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Everyone stared at Yue Hualing in Lin Lang's hands, and even thought of snatching came to mind.

But that's just thinking about it.

Since everyone can't fight, it's only a good price to discuss, Lin Lang counts one, how to allocate the other two places?

"My Moon Warrior will not be sold, nor will I bring anyone."

Lin Lang spoke lightly.

As the voice fell.

It caused a great uproar among the people present. Among them, Xu Fei's attitude change was the most obvious, he said calmly.

"Since your quota is not for sale, why do you want to show Yuehua Ling, are you planning to show off with us?"

Others stared at Lin Lang with a bad look, and his words made them feel as if they were being played.

Xiuyuan also said: "Isn't it a fairy door order, as long as you say a few, I don't have a surname for the price."

"Yeah, yeah, everyone is a collective. If you have a place to enter the Moon Palace, you should just contribute it." Baici also said.

"So, do you intend to share my spirit stone with you?" Lin Lang sneered.

Bai Li was speechless for a moment, and Jiang Xinyue stood up and played round the court, saying: "Yue Hualing is Lin Youye's own, how to allocate is his own power."

"Let's just find a few more pieces."

But her words didn't shake others half. At almost the same time, except for Jiang Xinyue and Jinwing Xiaopeng Wang, other people all had evil thoughts in their hearts.

Several of them quietly withdrew the sage, intending to **** it. Jiang Xinyue will help Lin Lang speak, but they will not.

Not to mention.

If Lin Lang was killed by them, it would be equivalent to all the evil acts committed by all of them, who would mention it again?

"Guanghan Fairy, if you can enter the Moon Palace, this time the commission will not only be waived, but I will also give you half of the Moon Spirit Crystal for free in the future."

"I only ask for a place to enter the Moon Palace."

"Since he is unwilling to surrender Yuehua Ling on his own initiative, I think I have a way to make him obedient."

Almost everyone's muzzle was aimed at Lin Lang, and he was guilty of courage, and indirectly put pressure on Jiang Xinyue.

A quota to enter the Moon Palace, by comparison, what a little bit of a small profit. As for the Moon Spirit Crystal, it is not everywhere in the Moon Palace.

"If you are in a hurry, a month of Chinese Warring will blind your eyes. It's no wonder that this is the only way to fix it."

Lin Lang glanced with sarcasm and contempt, and said, "No one will bring me this Moon Warrior. Please beg me, I will find you a few more Moon Warriors.

He knows Jiang Xinyue's temperament, if everyone's conflicts continue to intensify so much, and fight, Jiang Xinyue will definitely stop.

She will not help anyone, and the only result in the end is to save Lin Lang, and then leave all allies on the road alone.

Lin Lang didn't want to make Jiang Xinyue difficult, and simply didn't care about this group for the time being. As for other Yuehualings, he was about to hand Jiang Xinyue.

"So far, do you still want to play us?" Xu Fei said angrily. It is not unclear how difficult it is for Yuehualing to find him. The moon spirits that guard Yuehualing are comparable to the Son.

How can it be so easy to get?

If Lin Lang had other news about Yueling, he didn't even need to sell, he could get a sky-high price by selling the news directly.

In his view, Lin Lang is playing with them!

"You can't be a fool when we are." Disciple of Jiaoyuezong sneered: "If you have other whereabouts of Hualing, why don't you look for it yourself?"

"Yue Hualing, I really want to have one." King Jinwing Xiaopeng arched the fire beside him.

Only Jiang Xinyue shook her head and asked in a suspicious tone: "Does this matter seriously?"

"Naturally is true."

"Well, I believe you." Jiang Xinyue said.

In fact, she did not have much hope for Lin Lang in her heart. If the latter was just playing with them for fun, she would not hesitate to draw a line with Lin Lang to ensure that Lin Lang could be angry with everyone Leave.

It was a fact that Lin Lang helped her once, but if he plays with people three times and five times, then this friend would not have to do it.

This is a normal three views.

"You should believe me for no reason." Lin Lang replied casually.


He turned his head to look at the others again and said, "But what if I took you to Yue Hualing?"

\ "As you said, the quota of Yuehualing is very precious, so I have enough news to sell a good price. \"

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