Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1010: Banquet of the Golden Son

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not far away.

Di Luotian's end is not so much better than Lin Lang. His entire body is full of scars. There are sword wounds left from previous fierce battles with Lin Lang and others. Energy trauma.

Half of his body had been blown up, and the only half of his body had also broken his palm, and blood continued to drip.

You know, the light rain rapids are his unfinished Jiudi magical powers. After Lin Lang cut off the thread of fate, he completely lost control. This is why Di Luotian is at the center of the explosion and cannot escape.

But he survived.

Although the injury was extremely serious, Di Luotian did not fall down because of this. His blank gaze glanced around, and it was a headache.

next moment.

His body flashed, and the whole person disappeared from its place.

"This guy is really strong." Lin Lang was lying on the ground, staring at Di Luotian in the sky with a bitter smile.

This battle cannot be said to have been won. On the contrary, he only accidentally cut off the thread of the fate of Di Luotian by means of tricks.

In terms of real strength, Di Luotian is far better than him. At least Di Luotian now has the ability to escape, and he is completely unable to move.

There is also the terrible power of the nine emperors. Lin Lang really did not have the confidence to compete with it. This is almost a battle that is impossible to win.

After all, the emperor was the emperor. He joined forces with the Emperor Xuanyuan Qi Jiuyou, and he did not have any advantage in the face of Di Luotian. At least now he is far from his opponent.

Unless he can elevate another level.

Lin Lang had been lying in place for three months, and then she recovered some strength. She was able to sit up again and repair to repair the injured body.

In a short time, Di Luotian should not come to him for any trouble.

This battle was a challenge for him, and it was also an extraordinary opportunity. He originally spent a year in the place of inheritance, but in terms of the flow rate in the trial, it has actually passed nearly a hundred years. .

His cultivation has also accumulated to a critical point in the process, and it is not difficult to hit the peak.

While Lin Lang was struggling to hit the peak, the whole Luo Ling star had already been fried, and many of the fairy kings on the planet were inexplicably buried.

This incident also caused a lot of panic. With the subsequent news, everyone knew that the original terrible disaster was actually the impact of the three Lin Lang and Di Luotian fighting.

"Their strength is so terrible." The heavenly pride of both the underworld and the immortal world was shocked.

It was just the movement of the two that caused Luo Xingxing to destroy one third of the area, and thousands of fairy kings were buried.

The name Lin Youye has spread throughout the two worlds because of this. From the place of inheritance to the later confrontation with Emperor Luo Tian, ​​two battles, they have completely classified Lin Lang into the category of a master child.

"No more, we will not go through this muddy water." Many of the two worlds smiled with arrogance, and now Luo Xingxing was born with this heritage, and all the off-sites were harvested almost.

Without benefits, these people have no need to stay. What's more, there is such a terrible existence of Di Luotian, even the Son of God is living a life of impunity.

They might as well leave earlier.


This matter ended, and after about half a month, Lin Lang successfully promoted the repair to the peak.

Now, with the breakthrough of his cultivation, his combat strength has almost made great progress. At this time, even if he encounters a master such as Di Luotian, he will not be so passive.

At this time, he had no need to stay. On this day, the Emperor Xuanyuan sent a message and asked him to return to Fuyunhai.

Previously, the reason why Emperor Xuanyuan helped Lin Lang to join forces with Emperor Luo Tian was actually a transaction.

The content of the transaction is that Lin Lang needs to help the Emperor Xuanyuan to eliminate a competitor, the first talent of Wolf God Pavilion, Wolf Hong.

This person is also a master of the sub-class level, the strength is still above the wolf boy, this time did not appear in the inheritance.

In fact, the current practice of Emperor Xuanyuan is not afraid of Wolf Hong, and there is even the possibility of victory. But the problem is that the master of the child can beat, but it is not easy to achieve perfect killing.

Therefore, two or more wise sons must join hands to make it possible to kill the same wise sons.

As for the Wolf God Pavilion and the Three Holy Palaces, that is a feud, no matter if it is encountered on the Fengxian battlefield or other occasions, a war will inevitably erupt until one party dies.

Emperor Xuanyuan wanted to hunt Wolf Hong, but Lang Hong is not so. Now both sides have accumulated their strengths, waiting for a chance to give each other a fatal blow.



Lin Lang set off again and returned to Fuyunhai. His next plan was to settle the Emperor Xuanyuan's side and then go to the junction of the two realms of Xianming to try to kill as many monks as possible.

At this time, it was only four years before the end of the Battle of Fengxian. He was not for a sense of racial justice, but simply wanted to improve his record.

The higher the ranking of Fengxianbang, the richer the rewards given by the various forces in the fairyland.

