Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1069: Moon Palace opens

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With the news of the opening of the Moon Palace, everyone in the ruins of the moon heard the news, and within a few days, the water outside the Moon Palace had been blocked by nearly a thousand monks.

Most of them did not find Yue Hualing, and war broke out from time to time, intercepting monks passing by.

If you want to enter the Moon Palace, there is absolutely no way to do it without tyranny, otherwise you will not see the shadow of the Moon Palace.

"It's Lingbo Fairy of Jiaoyuezong." With the arrival of a group of people, the monks guarding around were in an uproar.

In the face of Fairy Lingbo, they naturally dare not block them horizontally. The most important thing is that no one dares to provoke these people just around Fairy Lingbo.

Fairy Lingbo itself is very extraordinary, and has reached the level of saints. And beside her, there are only three sons, and there are countless masters around the quasi-son.

How many people dare to provoke this luxurious lineup? Unless you are tired of yourself!

No one dared to stop this group of mermaids. Soon afterwards, Jiang Xinyue's team also rushed to follow.

Compared with the fairy of Lingbo, Jiang Xinyue's influence is very small. Compared with the identity of the quasi-sanctuary of Jiaoyuezong, they know more about the names of Jiangxinyue's top ten beauties.

And their appearance soon caused the covetment of everyone around.

"Golden cold fairy please stay."

On the ground, several monks rose into the sky and stopped in front of Jiang Xinyue and others.

"Why, are you okay?" Jiang Xinyue's tone was cold.

"It's nothing else, just want to borrow a moon token from the fairy." The man smiled.

Jiang Xinyue and others came to join the crowd, and there must be more than one Yueling on his body. Compared with Lingbo Fairy, the risk factor for intercepting Jiang Xinyue is much smaller.

"Go away."

Jiang Xinyue was not in the mood to take care of these haunting ghosts. A cold sword flashed in his hand, and a blood hole suddenly appeared in the man's chest.

The whole person fell from a height.

Over the past few days, Jiang Xinyue's mood fluctuated, and her strength has also improved. Small characters like the opposite are no longer qualified to shoot her.

"Fairy Guanghan, killing people in front of us, are you over?" Immediately, the crowd below flew out several more figures.

They made up their minds to discuss the benefits here in Jiang Xinyue.

It's just that their ideas are beautiful, but the reality has given them a head-on blow.

Jiang Xinyue's strength has been improving very fast these days, and he has gradually approached the Saint Child series. He can immediately be among the ranks of Saint Child Goddess as soon as Xiu Wei breaks through again.

It ’s not just him.

Golden-winged King Xiaopeng is not easy to provoke, he sneered: "This king has been in the fairy world for many years, this is the first time someone dares to fight this king's idea!"

He sneered and rushed into the crowd in front of him to start the killing.

Not to mention others, the king of gold-winged Xiaopeng alone is a genuine master of the Holy Son, and the monstrous killing was launched as soon as he entered the crowd.

The quasi-sons were almost one hand in front of him, and the magical power between them raised to suppress it, and approved the son to vomit blood and flew out.

The golden-winged Xiaopeng Wang stands at a high altitude, looking down at the people below with high eyes.

These do not even need him to reveal the ontology.

With the golden wing king Xiaopeng's shot, the people around him quickly fell silent, and no longer made the order.

"A bunch of waste."

King Jinwing Xiaopeng's eyes were cold and his eyes swept, but no one dared to stare at him.

"Go, go in."

Everyone sacrificed the Moon Warrior, the silver flashed on their bodies, and their figure disappeared from the original place. When they appeared again, they had come to a new world.


With the opening of the Moon Palace, all parties are eagerly looking forward to the wind, whether they have Yue Hualing in their hands, or not, they are all gathered around the Moon Palace.

Some people even counted that this time there were more than ten saints and masters who entered the Moon Palace.

In the past era, it can be regarded as all the masters of the Holy Child in the fairy world.

After a few days.

Lin Lang's figure appeared around the Moon Palace. He looked down at him, and there was a smile on his lips.

"As always."

At that time, he was the master of Dark Avenue, overwhelming the heroes and reaching the top of the fairy king list.

In this life, at the same time, he no longer needs to compete with these former "adversaries".

His opponent is no longer in this state, the only purpose is to protect Jiang Xinyue and put everything back on track.

"someone is coming."

With Lin Lang's appearance, everyone whispered for a while, but few really showed hostility to Lin Lang.

"It's just a little monk in the state of mind. This is how I dare to get close to the Moon Palace. I'm afraid I can't even drink the soup."


For the monks outside the Moon Palace, Lin Lang's cultivation is not a cause for concern, nor is it possible to have Yue Hualing.

Mostly like them, they intend to rob Yuehua Ling in the hands of passing monks.

