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Jiang Xinyue and others apparently did not expect Lin Lang to know so much, knowing the origin of the remains under the moon.

Therefore, when Lin Lang led them through the meteorite belt, everyone also obeyed him, fearing that he would die from an attack of unknown origin if he missed one step.

Under the leadership of Lin Lang, everyone passed the meteorite belt smoothly.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Xu Fei's eyes on Lin Lang have taken on vigilance, and there is a sense of competition between words and deeds.

"Sister, this is the Moon Palace, and I will go all out to fight for the inheritance of the Moon God, and I will definitely help you to stabilize the position of the Holy Girl."

Xu Fei said in a vow.

It is here that it is the most central area of ​​the Moon Palace. As for the change, it is also visible to the naked eye.

Various types of resources around the area have begun to increase, especially the Moon Spirit Crystal, which is rare in the outside world, can be encountered in a few steps here.

In some cases, they even found a whole Moonstone crystal vein, which is roughly estimated, and there are thousands of ways to say it.

It's just that it's impossible for everyone to delay the process because of these thousands of Moon Crystals. There are too many precious materials in the Moon Palace than Moon Crystals,

Everyone went all the way, and after about a day, a majestic palace appeared in front of them.

There is no end in sight at all, and in the eyes, the two rows of white jade fences are covered with all visions, and further away, a towering, towering palace deep into the top of the cloud looms.

To some extent, everyone has set foot in the Moon Palace, but it looks more like a huge labyrinth in front of them. Few people can find the true position of the Yuehua God heritage in this labyrinth.

However, under the leadership of Lin Lang, everyone also took a lot of detours, and these people basically followed Lin Lang's advice, and Lin Lang's status was getting higher and higher.

"What's so amazing, just like Xinyue will choose him in the end." Xu Fei snorted coldly, very disapproving.

Everyone is also pursuing Jiang Xinyue. Recently, there are too many limelights, which makes Xu Fei full of competition.

The crowd stopped near a low mountain. In front of them was a hill that was not too high, with an infinite number of moon crystals piled on it.


At the top of the mountain, a temple made of tiles stands, and below it is a tribute of an altar made entirely of rocks.

Farther away, it is a rusty iron pot, but it seems to have existed for countless years, and only less than half of the eroded.

This kind of place looks more like an ancestral land where ancient ancestors sacrificed gods and prayed for blessings.

In ancient times, the Moon Palace was a small world that operated independently, and also had a considerable number of aborigines.

This is how the group of people gathered together, praying for the gift of God in a fixed place.

Different races and different concepts, and the gods they admire are not exactly the same. Even in the world of the Moon Palace, not all the indigenous people enshrine the Moon God.

"This altar seems a little strange." Xu Fei frowned suddenly and said out loud.

He looked at the altar in front of him, with blood-red dents circling above it, like blood troughs, which exuded a slight smell of blood under the soaking of the years.

But this is not the point. Even if this altar is soaked with blood for countless years, it still reveals the red light of the bleeding, and there is a shrinking silhouette movement.

"It is a blood soul stone. Fostering in the body of a monk will feed itself back, and both blood and soul will be greatly enhanced."

Jiang Xinyue recognized the origin of this altar. But she also knows that the role of Blood Soul Stone is more than that.

In the outside world.

Jiang Xinyue and others apparently did not expect Lin Lang to know so much, knowing the origin of the remains under the moon.

Therefore, when Lin Lang led them through the meteorite belt, everyone also obeyed him, fearing that he would die from an attack of unknown origin if he missed one step.

Under the leadership of Lin Lang, everyone passed the meteorite belt smoothly.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Xu Fei has taken a vigilant look at Lin Lang's eyes, and his words and deeds are full of competition.

"Sister, this is the Moon Palace, and I will go all out to fight for the inheritance of the Moon God, and I will definitely help you to stabilize the position of the Holy Girl."

Xu Fei said in a vow.

It is here that it is the most central area of ​​the Moon Palace. As for the change, it is also visible to the naked eye.

Various types of resources around the area have begun to increase, especially the Moon Spirit Crystal, which is rare in the outside world, can be encountered in a few steps here.

In some cases, they even found a whole Moonstone crystal vein, which is roughly estimated, and there are thousands of ways to say it.

It’s just that it’s impossible for everyone to delay the process because of these thousands of moon crystals. There are too many precious materials in the moon palace,

Everyone went all the way, and after about a day, a majestic palace appeared in front of them.

There is no end in sight at all, and in the eyes, the two rows of white jade fences are covered with all visions, and further away, a towering, towering palace deep into the top of the cloud is looming.

To some extent, everyone has set foot in the Moon Palace, but it looks more like a huge labyrinth in front of them. Few people can find the true position of the Yuehua God heritage in this labyrinth.

