Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1044: Black cloud

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What is the place of Wuxiangzong? The Immortal Realm is only in the Holy Land and a few human clan gates under the top forces. There are many immortal emperors under the gate, which control the territory within nearly ten stars.

With the strength of no ancestor, it is not too simple to destroy Ye Xuanzong.

Of course, Ye Xuanzong in front of him is considered to have won the first battle, but what to do next?

The dozen or so star fields around them all belong to the domain of the unsectarian, and offended them. As long as the unscrupulous order was ordered, a few stars would be completely blocked.

They want to escape, it is not so easy.

"This **** blast sword school." Han Zilong clenched his fists. If it wasn't for the blast wind sword school, Ye Xuanzong fell to the point where he is today.

"There is still a silver lining for everyone to escape separately now, and we will not be able to find all of us in a short period of time, but these disciples ..."

Paxia turned back and looked at the fear behind him, thinking that the disciples of Ye Xuanzong's end would come.

The senior members of Ye Xuanzong can leave now, and the chance of survival will be greater.

But these weak disciples will not work anymore. The homes of many of them are nearby. Once they leave, they will inevitably involve their families.

But if they stayed in Ye Xuanzong and waited for the arrival of an army with no ancestors, then they would be hard to escape.

"Bring what you are willing to take, what you are willing to stay, and distribute the spirit stones, and the future will depend on themselves."

Jiang Taigong sighed. Today, Ye Xuanzong is actually just at the beginning stage. The disciples' cultivation practices are generally very weak. The chance of them escaping alone is zero.

He didn't talk about any sect, he was a dying person, so why should he do unnecessary struggles.

Whether or not these disciples participate in the war has little significance to the direction of the battle. They are all a group of characters that can't even count ashes.

"Everyone, as soon as possible, people with no ancestors will come soon." Jiang Taigong asked a few words, and soon landed on the ruins of Ye Xuanzong, gathering some important information.

Sun Yishan and others are organizing disciples, and explain the interests of this matter clearly. Half of Ye Xuanzong's 1,000 disciples chose to leave Zongmen and return to their families.

The other half chose to follow in the footsteps of these teachers. With their slight cultivation, they only had a chance to survive if they followed Ye Xuanzong.

Today, Ye Xuanzong is no different from the announcement of dissolution.

"Master Zeng gave Ye Xuanzong to us. When we came to Immortal Realm, we not only carried forward Ye Xuanzong, but even disbanded Zongmen. I'm sorry Master." Go up, split the rock hammer apart.

"Alas, if the suzerain is still there, why should we be like that?" Jiang Taigong also sighed. Lin Lang has not responded to them for a hundred years. This is enough to prove everything.

Their legendary suzerain, I am afraid that they are already fierce!

During these hundred years of their experience, they are also deeply aware of the crouching tiger and hidden dragon in the fairy world, even if Lin Lang is in the lower realm again, creating countless legends.

But Immortal Realm is also a strong generation, the most not missing is evil. When Lin Lang first entered the fairy world, he was afraid that it was similar to the situation before them.

It is too difficult for a fairy king to gain a foothold in the fairy realm. Now, the legendary suzerain is afraid that he is already too fierce.

"I think you are too pessimistic."

Han Zilong shook his head gently and said, "We have come all the way, how many miracles he has created, I believe that he will not fall in the fairy world."

"Maybe the suzerain is going to retreat at this time, you also know that it is a common thing to retreat for a hundred years after arriving at the Mahayana realm, and he will definitely come over when he receives the news."

Han Zilong's words may provide some comfort to everyone, but they still maintain a pessimistic attitude, holding the last glimmer of hope, and conveying their position to Yu Pei through messaging.

This is the last effort they can make.


Soon, Ye Xuanzong was all ready, and everyone was carrying supplies, planning to leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible.

They did not dare to take the path of the starry sky to leave, they could only choose the nearest star to sleep, and wait for the storm to calm down before continuing.

Ye Xuanzong is nothing to the behemoth like Wuxiangzong, and Wuxiangzong will not use all his power to want it.

But they did reveal a little bit, that is, the identity of Elder Sun and Wu Xiangzong itself.

The scope of Wuxiangzong's rule is very large, and there are no other relatively large sectarian forces, so Wuxiangzong has established a corresponding sect in each star domain, similar to the division of Wuxiangzong.

Therefore, within the scope of the fairy world, there is also the saying that there is no such thing as Dawuxiangzong and Xiaowuxiangzong.

And Elder Sun is a senior executive of the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiao Wuxiangzong. When he went back disgraced, such a thing happened in the territory, and Xiaowuxiangzong was naturally angry.

In this star field, Xiao Wuxiangzong almost launched a carpet-like search. On the third day, Ye Xuanzong's hiding position was exposed.

this day.

Outside the cave where Ye Xuanzong was hiding, all Ye Xuanzong's celebrities walked out of the cave, looking at the distance with a solemn face.

