Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1001: Emperor's coffin opened

Obviously, even Gu Feng himself did not expect Lin Lang to have such strength, and he could be hit hard with one move.

You must know that he is already the physical strength of the immortal king's realm, and was also sealed by the town. Lin Lang should not exceed him.

But he never expected that he was injured by Lin Lang in just one contact.

"Is his physical body already ... how is it possible!" Gu Feng still couldn't believe it.

But Lin Lang didn't hesitate. He stepped forward and reached the extreme speed. At the next moment, his hands were already resting on the bone peak and twisted gently.


Gu Feng's head was screwed down and thrown to the ground. Time went back to start, his body slowly blurred, and faded out of the tomb.

"The physical body of this guy ..."

The crowd was shocked by the scene in front of them, and never expected that Lin Lang's physical body had so much improved in a short time.

It's the same as the physical body, the child of Tian Sheng is no longer an opponent.

"It seems that even if there is no suppression of inheritance, the actual combat power of this guy outside is no longer under us."

The pupils of Tianjiao, each of the priests, shrank. Before this, although Lin Lang had won the bone peak in head-to-head confrontation, in fact, they did not really regard Lin Lang as an opponent.

The sage is synonymous with the pinnacle of this era, and has reached the extreme of the immortal realm in all aspects.

Even though Lin Lang's physical body and magical power had approached the limit before, he could only barely contend with the Son. He was not really a rival to the Son.

but now.

Lin Lang already has such ability!

With just one move, Lin Lang was speechless and shocked by the presence of Zhong Tian, ​​and the Hades side also gave up the idea of ​​taking the lead in the bone peak.

This is not that they are afraid of Lin Lang, but that they don't want to kill their lives in the place where the cultivation was suppressed.

Lin Lang continued to move forward. In the eyes of everyone, he had already reached the emperor's coffin within a few steps.

At this point, the terrible mighty pressure rolled in. Even though Lin Lang had fire-colored armor to isolate Diwei, the speed of progress was slowed down a lot.

After the half-pillar incense time, Lin Lang finally stood in front of the emperor's coffin and pressed his palms on the upper coffin.

"I'm going to see who you really are." Lin Lang snorted coldly, with both hands, trying to open the coffin to check.

In fact, he also knows that it is impossible for Hongmeng scattered people to move them to an emperor's coffin for no reason. Combined with the previous trials, he can be sure that this emperor's coffin must have some chance.

Think of it here.

Lin Lang no longer hesitated, his hands fell on the upper layer of the coffin, and his whole body exerted his strength, intending to open the coffin and explore.


His strength is like a mud ox entering the sea, and even if he exerts his whole body strength, it is difficult to open a gap in the coffin of the emperor.


next moment.

Lin Lang only felt that a terrible emperor came back, and only the first contact made Lin Lang's spirit empty and his consciousness began to blur.

He was convinced that he had never felt such terrible coercion and could not even call it Diwei, but Xianwei!

That was a force that completely transcended the immortal realm, and Lin Lang almost stopped thinking under the backlash.

Fortunately, this Diwei is in an unconscious state and has no initiative to attack. Otherwise, just the impact just now will be enough to exterminate Lin Lang's spirit.

"Is there an emperor who cannot sleep in this coffin?" Lin Lang felt a little shocked, and he was sure that even in history, such power was probably so few.

Except for the eight detached people in the heavens and the earth, the only legendary figures who can achieve this level of power are the nine emperors.

No one ever imagined that the Hongmeng scattered people had such a skill. They found it at the tomb of the nine emperors, but they could be moved over with great magical powers.

Facing the existence of such a hierarchy, Lin Lang's heart could not be too calm. He was a little excited, and after taking a deep breath, he mobilized his whole body to move the coffin.

Anything that is related to the nine emperors will surely cause uproar in the immortal world in the past, and even the emperor must participate.

Not to mention the secrets of the nine emperors themselves, even if their bodies were invaluable, all races were desperately fighting for them.

"Drive me!"

Lin Lang mobilized the strength of the whole body. The dense silver pattern of heaven immediately climbed up his body, his muscles curled up, accompanied by a huge force.


With Lin Lang's repeated efforts, the emperor's coffin in front of him was actually a gap, even if it was small, but it was a good sign.

Through this faint gap, a faint purple light bloomed in Lin Lang's pupils, and at the same time the pupils lit up a dazzling light.

When observing the body of the emperor, he must make the most adequate preparations. The Avenue of Light and the flames of the Ziyan **** are spread, or even if the emperor is dead, the coercion after death is enough to kill most of the strong.

This is the power of the nine most outstanding emperors in history. Even if they are dead, no one can desecrate them.