However, under the leadership of Lin Lang, everyone also took a lot of detours, and these people basically followed Lin Lang's advice, and Lin Lang's status was getting higher and higher.

"What's so amazing, just like Xinyue will choose him in the end." Xu Fei snorted coldly, very disapproving.

Everyone is also pursuing Jiang Xinyue. Recently, there are too many limelights, which makes Xu Fei full of competition.

The crowd stopped near a low mountain. In front of them was a hill that was not too high, with an infinite number of moon crystals piled on it.


At the top of the mountain, a temple made of tiles stands, and below it is a tribute of an altar made entirely of rocks.

Farther away, it is a rusty iron pot, but it seems to have existed for countless years, and only less than half of the eroded.

This kind of place looks more like an ancestral land where ancient ancestors sacrificed gods and prayed for blessings.

In ancient times, the Moon Palace was a small world that operated independently, and also had a considerable number of aborigines.

This is how the group of people gathered together, praying for the gift of God in a fixed place.

Different races and different concepts, and the gods they admire are not exactly the same. Even in the world of the Moon Palace, not all the indigenous people enshrine the Moon God.

"This altar seems a little strange." Xu Fei frowned suddenly and said out loud.

He looked at the altar in front of him, with blood-red dents circling above it, like blood troughs, which exuded a slight smell of blood under the soaking of the years.

But this is not the point. Even if this altar is soaked with blood for countless years, it still reveals the red light of the bleeding, and there is a shrinking silhouette movement.

"It is a blood soul stone. Fostering in the body of a monk will feed itself back, and both blood and soul will be greatly enhanced."

Jiang Xinyue recognized the origin of this altar. But she also knows that the role of Blood Soul Stone is more than that.

In the outside world.

The Blood Soul Stone is usually the soul of the imprisoned monk, absorbing the monk's blood, and then swallowed by the holder of the Blood Soul Stone in one fell swoop.

In this way, the monk only needs a simple kill to quickly upgrade his two attributes.

Only this kind of means is mostly evil cultivation. Once discovered by famous people, it will definitely lead to death.

There is of course an exception.

For example, this blood soul stone in front of everyone has been worshiped by these indigenous tribes for countless years in the ancient times.

A large amount of blood gas and soul energy has been stored in the blood soul stone, which can be directly absorbed.

"Did you say that this blood soul stone worshipped Yuehua God? Wouldn't it be good to move the altar in her old man's territory..."

Zheng Wentong said with a deep voice.

This month's palace was originally the residence of Yuehua God, and hurriedly moved her incense inheritance. God knows whether anything beyond his control will happen.

"Fear of nothing."

Xu Fei snorted: "No matter how strong the Yuehua God was, he wasn't killed by Emperor Tiandi, a guy who has been dead for millions of years. Isn't he worried that she would climb out of the grave and make trouble?"


Xu Fei took the first step,

"Then let me deal with it." Xu Fei licked his lips.


Moon Palace Meteorite Belt,

After countless years of prosperity, the Moon Palace has become an independent small world, and a large number of creatures have been born.

"Since there is only one competitor, it's not enough to take down all their stuff."

Write a few dog licking behaviors, disdain the protagonist at first, Emperor Gu Ling, for the first time have a sense of competition (alert), jealous of **** luck.

Buy Gu Ling, hit the wall,

Provoked, met in the ruins of the moon, another was going to fight, and was taught (to ask another loyal dog to shoot, I am good enough to manage myself) Emperor corpse was shocked

During the war, abandon Jiang Xinyue to protect Lin Lang's starry sky behemoth, framed afterwards. Is it him?

Give you money, get out

The poison of Tao Lin under the moon (repeating the trajectory of the previous life) has gradually become the backbone of this team, and the doubts have become stronger.

Strong killing.

I asked a few people to stop Lin Lang, and all of them broke down. It is not the same for everyone to defend the emperor's body. The biggest difference between me and the dog licking. What are you doing,

Showing strength, the second time wondering, he has such a strong strength, why should he

The Moon Palace was opened, and the hands of the emperor, together agreed, Jiang Xinyue obtained the treasure and fled.

By Sansheng well,

Outside the ruins under the moon, join hands, Sihe appeared

I've had enough.

"Is it him?"

Surrounding the starry sky monster, the figure sitting on the hillside, turned his head, worked together on secret techniques, joined hands against the enemy, and recalled the poison of Tao Lin.

The Battle Royale carried 30,000 miles on her back, pulled off, woke up, and kissed softly.

The performance of licking a dog is definitely attracting eyes, dividing things into glory, sweet words, pure cockroach, and a sense of competition,

Don't care



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