Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1031: Cut the Emperor's Legion

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The speed of the blaze was so fast that a few flashes had already landed opposite Lin Lang, and the thick Diwei escaped instantly, wanting to deter Lin Lang's momentum for the first time.

"Fairy Emperor."

Lin Lang raised his eyes and looked at the other party. The invincible belief was mixed with the power of heaven and earth, and the oppressive force was instantly disintegrated.

Opposite is a genuine fairy emperor, he did not fear at all. The Son has the capital to compete with the Immortal Emperor, but he is different.

He can kill the emperor!

"No wonder you can provoke the idea of ​​the old fellow of Tian Can, Gee, it really has gone out of invincible."

"Unfortunately, you are not in the same era as Ben Emperor. Otherwise, I am afraid you will not be able to take this step today."

He smiled.

"The meaningless argument is free." Lin Lang said lightly: "If you were born in my time, you are just the lowest kind of holy son."

"Me, I can crush you with one hand!"

He was not angry but smiled, although he did not want to admit this fact, but the arrogance of the Son made him raise his head high.

"You are really a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers, but you know that a fairy emperor is standing in front of you now."

"Of course, I'm still worried that you won't hit enough." Lin Lang licked his lips, his eyes glowing like never before.

Up to now, he hasn't fought against the real fairy emperor. Although he can confidently crush the robbery fairy emperor, but like the sacred emperor, the fairy emperor who was promoted as a holy son even made him excited.

A monk of this level had met in his previous life, but at that time it was his pinnacle and final battle, which was also mixed with the power of the Xianmenling.

But now.

His strength is not inferior to the peak period of his previous life. When he met a strong man like Ren, he was vigorously wary.

Once the idea of ​​killing an emperor rose in his mind, it was difficult to contain.

Huan, the Holy Son of the Underworld Prison, had only one defeat in the last era, lost to Wuxin Sword Emperor.

When he was still a holy son, he had the ability to contend with an immortal emperor.

Now as he advances into the realm of immortal emperor, even if he only survived once the immortal emperor, it is comparable to the existence of the second emperor.

"Jian Ye, the prison of sin."

Huan opened his arms gently, and his open and closed hands seemed to be connected to a ghost world. A dark prison appeared in front of him.

As his arms stretched and torn apart, the chains bound outside the ghost prison suddenly burst open, and countless criminals wearing prison uniforms stepped out of the door.

All of them were terrible, their arms waving in the air, showing their fangs and gnawed at Lin Lang.

"Trick and worm skills."

Lin Lang flicked lightly, avoiding the countless criminals, while at the same time, the Chiyang sword exploded with the power of light, and the sword swayed the universe.

After the sword fell, countless criminals were already in different places. At the same time, a deep roar came from the depths of the underworld.


A huge, dark-scaled ancient magic dragon broke free of its shackles, and it dragged the chain from the depths of the underworld.

This is just the beginning.

With the emergence of the ancient magic dragon, a mighty bull demon fairy emperor with a black face on his face also walked out of the underworld.

Underworld prisoners are born to be the darlings of Summon Avenue, no matter how old they are, they all have this innate talent.

It is said that there is a terrible prison in the underworld, where there are countless underworld dead prisoners, and there are countless immortal prisoners of war. They are imprisoned in the eternal reincarnation and turned into the most terrible killing machine.

The prisoners came out of the underworld.

They can communicate the underworld with their own talents, span the endless space, and summon these monsters who have lost their sanity to fight.


With an earth-shattering roar, another strong figure of the human race came across the gate of the underworld.

Counting the ancient demon dragon, ox demon fairy emperor, as well as the human clan puppet in front of him, Yi has summoned three masters of the fairy emperor level.

Although their sanity has been destroyed and their combat power is not as good as their heyday, the immortal emperor who has been reduced to a killing machine is no less threatening than anyone else.

"Underworld." Lin Lang's eyes flashed, and he was also the first time he saw an opponent who could extend the Underworld space to this level.

And there is a place in Immortal World that is very similar to the Underworld, that is the prison of the gods, and the space where he was imprisoned for a full five hundred years in the previous life.

The only difference is that the underworld is in the hands of the prison clan, and the prisoners of the gods are in the hands of the clan.

In addition to cultivating a number of monks who are good at calling the Avenue, the Protoss basically can't mobilize the criminals in the prisons of the gods.

The voice fell.

The three battle puppets comparable to the fairy emperors flew out at the same time, and the terrifying power of magical power blasted into the forest at the same time.


Lin Lang holds a sword, his body dances with the wind, and the two avenues of light and Wuxing bloom at the same time.

Any two avenues between heaven and earth may be combined to form other forces with very different attributes, but the question is whether the reorganized avenue is complete and can show some power.

