Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1024: Rules in the barracks

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I am afraid that even the unintentional sword emperor completely did not expect that the red tassel will decline to this extent after the last war. The strength from top to bottom has dropped by one grade. "Temporary words should not send us too important missions, so everyone's only thing now is to work hard to revenge for the robes who died in the hands of the underworld." The middle-aged man, now the red tassel The acting head of the team, Ying Yu Xiandi sighed for a long time. Immediately. He turned around and his eyes fell on Lin Lang. He said: "When you first came to the camp, many rules were unfamiliar, you will be explained by Luo Huajian." "As for your position, you must first be clear. The striker leads the representative "The meaning of the charge." "The charge is in the battlefield and swears forward. If you compare the entire red tassel to a sharp knife, then the forward is the tip of the knife, and there is nowhere to go." "The forward's mission is to ban a passage for the middle and the side. Cut off the enemy's battle, so when you really fight with the Ming clan in the future, I hope you don't embarrass the red tassel, and don't let Daye Xianzong be ashamed. "Ying Yu Xiandi made a deep voice. In all fairness, he is only a general rather than a handsome, and he likes to speak straight. Lin Lang walked out of Daye Xianzong, even if the fighting strength was stronger, in the eyes of Ying Yu Xiandi, it was nothing more than a young bird in a greenhouse. It is still unknown whether he can assume the position of a striker. "Relax, if I was afraid, I would have been among the dozen or so Sons of the Immortal Realm." Lin Lang nodded gently and paused, he continued: "Can the regiment transfer Fang Lian to me, and follow Me, she will get acquainted with the red tassel faster. "Ying Yu Xiandi frowned, but felt that Lin Lang's posture was overly arrogant and unhappy in her heart. And he knew in his heart that Fang Lian came for the record point. He would leave after the end of the Fengxian War, and he could not let Fang Lian take too important positions. Lin Lang is the same here. If no one is available, Lin Lang ’s strength also plays a role in the current Red Tassel. He has already handed over the position of the striker to others. The striker needs a powerful leader, but it is clear that these people in their presence are not suitable. They either have to take several jobs, or they are shallow. It's really hard to be a big one. Lin Lang is also the best candidate. Just waiting on the battlefield, Lin Lang can play a great role, even Ying Yu Xiandi has no idea. "Fang Lian can be transferred to you, but the original position is unreserved. What kind of position can you hold after being transferred to you, then it depends on her own ability." "Well, today's meeting will be here, everyone. After going back to practice the corporal, don't delay the practice. "Ying Yu Xiandi hurriedly asked a few words, and then dispersed everyone. ... "Brother Lin, wait." Lin Lang had just walked out of the camp, Luo Hua came in a hurry, he paused and nodded with a smile. "Luo Jian." "When you first came to Hongying, I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the camp." Having said that, Luohua had come to Lin Lang and began to chatter about some precautions. The two said, they had walked around the camp for a long time. The reason why the red tassel is named because of the relationship between the coach Lu Hongying, because she is a rare daughter among the heads of the regiments, so the red tassel has a little more softness. The soldiers in the camp are not all men, and there are nearly one-third of female monks. These people are dressed in shiny armor, and they are beautiful. "This is where the striker resides. Since its establishment, the striker has a total of three leaders, namely Huairen Immortal Emperor, Yaohan Immortal Emperor, and the last Dongju Immortal Emperor." Immortal Emperor Emperor Realm, with the breakthrough of cultivation, later retired from the battalion and returned to Immortal Realm. "" Second Ren Yaohan Immortal Emperor's reign was not long, only about three hundred years, died in the confrontation with the bone clan , Beheaded by Demon Tooth Immortal Emperor. "" The last Emperor Dongju Immortal Emperor, the Second Emperor Immortal Emperor, also accompanied the regiment leader recently, and unfortunately fell into the underworld. "" Emperor Dongxian's voice in China is very high, it is the war soul of the red tassel, even among others it has a very large influence. "Said the words. Luo Hua and Lin Lang had already arrived at the striker's station, and explained to the duty taxi in front of him, the monk left in a hurry. "I have asked people to summon the forwards, and then it's up to you." Luo Hua smiled. Lin Lang arrived at the first glance, and once he came to the striker, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. However, the influence of the last Emperor Dong Taxian in the striker was too high. Whether Lin Lang can stand up is unknown. quickly. With the departure of the celebrity, most of the generals under the striker came one after another in the small square. "You said what Luo Jian told us to do, although the matter of training soldiers is under