Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1062: The back of the Moon Palace

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Everyone saw that Lin Lang had jumped into the lake. Apart from the injured Xu Fei, he didn't stay much. He followed the pace of the former and jumped into the lake.

Originally, they were prepared for possible injury, and their hearts were uneasy.

It's just that they didn't expect that after jumping into the lake, they didn't encounter any danger and were protected by an invisible barrier in the first time.

The surrounding water was surging, but they were surrounded by a spherical bubble, and the dark energy around them was flowing, but it was hard to hurt them.

The more they move down, the greater the water pressure around them, and the more intense the dark energy.

When they dived to a depth of several kilometers, the surroundings were completely wrapped in rich dark energy.

Faintly, the mask also began to appear distorted.

"Won't you be able to hold it." Some people worried, and asked subconsciously.

Lin Lang did not answer, still taking everyone to dive continuously. After walking a distance of about one kilometer, everyone felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Even in the air bubbles, you can still feel the surrounding environment that is depressed and unable to breathe.

Indistinctly, everyone seemed to feel the wind and waves from the outside across his cheeks, even if it was underwater.

Jiang Xinyue just wanted to say something. Suddenly, the otherwise calm lake world began to surge.

Not far away, a huge vortex of water appeared, but instead of sucking in, it produced a terrible repulsive force, pushing everyone back.

If only this is the case, at least they still retreat in the opposite direction of the dark vortex. If they are really caught in the dark vortex, they might not survive the second second.

The previous ones are the most striking examples.

It's just that everyone hasn't had time to relax, they just feel that the suction power has increased again, and a new vortex has formed behind them.

But this energy vortex is not repulsive, but full of horrible suction. A repulsion, a swallow, they are more than double the suction.

"Well, if sucked in, the consequences would be unimaginable, before Xu Fei, they might have been in danger here."

Everyone panicked at this moment, they didn't think that the bubble propped up by Lin Lang could withstand such a huge amount of dark energy.


In the moment when everyone hesitated, the power of darkness had quietly climbed up the protective cover held up by the forest, which was eroding at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Without a moment of effort, the light bulb has been swallowed up, and the power of darkness comes, and everyone is desperate.

One of them's psychological defense has completely collapsed. They don't want to wait for death here. At least they escape like Xu Fei in time. There is still a silver lining.

Without any hesitation, he took a step directly back, and the last barrier of the light bubble was also broken by him.

At the next moment, the crowd only heard a scream of sorrow. The monk who had acted beforehand was suddenly swallowed by the darkness, and then there was no sound.

Needless to say, this person is already dead. And this may just be the beginning.

Everyone who lost the last barrier to guard, at this moment in the two vortices of dark energy, like the leaves swaying in the wind and rain, may be torn off at any time.

"This time it's really a bit of a hassle. The dark energy here is much stronger than I expected."

Golden-winged King Xiaopeng was also dignified, and even regretted why he had to do more and enter the Blackwater Lake with this group of people.

He is the Son, and he has no complete life-saving assurance, let alone other people.

At this moment, everyone's heart was covered with a shadow, rushing out at the fastest speed of life, for fear of running slowly and dying in the lake.

At least, there is still hope for struggling.

"If you want to die, go out now."

Just as everyone desperately rushed out, a cold voice sounded, instantly pouring cold water on the panicked people.

"Yeah, what's the use of running now?" An hired monk collapsed and looked dull.

If they have a chance to escape at the moment when the dark energy vortex is formed, but now the two dark vortices have formed, they can't get rid of their suction, they can only wait for the way to death.

Jiang Xinyue also rushed into the air, and suddenly heard Lin Lang's voice behind him, his figure also stuck in the air.

She thought she had the ability to break out of the dark vortex, but then, did she lose half her life like Xu Fei?

The corners of her eyes swept over Lin Lang, not far away. The latter's face, which looked a little young, was filled with undoubted coercion.

It was a kind of self-confidence that Taishan collapsed without changing color.

For some reason, Jiang Xinyue at the moment also inexplicably had a little trust in Lin Lang, but did not continue to fly upwards.

"He can bring us in, maybe he also has this confidence." Jiang Xinyue thought so.

This process seems to be slow, but it is actually what happened between several breaths. At the next moment, a transparent light film appeared again around Lin Lang's body.

Despite the raging dark energy around, it is difficult to invade the slightest. The terrible swallowing ability of the outside world seems to be still at this time, and they can no longer affect them in the mask.

"It's the Holy Light. He has mastered the path of the light system. No wonder the dark energy can't hurt him at all."

Jiang Xinyue also started to face Lin Lang for the first time. Originally, in her impression, Lin Lang Xiu was not tall, and she was not very talkative, and there was not much to shine.

But with several recent events, Jiang Xinyue also became interested in Lin Lang for the first time.

The two avenue forces of light and darkness are mutually exclusive and restraint, and dark energy cannot easily erode the power of light.

