Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 991: Bone child

The ancient God Mountain came down suddenly. As a magical power comparable to the power of the Holy Art, the three Tianjiao in front of them had to be cautious.

They each performed magical powers, the sky burst, and a layer of magical powers like fireworks bloomed, and Yu Wei scattered to the surroundings.

Boom boom!

At the same time as the ancient Taishan Mountain collapsed, the three Tianjiao flew backwards. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Lang stepped forward, the shining sword flickered, and the thick sword qi swept towards the three.

Jian Wei pointed out that, like an unmatched torrent of kendo, it was impossible to resist. The two types of sword-slaying sword-cutting gods turned into a rain curtain and suddenly fell.

With one enemy and four, Lin Lang not only fell into the downwind, but occupied an absolute advantage. After seriously wounding one person, the other three were completely under the suppression of Lin Lang.

"Light of the Broken Sky!"

Feng Rui roared madly, and now began to communicate with the Soul Planet, using his greatest strength. A dazzling star emerged from behind him, starlight into the body, giving him stronger power.


A thick spiritual beam erupted in his third eye, and as he glanced over, that spiritual beam shattered everything in front of him.

"The second-order God-soul planet, Feng Rui actually condensed the second-order God-soul planet!" Tianjiao, a few people nearby, was also slightly stunned.

The ninety-nine-percent immortal king needs to condense the soul planet, and the level of the soul planet also represents the level of combat power after breaking through the fairy emperor.

Divine Soul Planet is from the first order to the fifth order. The first order is the best and the most difficult to condense. Generally, only those who are out of the invincible path can touch.

The second-order soul planet is the premise of the child master, and the power of the stars that can be called is also quite terrible. Of course, Tianjiao, the prince who has not been able to consolidate the second-order spirit planet, is not without it.

"That's it."

Lin Lang stepped down, and the world fell into an endless silence, as if he had settled into space, and the speed of time had become extremely slow.


Surrounded by nature avenues, and the five elements realm, the two highest ancient avenues are entangled, forming a strange space.

The light of the shattered dome swept over, but was anchored by two entangled avenues. At the same time, a pure white feather wing appeared behind Lin Lang, flashing like a holy angel.

"May the world cleanse away sin and make the light shine." Lin Lang chanted ancient mantras, and under the light of the Holy Light, everything became innocent and holy and pure.

The light of the broken dome is more purified, no more riot, and gentle as a sheep. Even though it is still full of trembling terror, it cannot burst out.


Lin Lang opened his mouth gently, and the light of the broken dome began to disintegrate. The avenues contained in it broke away from the body, and spiritual power returned to heaven and earth without any threat.

"The Avenue of Lights! He turned out to be the master of the Avenue of Lights!" The crowd burst out again.

Lin Lang's move was too fast, so that people subconsciously ignored the previous avenues, and only saw the bright avenue that was displayed last.

But even so.

The shock left to everyone is also quite light. Bright Avenue, which is one of the nine ancient roads, ordinary people only need to control one to be invincible.

Such monks, even the Guangming monks who majored in light, could not find a few masters who can control the avenue of light.

And at this time.

Lin Lang stepped forward and swept across the rain-like Jianguang. If the two human races were suddenly hit hard, a long and narrow Jianguang was left on their chests, which continued to erupt at the wound.


After hearing only two muffled sounds, the two fairyland arrogants were blown out and fell deep in the mountains of Qingyan Church.

Then Lin Lang stepped out one more step, Jian Guang shuddered, leaving thousands of sword holes in Feng Rui's body instantly.

The blood was like an injection, Feng Rui could no longer suppress the injury, and the blood in the body sprayed out.

"Damn, how could his strength be raised to such a level in half a year." Feng Rui was unwilling, but also understood that the situation before him was beyond his control.

Can't compete with Lin Lang, that's all for running!

"go to hell!"

Feng Rui sighed, took a treasure bottle out of her arms, crushed it, and immediately emitted a black mist covering the sky.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape. Unexpectedly, Lin Lang held the sword to break through the mist, Feng Rui had not had time to move, and a long sword had already crossed his neck.

With a little movement, his life might be killed.

"Lin Youye!"

Feng Rui's whistling rage, at this moment, can only hate: "This time you win, I am convinced that Feng Rui lost!"

"Do you think this is a contest between Yantai and Taiwan, and there is still a chance to come back if you fail." Lin Lang looked at Feng Rui with pitying eyes.

"Of course not." Feng Rui snorted, and said, "I am the Protoss of the Protoss, and my elder brother is Feng Ho. If you kill me, he will not let you go, nor will the Protoss let you go."

Feng Rui stared closely at Lin Lang. Although he was already a prisoner, he did not have the slightest timidity, and still proudly said, "If I was born in your hands, even the big leaf immortal from the Protoss could not bear it."

