Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1028: First battle

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For a War Soul division, the most important stage is to condense the War Soul, and the quality of the War Soul directly determines the combat strength of the entire army.

The first condition for condensing the soul of warfare is that all people practice the same kind of exercise, so that they have the spirit and unity.

And this.

The current striker is already available.

What Lin Lang will do next is to integrate everyone's thoughts, and then gather the soul of war, and great power will erupt.


Hu Qiu and other generals roared involuntarily and were infected by them. The soldiers under their command also made a roar from the soul instinct.


For a while, the forwards were all united, and everyone seemed to feel the companion's thoughts, and their thoughts were exceptionally unified.

at the same time. The fighting ideas of the entire forward united together like a tide, everyone is a drop of water, and everyone's fighting ideas are brought together, it is a vast ocean.

"Kill kill!"

The fighting spirit was boiling, and countless roars rang through Tianyu. At the same time, Lin Lang headed up into the sky, standing tall in the sky, and also incorporating his own thoughts into it.

His thoughts were magnified a little bit. At this moment, he could easily stay in the sage of any soldier, and the sage interfered with their judgment.

This is where the Soul Master is overbearing.

From a certain perspective, the War Soul Master is like a puppet master who controls a group of machines. He can guide everyone's movements.


With Lin Lang's cry, everyone's fighting intentions boiled completely, his insight penetrated every inch of the corner.

at the same time.

Thoughts flooded into his mind quickly. For a leader of the Soul Warrior, they must have a broader sense than other people, and also dismiss the other people's confusion.

This is equivalent to fusing the brains and memories of 100,000 people into Lin Lang's mind.

Even if it is just an action, the amount of information contained can burst the mind of a normal fairy emperor.

Rao is currently in the realm of Lin Lang, which is still very difficult to control.

"It may be possible to gather the soul of war, but if the imperial war spirit fights, I am afraid that I can only control about 30,000 people at present."

Lin Lang thought secretly.

His consciousness is already very vast, and there is a small world in his body, but with his qualifications, Rao can only control the consciousness of about 30,000 people.

As for more, he could not control the soul of war to fight. But it is not necessary to consolidate the consciousness of all people, but he can do it for the time being.

"War Soul!"

Lin Lang's consciousness suddenly broke out, and at this moment, everyone's thoughts quickly intertwined.


The boiling fighting intention condensed into a golden wolf head in the air, and the golden giant wolf roared at the sky and shook Jiu Xiao.

This is the soul of war that he worked together with 100,000 people.

Even Moshan Immortal, who was watching the battle, was impressed. He could clearly feel that this golden giant wolf had a terrible threat to him.

I am afraid that if the latter really took action, even if he was an emperor of two calamities, he would not be able to stop one move.

"War Soul Master, is this the method of War Soul Master?" Mo Shan's breath also began to rush.

He was very aware of the striker's combat power. When 150,000 people united together, he might be able to contend against the two robbery immortal emperors, but he would definitely not be able to defeat an emperor.

Because in the real battlefield, changing rapidly, even if hundreds of thousands of people can unite to kill the second emperor, once the immortal emperor breaks through the defense line, the only thing left is slaughter.

But now.

The spirit of war formed by Lin Lang and his subordinates has approached the level of the Three Tribes Immortal Emperor. If they cooperate with the battle array, I am afraid that even the Three Tribulation Immortals will die.

of course.

The premise is that Lin Lang has capital and can control 100,000 people to hardly regret the three emperors.

"Only one hundred thousand can approach the level of the Three Tribulation Immortal Emperors. What if the Red Talent Army cultivates the War Soul Master system as a whole?"

"Isn't that even the four emperors and the five emperors have the power of a battle at that time." Moshan Immortal Emperor was a little trance.

of course.

He also knew that this was impossible. Lin Lang ’s cultivation practice was not strong. At this stage, it is impossible to call the Red Talent Army of hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.


Lin Lang let go of his consciousness, the fighting spirit between heaven and earth gradually dissipated, and soon returned to tranquility.

Controlling the Soul of War every second is a huge consumption of consciousness for him, even he is a bit unbearable.

"With this spirit of war, the Red Talent Legion can be expected in the future." Moshan Xiandi laughed loudly and was very excited about Lin Lang's achievements.

"Thanks to the commander of the Legion."

Lin Lang smiled.

The two chatted for a while, and the mood of Emperor Moshan gradually decreased, and he seemed to recall something.

"I have something to tell you." Emperor Moshan's voice was low, he said: "I am afraid that there will be war soon."

In the past year, the Xianmeng Allied Forces have finished repairing, and have also repelled the attack of the Underworld Army.

After a short period of cultivation, the Xianmeng Allied Headquarters decided to take the initiative to take the opportunity to recapture the second line of defense occupied by the Underworld Army.

This is the Chongyang Qunguan.

