Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1771: True and false antiques

After speaking, the old man turned and left, and looked at the young people around Xia Yu with quite a jealous look. The meaning was extremely obvious, reminding Yue Chen that these young people were not easy to provoke.

Here is also a character like a snake, not ordinary people can offend! "Yue Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth. Although he understood the old man's meaning in his heart, he didn't put these young people in his eyes.

Without him, strength brings him confidence! The strongest of these young people is the strength of the King of War. If they turn around on the spot, I'm afraid Xia Yu will be able to give them a severe lesson. It's nothing more than in Zhongzhou City and doesn't want to cause trouble.

Otherwise, with Xia Yu's strength and leave directly, these young people may not even be able to touch the corners of her clothes.

At this time, Xia Yu also saw Yue Chen, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, and hurriedly said: "Brother Yue Chen...They want to blackmail me!"

"I chose an antique. It was originally a genuine one, but it was changed into a fake one by them just as soon as I turned around. Then I didn't plan to buy it!"

"Unexpectedly, they forced me to buy this fake!"

Xia Yun's tone was extremely aggrieved, no matter what her strength, but after all, it was just a girl's temperament. After being aggrieved, she wanted to find someone to complain.

Yue Chen nodded slightly, guarding Xia Yun behind him, and before he could speak, several young people scolded.

"Damn, how can someone who doesn't have eyesight dare to be nosy, is this something you should take care of?

Get rid of this uncle! "

"If you want the hero to save the United States, it's better to say, take out the money, and you take this thing away, otherwise you have to teach you severely today!"

"Choose something and don't want it, do you really think our brothers are good bullies?"

Several youths surrounded Yue Chen aggressively, their tone of voice was dissatisfied, and even with a threat of threat.

Yue Chen's eyes were cold, he knew that to deal with these people, violence was more effective than reasoning.

boom! Yue Chen's left foot lightly stepped on the road paved with bluestone slabs in the antique market. The texture of this bluestone slab is extremely hard, even comparable to the hardness of some low-level magic weapons.

Like a strong man with the strength of a warlord, without the help of magic weapons, he can only hit a gap the size of a slap in a single blow with all his strength.

However, Yue Chen's seemingly plain kick caused great destructive power.

Kaka... Kaka... Following the position where Yue Chen stepped on, there were a large number of spider-web-like cracks in an instant. The dense cracks expanded extremely fast, and the whole bluestone slab collapsed in a moment.

Yue Chen flew to another fast bluestone slab with a clean figure, his expression was extremely indifferent, as if the person who stepped on the broken bluestone just now was not him.

A few young people were already taken aback, their arrogance suddenly faded, and the expressions in their eyes towards Yue Chen were also somewhat fearful and reverent.

Even the person with the least vision can see that Yue Chen's strength is definitely not bad, at least he is also a powerful person with Zhan Zun's strength.

Not to mention that these young people who are in the antique market are extremely shrewd, how can they not see the depth of Yue Chen?

"This lord... What just happened was just a misunderstanding... You must calm down... We just don't sell this antique!"

The headed youth was extremely humble, and even said almost beggingly, his eyes were full of fear of Yue Chen, and even his body trembled a little.

He is a king of war, and facing such a strong man, it is no different from the ant facing an elephant. Even if he is killed by a punch, few people will stand up and take the charge for him.

Even he began to regret why he had set up a deception in the antique market. Now that he has offended a murderous man like Yue Chen, it may be more and more fortunate today.

Although he is also a strong man with the strength of the warlord, his combat effectiveness is extremely average. On the one hand, he is afraid of the danger after entering the magic cave, and on the other hand, he does not want to leave the prosperous area of ​​Zhongzhou City to make a living in other small places.

That's why I took the antiques I got in the adventure, and entangled a few young people to blackmail here.

It was because they saw Xia Yun's luxurious clothes, but a natural look, that he thought of blackmailing.

After reporting an inflated price, Xia Yu didn't even have a bargain, and it made them realize that the girl in front of him was a fat sheep, so he surrounded Xia Yu and prepared to blackmail some more benefits.

But it is this greed that hurts them.

If you sell the fakes and then accept them, I am afraid that after Xia Yu returns, Yue Chen will not come here to trouble them for a few small dollars.

"Hehe, right and wrong, if you say it, it doesn't count, and I don't count it!"

"Since this is the antique market, there should be a monitoring agency, right?"

Yue Chen turned to look at the onlookers and asked.

But the onlookers did not speak.

On the one hand, they are hindered by Yue Chen's strong strength, and on the other side they also know that these young people are like snakes. If they are offended by themselves, they may come to trouble in the future.

After a while, a voice came out from the crowd: "This is under the management of the'Golden Sword Battle Saint' in Zhongzhou City, but the Master of War Saint generally does not appear in the market, so it was entrusted to the Longsheng Auction House at the market gate!"

"If necessary, we will go to Longsheng Auction House to help you hire someone!"

For the blackmailing behaviors of a few young people here, some people have long been displeased, but they did not dare to control it because of their strength. Today, seeing Yue Chen take the initiative to uphold justice, naturally a few people who are dissatisfied with the youth stand up.

After hearing this, the faces of several young people showed panic.

They know very well that everything they do is against the rules set by Longsheng Auction House. I am afraid that when the people from Longsheng Auction House come, they will be out of luck! "Can this lord let us have a way of life, we will never dare to bluff and deceive outside!"

The headed youth pleaded with a panicked expression.

Yue Chen's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "You just kept saying that the real product is for sale, it's our violation, and you don't want it after packing?"

"In that case, let the auction house come to see if this is true!"

Although he is unwilling to cause trouble, Yue Chen is not the kind of person who suffers. Since someone dares to bully Xia Yu, he must pay the price.

The crowd of onlookers also formed a human wall, trapping these young people firmly in the center, but after a while, someone ran to inform.

"Senior Sun is here, this is the chief appraiser of Longsheng Auction House, Mr. Sun!"

"He must be able to tell the truth about this matter, but I heard that Lao Sun has been immersed in antique appraisal for a hundred years, and his eyes are comparable to appraisers!"

"These guys deserve it. They lie here for so long, they should have been caught long ago!"

Everyone talked about it, and Yue Chen's interest was aroused. It was the first time he heard that someone had been immersed in the appraisal of a party for a hundred years.

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