It is said that the top ten of the Xianxian list are rewarded with Taohuadaogu, Yuanhui medicine, and quasi-artifacts. These are the scarce resources that Lin Lang must have to promote Xiandi.

Lin Lang quietly looked at the starry sky surrounded by the blue clouds and stars. He fluttered in shape and descended on a wide river.

On this winding river, blue waves ripple, a fishing boat quietly floats on the water surface, slowly moving forward with the waves.

Xuanyuan, wearing a hat, stood on the bow of the ship, staring indifferently at the sky in the distance. Holding the Xuanyuan Sword in the other hand.

Xuanyuan did not know how to retrieve this sword that had been lost in the last war.

Emperor Xuanyuan turned his back to Lin Lang and spoke calmly. He is surrounded by a mysterious mood, as if integrated into the world.

"Natural Avenue, I never thought you would realize the complete Natural Avenue." Lin Lang smiled.


During this period, the cultivation of Emperor Xuanyuan also made some progress. It should be that he has realized a certain state of mind, and his thoughts are extremely accessible.

At this time, Lin Lang couldn't help but look at Emperor Xuanyuan a few more times. This most influential figure in ancient Chinese history really has its own extraordinary features.

Regarding talents, Emperor Xuanyuan is also absolutely rare in the world, and he has an understanding, and Emperor Xuanyuan is even above Qi Jiuyou.

Even Lin Lang had a vague feeling that he was also the master of the ancient avenue. He may not have defeated Emperor Xuanyuan in the same realm.

of course.

Lin Lang's potential in this life far surpasses that of the previous life. For now, he is no weaker than himself at the peak of the previous life.

Emperor Xuanyuan came out from Emperor Linxing in the last French era, and in just 5,000 years he could cultivate to such an extent that he really deserves his name.

"You are not too."

Emperor Xuanyuan whispered softly, saying: "You haven't condensed the heavenly heart and the soul planet, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. In the future, Emperor Linxing needs you to defend it."

"When will we start." Lin Lang frowned, and didn't continue to talk more. He just wanted to solve the Wolf God Pavilion problem quickly, and then went to the junction of the two circles to get as many record points as possible.

"Do it today."

Emperor Xuanyuan whispered softly, saying: "Today the Golden Son will banquet the world's heroes. As long as the priests in Fuyunhai are on the list of Golden Son's banquet, I think Wolf Hong will also come.

"So our chance is after the banquet, once the wolf orders, then that's our chance."

There was a flash of light in the eyes of Emperor Xuanyuan, and the existence of Wolf God Pavilion has always been a confidant of the Sansheng Palace.

And the most important thing is that the power of the Wolf God Pavilion is greater than that of the Three Holy Palaces. In every previous battle, the San Sheng Palace failed to end.

More importantly, the recent development momentum of Wolf God Pavilion has become more and more fierce. If he can kill such a holy son this time, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to Wolf God Pavilion, which is equivalent to cutting off their future. A pair of arms.

The strength of Lang Hong himself is not simply how strong, but Wolf God Pavilion also has some close allies, such as the Protoss. If Wolf Hong is in trouble, it is impossible to ignore it.

Therefore, it is certainly not feasible to get started at the banquet. At the end of the banquet, with his cultivation with Lin Lang, killing Wolf Hong is not a matter of fact.

"it is good."

Lin Lang also agreed sharply, in fact, he had already sentenced Wolf Hong to death.

As for the golden son and others, he didn't really care. If the latter blocked his way, he would kill.

With his current strength, the more ordinary Son would not even look at him.


The Golden Son is the most outstanding arrogant of the generation of the Golden Saint, and its strength is unquestionable. Even among the many sons, it is a relatively strong sequence.

With the influence of the Son of Gold and the Saint of Gold, basically most people will hold a banquet organized by him, and few people refute his face.

With the addition of Luo Xingxing, all the priests have returned to Fuyunhai, and naturally there are many monks present at the banquet.

The influence of Lin Lang and Emperor Xuanyuan was absolutely not small. When they arrived, they were released without any obstacles.

at this time.

The Golden Son set the banquet in a palace in the seventh district of Fuyunhai. This was once a palace built by a notorious villain in the fairyland, but was recently killed by the Golden Son, and his palace was naturally logical. To the name of the Golden Son.

The palace in front of you is like an ordinary palace in the vulgar world. The outer layer of the palace is on guard. The maids and demon girls in the palace have everything they need. It is really a place of pleasure. The Golden Son set the banquet in a palace in the seventh district of Fuyunhai. This was once a palace built by a notorious villain in the fairyland, but was recently killed by the Golden Son. To the name of the Golden Son.

The palace in front of you is like an ordinary palace in the vulgar world. The outer layer of the palace is on guard. The maids and demon girls in the palace have everything they need. It is really a place of pleasure.

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