It is for this reason that Lin Lang can protect them from erosion in this raging darkness.

The avenues of the light department are not easy to practice, unlike other avenues that have a certain model reference, so the monks who practice the avenues of the light department generally have corresponding inheritances.

"The avenue he cultivated may be higher than mine. It should be the Sun and Moon Road. No wonder he can resist the erosion of dark energy." Jiang Xinyue said inwardly.

The inheritance of Jiaoyuezong is Yuehua Avenue, which is also one of the avenues of the Ming Dynasty.

However, Yuehua Avenue is not the most powerful road of the Guangming Department. There are also Guangming Avenue, Sun and Moon Avenue, and then the morning power, Muyang and Yuehua.

Lin Lang's ability to cultivate the roads of the Guangming Department to such a degree is also quite remarkable, and she deserves to be treated differently.


The crowd dived under the protection of Lin Lang, and the dark energy around them became thicker and thicker. The vortices of energy around them quickly formed, trying to stop everyone's footsteps.

The sacred light on Lin Lang's body grew thicker and deeper, and the darkness flowed around. In the dark, it seemed that some unidentified creatures were whispering in the darkness, which made people creep.

But beside Lin Lang, surrounded by the holy light, all evil spirits had nothing to hide, far away.

Lin Lang's existence is like a light bulb. The light stands there, and the surrounding space of dozens of meters is illuminated.

In the previous life, he was the master of the Dark Avenue. The dark energy at the bottom of the lake not only hurts him, but can even be used by him.

In this life, he devoted himself to practice the Avenue of Light, which is diametrically opposed to the Avenue of Darkness, and the energy of darkness is also unavoidable to him in a short time.

To the depth of ten kilometers to the heart of the lake.

The area of ​​Holy Light around Lin Lang was also slowly squeezed, and could only spread to a few meters around.

"It's getting close to the bottom of the lake, close to me, or I won't be able to keep you." Lin Lang said in a deep voice.

Jiang Xinyue did not dare to be indifferent, leaning sideways close to Lin Lang, and the interval between the two punches originally disappeared.

Jiang Xinyue's delicate body almost clung to Lin Lang's arm, rubbing from time to time as she walked.

It's just that nobody cares about these details in this situation. They went all the way and finally breathed a sigh of relief when they reached the bottom of the lake.

"If he didn't break his arm, he should be pretty bearish, but it's a pity." Jiang Xinyue looked at Lin Lang's profile beside him, and sighed deeply.

What made her curious was that Xiuwei had reached the realm of immortal king, not to mention the regeneration of amputated limbs, even if the blood was reborn, it would not be a problem.

So why did Lin Lang not recover his broken arm? One situation is a very serious injury, the residual magical power wave hinders the wound healing.

The other situation is that it is from me, and I don't want to easily recover my broken finger. In any case, this is also a person with a story.

At the bottom of the lake, everyone could see it with naked eyes, and there were countless dark vortices around it. The horror-absorbing ability released one by one was frightening.

They successfully found a Moon Waring at the bottom of the lake, which is full of dark energy, and no life can survive, so there is no strong Moon Spirit guard.

"here is?"

Jiang Xinyue looked in front of her, and the dark vortices were arranged like a regular pattern. When viewed from all sides, it was more like a portal that constantly vomited dark energy outwards.

It is wonderful.

"The world behind the Moon Palace."

Lin Lang said lightly.

"Moonlight and sunlight, these branches of the Bright Avenue belong to light as the core, but where there is light, there is darkness, even the sun and the stars have its shadow."

"Like the Moon Palace, even if it is covered by endless moonlight, there is also a dark opposite."

Lin Lang explained softly.

"It turns out that it's no wonder that there is a lot of dark energy in the place where the light road is very prosperous."

King Jinwing Xiaopeng also heard this statement for the first time, revealing a sudden expression.

"You know quite a lot." Jiang Xinyue smiled: "If you say that, then does it mean that we can enter the Moon Palace from the back?"

The most important place of opportunity in the Moon Palace and the ruins under the moon, not to mention the treasures that had existed in the ancient times, even if the mantle inherited by the Yuehua God King has not been taken so far.

It's just that the Moon Palace is moving in the land under the moon, and it never stays in one place for too long, so no one has found the specific location of the moon palace since the ruins of the moon opened.

If you can enter the Moon Palace through the back, wouldn't everyone save a lot of time?

"You too underestimate the dark energy on the back of the Moon Palace." Lin Lang shook his head, and his eyes were just an entrance on the back of the Moon Palace. There was even more terrible dark energy inside.

If you rush into it, even the master who practices Dark Avenue may fall.

Lin Lang in the previous life was just not far from the inner layer, and escaped in time to avoid death.

Therefore, this method Jiang Xinyue said is completely unfeasible, unless the dark avenue on Lin Lang has reached a perfect level.

"That's it."

Jiang Xinyue shook her head in disappointment. Soon, everyone returned to the outside world under the protection of Lin Lang.

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