In the distance.

The sky was drooping, the clouds were bleak, the sun was dispelled by the clouds, and the light passed through the layers of clouds and fog and spread out everywhere, reflecting a burning sky.

On the ground, a primitive beast roared among the mountains. They looked up to the sky and their voices were so low that they seemed to suppress the endless years, but they dared not break out.

They are in fear, fearing the endless distance, the terrifying pressure from another star field.

Even if they are far apart.

Ye Xuanzong's disciples also had difficulty breathing, and they were in a state of panic, as if the end of the world was coming.

Time is not big, a thick black cloud floats from a distance, thunder flashes in the clouds, and there is the sound of the soldier blade hitting the armor.

Indistinctly, it seems that countless human figures can be seen from that dark cloud.

Along with it, there was extremely terrible coercion, which almost made the world silent, and the whole planet became extremely depressed.

After all, Wu Xiangzong still found the door.

"They are coming."

Han Zilong's voice was low, and the blade of his hand was not consciously clenched. He was ready for a battle.

The same is true of the rest of Ye Xuanzong masters, one after another, they have developed their own cultivation practices, protecting those disciples who have become weak.

"We will try our best to block the unmarried soldiers and horses. You can take the disciples to break through. Can you escape a few?"

Zhao Zilong also spoke softly. This time they have no chance of victory, and one that can escape is a victory.

"This time, no one of you wants to escape." Elder Sun jumped out of his own camp, staring at the Ye Xuanzong people below with a grudge.

His broken arm has been connected, but the threshold in his heart cannot be lowered, unless Ye Xuanzong is destroyed in his hand.

Three ninety-nine and ninety-six-year-old fairy kings, more than a dozen masters of heaven and mind, and nearly a hundred fairy king masters.

Wu Xiangzong sent such a lineup, is determined to destroy Ye Xuanzong.

This time not to mention Ye Xuanzong's disciples, even Han Zilong's two top experts do not hold any hope.

There are too many masters of Wu Xiangzong, even ten Ye Xuanzong will be easily wiped out. As for the escape, it is already impossible.

"Destroy Ye Xuanzong, we must rush to Yuqianzong, don't procrastinate too." In the Wuxiangzong camp, a middle-aged man with three crowns of flowers above his head spoke lightly.

Within the reign of Innocent Sect, a word can determine the survival of any force. Offended them, only annihilated.

And while his voice fell, a group of masters without a sect shouted out one after another, and terrible supernatural powers poured down.

This wave of attacks alone is enough to destroy any sect.

"Go to death."

Elder Sun grinned grinningly. He himself, as if venting the losses he had suffered in Ye Xuanzong these days, struggling to strike out his magic.

For a moment, he even wanted to personally rush into the crowd to kill indiscriminately.

Ye Xuanzong breathed a suffocation, only to feel that there was a world suppressed on their heads, and they could not resist.

Countless magical powers fell down, as if it were the end of the world. They have no doubt that the planet under their feet will collapse as soon as this strike falls.

"Beasts of no ancestry, even if I die today, even if you are a ghost, you will have to entangle you all your life."

Paxia's eyes were splitting, and all his indignation turned into a roar.

"It's a pity that these younger disciples." Jiang Taigong sighed. These younger generations who joined Ye Xuanzong had not yet had time to shine, so they would fall with Zongmen.

"They have no life of their own."

Wu Xiangzong acted in an overbearing way and bullied others, but what could they do? The only way to be weak was to bear the fate of being slaughtered by others.

There are a lot of people Ye Xuanmen, at this time, they have simply given up their resistance, and it is them who are going to destroy the Innocent Sect, even the planet under their feet is implicated.

Wu Xiangzong would rather destroy this planet than give Ye Xuanzong any chance to break through. What is the use of unnecessary resistance.

Ye Xuanzong, despair.

However, at this time.

There was a sudden ripple in the void, and the surrounding air vibrated gently, as if time and space were still, everything was still.

Even the vast supernatural powers above his head became stagnant at this time, advancing at a very slow speed.

A breeze blew through.

The catkins flutter all over the sky, the soft sunlight disperses the layers, and the breeze seats, lifting everyone's placket.

Countless terrible magical powers suddenly began to disintegrate, and instantly turned into the purest energy, dissipating between heaven and earth.

The breeze blows, Wan Lai is still.

Everything between heaven and earth is very peaceful, and there is no sign of the dignified atmosphere of the war.

Ye Xuanzong's masters who were ready to go to death were at a loss. All eyes were now concentrated on the center of the battlefield.

In front of all Ye Xuanzong strong men.

In the void, a figure in Tsing Yi was standing, not tall, but extremely firm and upright.

With his back to Ye Xuanzong's crowd, he stood still in the wind with a sturdy figure, looking down at the masters of Wuxiangzong below.

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