"The protoss who died in my hands are not a thousand or a few hundred, and you think I will care about the consequences of killing you."

Lin Lang was unmoved. He saw more of this situation. He usually relied on his identity to make a blessing. When he was in danger, he reported his identity and planned to reconcile.

How can there be such an easy thing in the world?

"You are not afraid that we will tell you that you have a child fire. At that time, you will be hunted down by all races. Although the fairyland is big, there will be no place for you."

Seeing that Lin Lang was unmoved, Feng Rui had to change his method and tried to threaten Lin Lang to submit.


Lin Lang was expressionless, his arm trembled slightly, and the blade of his sword crossed Feng Rui's neck, and a rolling head fell from his shoulders.

Protoss quasi-son Fengrui, meteor!

And the other two who were not far away had contacted Feng Rui for a long time. They rolled their palms, gathered a curtain in front of them, looked back at the time, and displayed the scene where Lin Lang used the fire at the beginning.

"The source of all fires is now, Lin Youye has a fire in his hands!" They exclaimed, their voices dropped, and they turned and left.

But how can Lin Lang tolerate him, step out, with the sword in his hand, the end of the lives of the other two people.

The rest of the fairy world Tianjiao, who was fighting with other monks on Lin Lang's side, saw this scene, and there was no war in mind, at this time they retreated.

"I just want to go, how can there be such an easy thing." Lin Lang snorted coldly and moved forward.

And at this time.

Two skeletons flew one after the other and flew from a distance. These are the two bone clan powerhouses. The person in front of them is called bone feather, which is the fourth super arrogant of the bone clan.

Several ranks higher than the original callus. In contrast, the presence of another person is much lower.

Because this person is just the top arrogant of a bone family, his strength is not outstanding, and cultivation is not strong.

It was just that he held a palm-sized black orb and looked at the battlefield so calmly.

"Hugh to be mad, come here to kill you!" The voice dropped, and the bone and feather descended directly in front of Lin Lang, and the supernatural power suddenly started and attacked Lin Lang.

Gu Yu, the fourth-ranked Tianjiao of the bone family, physical body, supernatural power, both have been cultivated to the limit of the fairy king, and their strength is quite arrogant.

And his body is a huge bird skull, with a pair of skeleton feathers behind it, which is 30 to 40 meters long. It looks more like an angel of light that has been swallowed up. It is extremely impactful.

"Finally there is a decent opponent." Lin Lang was so zealous that he finally raised some interest when he saw Gu Yu.

This is a good opponent.

Boom boom!

The two quickly fought together, and have to say that Gu Yu did have a bit of strength, and was much stronger than the old ones.

Whether supernatural or physical, Bone Feather is definitely at the top of all the strong in both circles.

The two kept colliding in the air, the Taoism and magical powers appeared together, and the people who only looked at them were dazzled and should not be busy.

Bone Feather also masters the Holy Art, and it is two powerful Holy Art. Lin Lang hardly got serious.

When the supernatural powers collided, the sky overturned and the void hung up, and the land of 100,000 miles was refined into nothingness by the supernatural powers of the two.

Including Qing Yanjiao, it turned into a ruin in a blink of an eye.

The two played tens of thousands of moves without breaking the score, and the fight was endless. After ten thousand moves, Lin Lang finally seized the opportunity to keep his advantage firmly.

He won the battle.

But it was not a big victory. After paying some price, the bone feather was defeated by Lin Lang, but he could not leave the severely injured bone feather, and he escaped.

After all, the bone and feather have already cultivated the physical body and the supernatural power to the top at the same time, and they are only one line away from the real sage, which is absolutely extraordinary.

"Sure enough, it is still necessary for Master Gutong to take the shot himself." Another bone monk, Bian Yu, went to battle and fled.

At this moment, he pinched and exploded the dark pearl, in which the dark black light bloomed, and a chain of order erupted from the inside.

in a blink.

Countless order chains are intertwined with each other. In the mist of fog, a bone-like child only two feet tall is condensed. He is wearing a large robe, carrying his hands, and has great momentum.

"You, Lin Youye?"

The bone children looked at Lin Lang indifferently, without any emotional fluctuations in their eyes.

However, faintly, he could feel that if there was any coercion on his body, everyone's breathing became inexplicable.

This is the pressure of the Holy Child Tianjiao.

"Bone boy, how could he come!"

"Oh my god, how could this bone tribe be so powerful that he was there, let alone Lin You Ye, even if we were tied together, it would not be his opponent!"

The fairy world around Tianjiao exclaimed, an incredible expression. Including Tianye of Daye Xianzong, this time is also extremely dignified.

Bone child,

The prince of the bones, Tianjiao, is the most outstanding strong among the real family, even if Qi Jiuyou is close to him.

How could such a character be attracted to a holy spirit medicine garden? There is only one answer.

He made a special trip to kill Lin Lang!

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