Unfortunately, the Red Talent Army is also on the list of recruits, even as the first echelon offensive task.

The first echelon said it was a good way forward for the Xianmeng army, but I am afraid everyone knows its true meaning.

That's the dead Cannon Legion.

This kind of errand is a little inattentive, and the entire Red Talent Army will be buried for it. Mo Shanxian Emperor's heart was not far from accepting such a task.

But there is no way. When Lü Hongying is still in her life, she can take the lead alone, communicate with those in Xianmeng, and even tear open.

But his Moshan is far inferior to Lu Hongying in terms of seniority and self-cultivation, and his position in the Xianmeng headquarters is limited.

If he refused, he would represent the resignation of the Red Talent Army, which he could not do anyway.

"There are five legions similar to ours, and most of them are under the power of the two emperors, and together there are about four million people."

"In counting other miscellaneous legionaries, the combat missions of the first echelon are about ten million people."

Lin Lang frowned and said nothing. He also understands the helplessness of Moshan Fairy Emperor and wants to defy the military orders of the headquarters of Xianmeng unless he resigns.

In the same way, after he resigned, the Xianmeng headquarters still deployed the same combat mission, and the Red Talent Army could not escape.

"So I can only try my best to win some benefits for everyone, fifteen siege cars and seventeen war fortresses."

"In addition, if we can reach the Chongyang Qunguan, the military expenditure of the Red Talent Army will increase twice in the next 100 years."

This is already the limit that Moshan Fairy Emperor can fight for. These resources can only give the Red Talent Army a stronger offensive and will not affect the loss of numbers.

The ending of the Red Talent Army as a dead cannon ca n’t be changed, but it ’s not necessarily how many people can survive.

"I also have a requirement that I can not use the War Fortress, but resources such as siege machinery and healing medicines need to be allocated to half of my forward."

Lin Lang spoke lightly. He was the commander of the forward army, so he naturally had to consider it for his subordinates. These people are temporarily his class.

"That's nature." Mo Shanxian Emperor pondered for a moment, said: "The forward army as the red-winged army's open forward, I will focus on deploying all resources, you can rest assured.

If the Hongying Legion is the cannon fodder of the Xianmeng, then the forward army is the cannon fodder of the cannon fodder.

of course.

It may also be a shell, which lays down the shells for the fairyland.

"Okay, I will tell the ministry about the next thing. The resource deployment will trouble the head of the army." Lin Lang said.



As the Xianmeng served the Hongying Legion, the Hongying Legion also received the Xianmeng final order deadline.

The 520,000 monks of the entire Red Talent Army were drawn and rushed to the frontier of the border.

There are three lines of defense in Xianjie, namely the innermost Zhuxun Qunguan, the second checkpoint Chongyang Qunguan and the outermost blood provocation Qunguan.

The previous Xianmeng war was unfavorable, and in the attack of the Underworld Army, it retreated and lost the first two lines of defense.

Also recently, Xianmeng gathered forces of resistance and repelled the underworld army one after another. Under such circumstances, Xianmeng also intends to take advantage of the chase and recapture the lost ground.

The Xianmeng Allied Forces were promoted to recover the stars occupied by the underworld army.

About half a month later.

The Red Talented Army rushed to the Chongyang Qunguan and camped. At the same time, other armies of other Xianmeng also arrived.

Looking around, there is a dense figure outside the entire Zhuxie Group, and looking around, there is no margin.

Lin Lang stood in the air, watching the monks of the Xianmeng with black pressure and black clouds behind him, and his heart was deeply shaken.

This is the war in the world of monks. All participants are at least true immortals, and there are tens of millions of people.

And there are nearly one million monks in the fairy kingdom. Such a force is unmatched no matter where it is placed.

And on the battlefield, there was even a figure of fairy emperor flashing.

"This is the war of monks in the fairy world." Lin Lang sighed. The battle of tens of thousands of monks is actually just an appetizer of a great battle.

Tens of millions of monks formed the first echelon, only to disintegrate the formation of the underworld army, and behind it, there were dozens of first-class regiments of the Xianmeng to watch.

After a war, hundreds of millions of monks participated in it. Every minute and every second represents the fall of a large number of true immortals.

If it is in the lower realm, the true immortals are almost standing at the top of the world, but in the war of the immortal realm, they are only insignificant cannon fodder.


The first echelon of troops gathered together, except for the Red Talent Army and the five second-tier legions with similar strengths, the rest were miscellaneous legions.

The second-rate legion had at least the troops led by the fairy emperor. However, there is no Miscellaneous Legion, and at most it is only the fairy king of 90% and 90% of the state, just like the garrison on the day star.

The group of people can show off their power on the daylight star, but on the real battlefield, they do n’t even have the title of cannon fodder!

Their existence is just to consume the strength of the opponent.

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