Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1102: Former murderer!

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It wasn't until Lin Lang left that all the arrogance of the audience took back some of their hearts, and his face still kept a look of consternation.

The Holy Son feasted on all sides, and nine Holy Sons fell.

Afterwards, several investigators of Fengxian War were shocked, hitting four people and beating two immortal emperors.

Now I went to the military service office to find trouble!

What is the origin of this fierce man? If the killing inspector hits the military service again, isn't he afraid of Xianmeng's accountability?

"This predecessor probably existed a few years before we became famous, even if we are in contact with Xianmeng."


Someone sighed aside and said, "Even if the mammoths that Xianmeng has formed for the various forces, in the face of the real top giants, they still have to bow their heads."

"Xianjie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, like this hidden world power does not know how many, it is not surprising."

Everyone was silent, looking at each other.


Even if they are expensive sacred sons, they are still nothing in front of some masters, regardless of cultivation or status.

The deterrent effect of the Five Tribulation and Six Tribulation Immortal Emperors has been enough to affect the operation of the vast majority of the Sect.

The fairy road is long, and they are just a group of ants with good potential.

At this moment, a weak voice came from the crowd.

"I seem to know who this person is." A girl with pink cheeks shouted timidly.

This girl is from Daomen and belongs to one of the better disciples of this generation. However, cultivation is not strong, only the mood of heaven is around.

It should be brought to the world by the brothers in the door.

"who is it?"

All the sons turned back suddenly, and their eyes fell on the Daomen girl. Being stared at by so many people, her cheeks couldn't help flying a red glow.

"She should have been the predecessor of Daye Xianzong three hundred years ago. I had met once when I worshipped the mountain in the past."

"Three hundred years ago, the last war of immortals?" All the saints frowned and couldn't help but think of the gods of the previous war of immortals.

"Is he the Emperor Luo Tian after reincarnation? Broke one arm, the Nine Emperor's combat power is very reasonable, but it can be matched."

Buddhism Son frowned.

"Wrong, wrong."

Daozi said with a smile: "Listening to this, I can probably guess the person's heels or two."

"If you guessed right, this broken arm might be Lin Yuye, who was the same name as Brother Qi Jiuyou, and is known as one of the double saints of Daye Xianzong."

Wen Yan.

Everyone was stunned again for a while, and the voice of the discussion suddenly became louder.

"It turned out to be him! I originally thought that there was another evil spirit in the fairy world, and I couldn't think it was the fierce man who was three hundred years ago."

"But isn't he rumored to be dead?"

"Three hundred years ago, Lin Youye was killed by the million-strong army of the Raksha tribe. His broken arm and the seven-color dice of fame are still hanging on the tower of the sky city in Jiuyu."

For a while, the sound of discussion has spread to heaven, and there are brilliant flashes in the eyes of the saints, and part of them are directly directed at the two stars.


As the sons of Daye Xianzong, they should be able to recognize whether the man in front of him was the fierce man 300 years ago.

"Yes, he is the brother of Daye Xianzong."

Xingdu sighed first. He had never revealed Lin Lang's identity before, and thought Lin Lang had other plans.

With the confirmation of Xingdu, outside of the starry sky in Fuyunhai, the discussion became louder.

Three hundred years ago, that was the nightmare of all the arrogance of the same generation, and every son was overwhelmed by the figure.

But soon, as the news of Lin Youye's fall came out, this group of sons was finally relieved, at least they will compete with them in the future.

In addition to the fact that Lin Youye fell, it was the disgrace that some people in Xianmeng did. This news did not spread for long.

Time slowly passed away, and apart from the title of a fairy **** of war after the death, even the Sons forgot this matter.

Xingdu's face also has bitterness. Lin Lang was originally introduced with his generation, but soon, Lin Lang has completely surpassed his generation.

Even his body of stars is hard to see.

of course.

There are also some younger generations who have never heard of this name.

The fairy waves in the fairyland are very powerful, and they can leave a lot of money in history. Only those talents are against the sky and live to the last existence.

A person who should have died, no matter how strong he is, his name will not be passed on for long.

"Who is Lin Youye? There is no such name on the Fengxian list of the previous generation?" someone asked quietly.

"Huh? You even know the name Lin Youye? This is the most famous murderer of the previous generation."

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