Just now.

Lin Lang's palm turned over, a crystal clear, thin cicada-like token appeared in his hands.


The Moon Palace was attracted by the breath of Yue Hualing, and a beam of light fell from the sky.

"Yue Hualing, he actually got Yuehualing!" The people around were boiling, and they never expected that Lin Lang came with Yuehualing in hand.

More importantly, Yue Hualing in Lin Lang's hands is still two places short. In other words, at least two of them can enter the Moon Palace with Lin Lang.

In an instant.

Around the monks boiling, one by one like seeing the treasure, rushed to Lin Lang.

"Go away."

Lin Lang snorted coldly, his fingers flicked out like scattered flowers, and countless beams of light rose from all around.

Within a few breaths, the monks who swarmed in flew out, without exception.

Until this time.

The monks who were in a high mood around them seemed to be poured into a cold basin of water, and all of them froze in place, daring not to move.

Just as Lin Lang took steps and was about to step into the beam of transmission light, a sound suddenly came from behind him.

"and many more."

A monk walked out of the crowd, arched his hands, and said, "Qiu Shi Qiu, from Tianhan Palace."

"One Moon Warrior is equivalent to three places to enter the Moon Palace. Your Excellency came alone and there must be another place."

"I don't know if I can discuss it."

Lin Lang ignored him. The monk took a step forward and wanted to continue to say something, but when Lin Lang turned back, he gave him a cold glance.

"Come here if you don't want to die."

With a look, thousands of monks around felt like falling ice caves, as if they were the eyes of the world, so that they did not dare to be offensive.

When everyone was stagnant, as the beam of light from the Moon Palace bloomed, Lin Lang's figure completely disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"I can't think of this as a master of the world, and I don't know which one is the teacher. I have never heard of it."

"Ask so much, there are too many evils of this generation, and it's normal to have a few unknown ones."

Someone around sighed faintly, and everyone looked at each other in silence. In front of this level of demon, everyone is a genius of all major forces, but it is like a dust and a moon.

People only enjoy three places, and would rather let the other two places be wasted. And they did not even have the confidence to discuss a few words in the past.

People are more than people, the gap is so big!


Let me talk about this.

With the flashing beam of the Moon Palace flashing, Lin Lang appeared again in a strange space when he appeared again.

The so-called Moon Palace was the residence of the Moon God of the Moon. She was the incarnation of the sun, moon and stars in the heavens and earth. She was born with divine power. Under the King of the Nine Gods, she ruled the endless years of the universe.

And the Moon Palace where she lives has also turned into a magical secret place, which can be regarded as a treasure everywhere.

Even many kinds of cultivation resources that have been exhausted since the time of the Nine Emperors can still be found in the Moon Palace.

"This is Xing Cai Shi."

Lin Lang leaned down and picked up a gemstone that appeared crystal clear. Under the refraction of starlight, a brilliant rainbow appeared on the horizon.

"Xing Cai Shi is one of the important materials for refining Emperor artifacts. I am also the Avenue of Light. If I forge Emperor artifacts, Xing Cai Shi is indispensable."

Lin Lang whispered.

He deliberately forged a piece of his own emperor, so that he could perfectly fit his avenue and play the most powerful.

Like the Chiyang sword, although it is also a powerful emperor, it is not his own forging after all, and the attributes do not fit.

And to this day, imperial soldiers like the Chiyang Sword have no special effect on him.

Just like a mortal holding a blunt knife, he can also hack the dead, but he needs to hack three times, or even more.

If it is an emperor that fits him, it is equivalent to a sword of iron and mud, and the combat power will increase greatly.

Recently, Lin Lang has the ambition to forge his own emperor, but his demands are extremely high, and he has failed to fulfill it.

"I am pregnant with light, and there are two natural avenues. Xing Caishi is absolutely unable to forge emperor artifacts, and the number is not enough."

Lin Lang frowned.

More importantly, he has another Taoist body. In the future, if the two are united, it is not enough to just exert the power of two avenues of light and nature.

At least it needs two kinds of dark avenue and the void avenue. Moreover, his own cultivation method is also, in addition to these four ancient avenues, there must be other avenues involved.

This way.

He is much more troublesome to forge the emperor.

"Besides that, you need a master refiner." Lin Lang rubbed his head.

Refining this kind of thing, if you let him refine a holy weapon, he can also deal with it.

But if it is an emperor's weapon, then one must have the power of a refiner, and it cannot be the ordinary power of a refiner.

At the same time, several kinds of ancient avenues are merged. Without the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor above the Five Tribulation, it can't be done at all!

"Forget it, then collect the materials first, the emperor can temporarily be the predecessor."

Lin Lang sighed. He flew in the air, sweeping through every space like a plow, and never let go of any corner.

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