Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 101: Beheaded Dan

Wen Zhichao didn't have as many years as Yu Xiaoxiao. Although he was in shock, he only calmed down when the two met for the first time.

"I'll go out for a while." Wen Zhichao's voice was a little hoarse, then he got up and took the door.

He knew that Yu Xiaoxiao had asked for the help of Lin Shen, and the relationship between the three was delicate. He could only stay awkward when he stayed here, and simply gave the space to both of them.

At this moment, only Lin Lang and Yu Xiaoxiao were left in the house.

"You are looking for me." Lin Lang said lightly.

"I didn't expect you to be Lin Shenyi." Yu Xiaoxiao's heart was more like overturning the seasoning jar, and the taste was mixed.

If someone had stood in front of her and told her that Lin Lang was Lin Shenyi, she would make a sneer and incidentally ridicule, but now that the matter was in front of her, she couldn't help it.

"Since you are Lin Shenyi, why don't you tell me earlier, and no sooner, we won't be like this." Yu Xiaoxiao said inexplicably.

"Do I need to tell you." Lin Lang said indifferently.

"Are you still having trouble?"

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Lang with complex eyes and muttered to himself.

"Actually, when I was with you, I was very happy, really happy, and lived freely freely. That was the life I had longed for the most."

"But I'm really sorry for you."

Talking, a gleam of clear tears ran across his cheeks.

"I know what I did was wrong. I hurt you. I always wanted to find an opportunity to apologize. But I was forced to do it. You don't understand, even if everyone doesn't understand, I think I'm a wandering woman . "

"But I am not."

Yu Xiaoxiao's voice was a little hysterical, like an outburst that had been suppressed for a long time.

"I need money, I need money to cure my mother's illness, so I played Jin Junxian as a junior and went to Wen Liangshan again. I need their money, always."

"But one day, I got a report of my mother's advanced cancer, including foreign authorities, which can't cure it. Do you know how desperate I was then?"

Yu Xiaoxiao's voice fell again.

"I miss when I was with you, and if I had the chance, I also wanted to go back and review the story at that time."

"I have met many men, but they only value my appearance, only you, and only you know how to appreciate my heart."

Yu Xiaoxiao was caught in the memories and started to tell from bit by bit, that it is no longer difficult to be in the depths, and Li Hua cried with rain.

"If you came to me to say this, then goodbye."

Lin Lang was cold, and the ignorant feelings of the previous life had been turned into ash over time. What he kept in his heart was only a memory of that time.

Even if he returns to that age of love, he can still be indifferent.

But he didn't want to prove it, leaving this sentence to turn indifferently, ready to leave.


Yu Xiaoxiao subconsciously grabbed Lin Lang's palm, but was ruthlessly smashed away and flashed aside.

"Don't go." Yu Xiaoxiao was anxious, but Nai Linlang remained indifferent, still walking towards the door.

"Please, save my mother!"


Yu Xiaoxiao bent his knees and threw himself to the ground.

"Please rescue my mother, she has terminal illness, and no matter how good the hospital is, I know you can do it, so I beg you ..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Lang's voice interrupted immediately.

"Why can I save her?"

The desirer stops, the back is set in place, and then there is a voice without a trace of emotion.


Yu Xiaoxiao was silent, she really couldn't tell why, money? feeling? Or a superficial understanding of medical practice?

Either way, it will not be looked at by the dignified Lin Shenyi.

"I know you don't lack anything now, but I still have one thing." Yu Xiaoxiao bit her thin lips tightly, maybe it was too hard and Yin Hong's bloodshots leaked out.

"Isn't a man most concerned about the first time? I keep it all the time, even if I meet a **** like Jin Junxian, even if I meet Wen Zhichao now, I still keep it."

"Now I dedicate it to you."

In the end, Yu Xiaoxiao's pampered body shivered, which should be her most precious thing.

This girl is very smart. She knows how to pretend to be poor and is good at using people. Because of this intelligence, she has never used her body as a bargaining chip, even if she is being raised by someone.

Now, she has to do this, she knows that the other person may not care about her body, but the dignity that she gave up.

"Do you want to dedicate it to me?"

Lin Lang turned slightly and looked down at the woman kneeling at his feet.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked up and down, and similarly she found something unusual.

She bet she had never seen such a look, as bright and deep as the twinkling stars, but she was so aloof and indifferent, without a touch of emotion.

This feeling is like standing on the top of Mount Tai and looking down, knowing that there are stones underneath, but he doesn't take a closer look to see the appearance of the stones.

She is a rock, and Lin Lang is a climber.

Invisibly, the distance between the two eyes is pulled far away.

"I ... will,"

Yu Xiaoxiao clenched Xiuquan, but released it again, just as the teeth of the shell fell off her lips, she put down all vigilance and resistance, and regarded herself as a lamb to be slaughtered.

The tears that have not been wiped off, covered with a layer of red, and the eyes shaking with teardrops, everything makes this weak girl look more pitiful.

"But I don't want to."

Lin Lang was unmoved, and as Yu Xiaoxiao expected, she only accepted her dignity.

"Cut this off, break this idea, take this Zhugedan, and the fate between you and me ends here!"

Lin Lang casually left a Zhujidan. Regardless of whether she accepted it or not, this absurd relationship in previous lives would end with this.

Yu Xiaoxiao fell to the ground weakly, looking at the departing figure with complex eyes, her heart was sore and weak, but more, still brought her into endless remorse.

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