his jurisdiction, but he has no right to command us at the same time." "Jian usually can't control us, could it be ... you said yes Will there be news of Dongju's command? "" It would be great if that was the case. If you can find the Emperor Dongju, you will have to rescue him even if you kill me. "Seven people have gathered in the square below Eight forward generals, followed by dozens of generals. These people are the current management of the striker. When the generals were debating, Luohua took Lin Lang down from the sky. They recognized Luohua at a glance. As for Lin Lang beside Luohua, they just glanced at it and did not pay much attention. "It's no mean to summon it to everyone today. The order of the military service has come down, and your striker has a new commander." Luo Hua stepped back half a step in his speech, giving Lin Lang a position, saying: "This is your new leader, Lin Youye." The words just fell. The generals below are a clamor. "Just kidding, this is the new commander of the striker? It's clearly a little doll with no hair at all." "What is said is that only the cultivation of the realm, why do you serve as the commander, can you be tolerant?" It ’s not because those people ’s brains were burnt out? Let him be the leader. Maybe it ’s a child of a fairy clan, who was sent over by the relationship to be gilded. ”Lin Lang seemed to have expected this kind of situation, his mouth was still smiling, and he did n’t speak. . "Everyone be quiet," Luo Hua waved his hand to stop: "Everyone may have misunderstood. Commander Lin is not as unbearable as you think. He is the son of Daye Xianzong. He personally slaughtered the existence of the Underworld Son." Sure enough. . When Luohua finished speaking, the crowd below would be even more fierce. "Sure enough, it was the ancestors of Zongmen who were sent to the gilt. The Daye Xianzong was indeed worthy of the well-known holy land, and his hands were all stretched out into the camp." "Whatever is not a son, let him roll." We only recognize the Emperor Dongju, whoever he is, it has nothing to do with us. "There is another strange gas below, sometimes mixed with roar and roar. For these, Lin Lang was unmoved, and he refused to show up no matter how fierce he was. Luo Hua was busy, while explaining to Lin Lang, while also appeasing the generals' emotions. It turned out to be counterproductive. He said a few words and instead reacted. The generals even started attacking Lowe. Luo Hua was forbidden by cold sweat and was traumatized by the generals. On the other side, dozens of generals were like roosters fighting, slamming Lin Lang and the two in a violent pursuit. "What kind of person is this? It's said that he doesn't dare to put a fart like this, how can it be a little general." "Don't say it is a general, that is a normal young man, said to have left without complacency. This is obviously a genus. "" Yes! The striker doesn't welcome the genus. "Luo Hua finally couldn't bear it. He glanced at Lin Lang with grievance, and whispered:" You stand up and say something, you are the commander, no How to convince them how you can lead soldiers to fight in the future. "" No hurry, it's not time yet. "Lin Lang shook his head. "Then deal with it yourself." Luo Hua was also disappointed. After all, Lin Lang had a lot of events recently. He had a good impression of Lin Lang before. But after the moment. Luo Hua shook his head inevitably: "It seems that the rumors are not necessarily true, even if he has extraordinary combat power, but after all, he is a young bird cultivated in the sect." "Cultivation is no matter how strong, but it is still poor in interpersonal communication. It's far away, let him lead the soldiers to fight, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. "With this thought in his heart, Luo Hua also shook his head and said:" My task has been completed, and the rest will be left to you. " Say it. Luo Hua turned directly away. He was also worried that he would stay with Lin Lang for too long, and he would lose face in the forward camp. Lin Lang smiled all the time, letting these people speak. He hoped that the more fierce this group was, the more intense the emotion, and the easier it would be to deal with it. When the emotions of the generals in the scene were brewing almost, they even started to want to return to the camp. Lin Lang just started, he said: "Since everyone thinks so, I have nothing to do." "You said that I am not worthy of the commander of the striker, but you must be qualified for the current position." "We have no qualifications. It's not that you have the final say, you go to the camp and ask, which one doesn't agree with us? "A man in a mink fur coat snorted. "Whether we are qualified or not is not your final decision." "Okay." Lin Lang smiled slightly, and he took a step forward, said: "Then you mean, who has a big fist here?" Who should I listen to? "" Yes! "Diao Qiu snorted sneered:" The camp believes in the strong, who has enough strong cultivation, who has the ability to guarantee the interests and safety of his subordinates. " It ’s not that the King of Realms is pointing at everyone, he is not qualified. "He looked at Lin Lang with contempt.

When Lin Lang first arrived at the Hongying Tuan, he received the bad news from the leader Lu Hongying, which he never expected.

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