Otherwise, the power of this recombined avenue is not even half that of the original two avenues.

The speed of the blaze was so fast that a few flashes had already landed opposite Lin Lang, and the thick Diwei escaped instantly, wanting to deter Lin Lang's momentum for the first time.

"Fairy Emperor."

Lin Lang raised his eyes and looked at the other party. The invincible belief was mixed with the power of heaven and earth, and the oppressive force was instantly disintegrated.

Opposite is a genuine fairy emperor, he did not fear at all. The Son has the capital to compete with the Immortal Emperor, but he is different.

He can kill the emperor!

"No wonder you can provoke the idea of ​​the old fellow of Tian Can, Gee, it really has gone out of invincible."

"Unfortunately, you are not in the same era as Ben Emperor. Otherwise, I am afraid you will not be able to take this step today."

He smiled.

"The meaningless argument is free." Lin Lang said lightly: "If you were born in my time, you are just the lowest kind of holy son."

"Me, I can crush you with one hand!"

He was not angry but smiled, although he did not want to admit this fact, but the arrogance of the Son made him raise his head high.

"You are really a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers, but you know that a fairy emperor is standing in front of you now."

"Of course, I'm still worried that you won't hit enough." Lin Lang licked his lips, his eyes glowing like never before.

Up to now, he hasn't fought against the real fairy emperor. Although he can confidently crush the robbery fairy emperor, but like the sacred emperor, the fairy emperor who was promoted as a holy son even made him excited.

A monk of this level had met in his previous life, but at that time it was his pinnacle and final battle, which was also mixed with the power of the Xianmenling.

But now.

His strength is not inferior to the peak period of his previous life. When he met a strong man like Ren, he was vigorously wary.

Once the idea of ​​killing an emperor rose in his mind, it was difficult to contain.

Huan, the Holy Son of the Underworld Prison, had only one defeat in the last era, lost to Wuxin Sword Emperor.

When he was still a holy son, he had the ability to contend with an immortal emperor.

Now as he advances into the realm of immortal emperor, even if he only survived once the immortal emperor, it is comparable to the existence of the second emperor.

"Jian Ye, the prison of sin."

Huan opened his arms gently, and his open and closed hands seemed to be connected to a ghost world. A dark prison appeared in front of him.

As his arms stretched and torn apart, the chains bound outside the ghost prison suddenly burst open, and countless criminals wearing prison uniforms stepped out of the door.

All of them were terrible, their arms waving in the air, showing their fangs and gnawed at Lin Lang.

"Trick and worm skills."

Lin Lang flicked lightly, avoiding the countless criminals, while at the same time, the Chiyang sword exploded with the power of light, and the sword swayed the universe.

After the sword fell, countless criminals were already in different places. At the same time, a deep roar came from the depths of the underworld.


A huge, dark-scaled ancient magic dragon broke free of its shackles, and it dragged the chain from the depths of the underworld.

This is just the beginning.

With the emergence of the ancient magic dragon, a mighty bull demon fairy emperor with a black face on his face also walked out of the underworld.

Underworld prisoners are born to be the darlings of Summon Avenue, no matter how old they are, they all have this innate talent.

It is said that there is a terrible prison in the underworld, where there are countless underworld dead prisoners, and there are countless immortal prisoners of war. They are imprisoned in the eternal reincarnation and turned into the most terrible killing machine.

The prisoners came out of the underworld.

They can communicate the underworld with their own talents, span the endless space, and summon these monsters who have lost their sanity to fight.


With an earth-shattering roar, another strong figure of the human race came across the gate of the underworld.

Counting the ancient demon dragon, ox demon fairy emperor, as well as the human clan puppet in front of him, Yi has summoned three masters of the fairy emperor level.

Although their sanity has been destroyed and their combat power is not as good as their heyday, the immortal emperor who has been reduced to a killing machine is no less threatening than anyone else.

"Underworld." Lin Lang's eyes flashed, and he was also the first time he saw an opponent who could extend the Underworld space to this level.

And there is a place in Immortal World that is very similar to the Underworld, that is the prison of the gods, and the space where he was imprisoned for a full five hundred years in the previous life.

The only difference is that the underworld is in the hands of the prison clan, and the prisoners of the gods are in the hands of the clan.

In addition to cultivating a number of monks who are good at calling the Avenue, the Protoss basically can't mobilize the criminals in the prisons of the gods.

The voice fell.

The three battle puppets comparable to the fairy emperors flew out at the same time, and the terrifying power of magical power blasted into the forest at the same time.


Lin Lang holds a sword, his body dances with the wind, and the two avenues of light and Wuxing bloom at the same time.

Any two avenues between heaven and earth may be combined to form other forces with very different attributes, but the question is whether the reorganized avenue is complete and can show some power.

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