Lin Lang's eyes gradually lit up, and through that faint light, he finally saw the existence of the emperor's coffin.

"this is……"

In front of Lin Lang's eyes, a handsome and majestic face slowly emerged. This man, dressed in black, had maintained an uncorrupted flesh, exuding a heartbreaking wave, even after countless yuan meetings had fallen.

On his chest, he was holding an epee, which had no front. It looked more like a simple iron sword, rusty and without any singularities.

However, this iron sword also exudes the same imperial power as the middle-aged emperor. The two have been merged into one, even if a sword, under the blessing of the emperor over the years, will not be worse than the ordinary eternal device.

"Is this person the rumored Emperor Tianqi Sword Emperor?" Lin Lang thought and searched the whole mind. Among the nine emperors, only Tianqi Sword Emperor was good at making swords.

With this in mind, I could not help but feel a little sorry.

After all, the existence of a mighty eternity that was as strong as the nine emperors was not able to surpass it. After all the ebb and flow, others could only hang on to a corpse.

"The Hongmeng scattered people sent everyone to the coffin of Tianqi Sword Emperor, not only to test whether we can pass the trial under Diwei."

"I'm afraid that the existence of Tianqi Sword Emperor is an opportunity in itself." Thinking of this, Lin Lang reached out his hand, probing out a thread of spiritual force, and grabbed the iron sword in the hands of Tianqi Sword Emperor.

What can be brought into the coffin after the death of an emperor is not an ordinary thing. Therefore, Lin Lang's first idea was to catch the iron sword and investigate.

As for the corpse of Tianqi Sword Emperor, he didn't want to move, and the hero should also have his own dignity, instead of being pulled out to make a war corpse.

At the same time as Lin Lang's spiritual silk thread protruded, a sharp sword gas shot suddenly from the coffin, and all the spiritual silk threads released by Lin Lang were cut off.

For a while, Lin Lang seemed to see the Emperor Tianqi sword suddenly open his eyes, but the next moment, everything is as usual, there is nothing strange.


The epee has begun to recover, and it burns with red color, like a fighting spirit full of fighting spirit.

With a slight trembling, it seemed that an attack on Lin Lang might be launched at any time.

"this is……"

At this moment Lin Lang's heart suddenly gave birth to a very absurd illusion, as if Tianqi Sword Emperor lived in that moment, staring at him really.

"There is something weird. Could n’t Tian Feiqi sword emperor fall into the long river?" Lin Lang frowned, but it is impossible to think about it. From ancient times to now, there have been hundreds of Yuan conferences. Besides, no one can live to this world.

Even if this person is Jiu Di, Jiu Di can be called a legend, but it is just a group of people with the highest combat effectiveness. Shou Yuan is at most just a little more than the ordinary immortal.

It is impossible to live to this world.

"Maybe it was some kind of backhand buried by Emperor Tianqi Sword, maybe it was my illusion." Lin Lang closed his eyes and realized carefully.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the outside of the trial. The figure was heroic and marvelous.

It is Di Luotian!

He glanced over the crowd in the tomb, and stepped forward as if no one was there.

One step, two steps ...

Everyone began to think that Di Luotian would be trapped in the same place as they were.

But the fact is quite the opposite of what they expected! Instead of being subject to any restrictions, Di Luotian strode across the crowd.

Finally stayed beside Lin Lang.

"You should guess his identity, too." Di Luotian smiled slightly, and suddenly looked at the corpse in the coffin.

"God beg, an old friend is right in front of you. It's not the way to treat you to stay away."

Emperor Luotian smiled slightly, but there was no response in the coffin. Only the epee lit up a light, exuding the horrible Emperor Weiwei.

"It really doesn't look like you."

Di Luotian shook his head, and there was a terrible diwe in his body, just like the diwe in the coffin. The difference was that the two represented two completely different avenue ideas.

Two terrible monarchs collided and broke out! Even without any substantial energy fluctuations, Lin Lang still flew away from the coffin.

the other side.

Tianjiao of various ethnic groups were also affected by the collision of the two, one after another flying out.

When they stood up, they were surprised to find that under the collision of two huge emperors, their movements were no longer restricted, and the repairs originally reduced due to the heritage were restored.

at the same time.

The coffin cover above the coffin exploded, and with a bright sword groan, the epee broke out of the coffin, erected in the air, and confronted Emperor Luo Tianyao.

"Since you don't want to come out to see me, then this seat can only force you to come out and tell the old." Di Luo sighed coldly.

The magical power in his hand bloomed, and silver dragons were wrapped around his arms, suddenly blasting out at the body of Tianqi Jiandi below!

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