shape.

"The Xiuluo tribe? Or the Yanlu tribe?" The giant spirits frowned. Although Lin Lang didn't continue to hide his figure, his appearance was still wrapped in a layer of mist.

It's hard to identify.

"It's natural that noble guests come to the door." Tian Canxian Emperor said weakly, but it didn't seem to panic.

Not even a little surprised. It seemed that Lin Lang would have come.

"Wouldn't you be able to block me with these few babies." Lin Lang said quietly.

Speaking room.

Lin Lang's body suddenly burst into endless light, with him as the center, as if it was an eternal sun, radiating an endless bright sword to the surroundings.

Uh, uh, uh!

Countless bright swords swayed, almost plowing the ground, covering every corner of the palace.

With several screams, when the light dissipated, there was blood flowing all around. Several giant spirits fell to the ground, and the blood measured on his body poured out, almost forming a stream of blood.

Lin Lang stepped on the bloodstream with one foot, staring at Tiancan Immortal Emperor with cold eyes. But soon, his brow furrowed again.

"You are not injured."

Lin Lang's eyes were fixed on Tianxian Immortal Emperor, and there was a trace of misfortune in his heart.

"Haha, if it weren't for me to pretend to die, wouldn't you be so easy to hook?" The "dying" Tiancan Immortal Emperor on the bed suddenly smiled coldly.

next moment.

His flesh and blood were turned back and attached to the surface of his body. Between Xu Yu and Tian Tu Xian Emperor, the pitted wounds recovered and he stood up straight from the bed.


The bed board couldn't bear the weight of Tianxian Immortal Emperor, and cracked one after another.

"But I guess you have a misunderstanding now. It's not my idea to pretend to be dead." Emperor Tiancan smiled and looked at Lin Lang playfully.

"All of this is due to Her Royal Highness the Princess who has done nothing."

The voice fell.

At this time, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in the palace, with a beautiful figure, **** curves and bold dress.

The exposed skin is white and tender and lustrous, two violently looming in front, soft armor can't stop this attractive scenery.

This girl is Princess Raksha!

"It's your calculation again this time?" Lin Lang's face was somber, but he didn't expect that he had followed the demon's words twice.

"It's the little girl."

Princess Raksha’s voice was crisp and mischievous, and she smiled and said: "When people hear that you are still alive, they miss the disease, and their eyes are red. I don’t want to eat."

"People waited here with their heart and soul and waited for twenty days. I finally met you."


Princess Raksha's eyes were red, like a scene where a lover met and was about to cry.

of course.

This is impossible.


Lin Lang wanted to say something, but when it came to his mouth, he could only spit out these two words coldly.

There is nothing to say, I'm afraid the news that he is still alive after the Fengxian War is over.

The princess of the Raksha tribe has already remembered him again, and once again arranged to kill him to vent his anger.

The Emperor Tiancan was not a deserter on the battlefield, but returned to the Underworld directly following the orders of Princess Raksha.

But the only explanation is that Princess Raksha can accurately predict that he will definitely come to the Underworld.

This kind of randomness wouldn't be right for anyone to guess.

"I know what you want to ask." Princess Raksha smiled and said, "Do you know who my country teacher is?"

Lin Lang froze for a moment, and even figured out the key to the matter. Master of the Raksha Kingdom, Ghost Gua Master

This master of the Raksha Kingdom, also known as the Ghost Gua Master, used to be a fairy power.

In terms of strength alone, the practice of the Ghost Gua Master is not too prominent. But if he talks about his accomplishments on the Avenue of Destiny, this person is definitely the first person in the Three Realms.

It is said that the former ghost hexagram master was a famous genius in the fairy world. This person entered the Tao with fate and cultivated into the realm of the fairy emperor. But after all, there is no complete inheritance of Destiny Avenue in the fairyland.

In the Three Realms

"how about it?"

Princess Raksha smiled and said, "You have lost to my hand twice. This can only prove that your calculation and ability are far inferior to me. You can only fail if you fight against Princess Ben."


Princess Raksha continued: "Well, but this time I am willing to give you another chance."

"From now on, as long as you are willing to surrender to me, the previous things can be blamed, how?"

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