Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1769: Thunder Controversy

His remarks were extremely domineering, and it seemed that Yue Chen would not be allowed to question.

Yue Chen said coldly: "Then there is no need. Since Shao Li is here, we will only solve two problems today. One is my share in the spiritual world live broadcast. The spiritual world live broadcast is my single-handed promotion. If I wanted a share, At least 90%!"

"But I only chose to ask for a few shares because I was worried about being coveted. I didn't expect that there would be people around like flies!"

"The other thing is Hou Feng. He is helping me. If you hurt him, then I have an obligation to stand up for him. What do you think?"

Yue Chen's voice was extremely cold, and the look in Li Ming's eyes also carried a bit of killing intent.

Without him, what Li Ming is doing now has provoked his bottom line. On the one hand, he seeks to seize his shares, and on the other hand, he dares to hurt his own people.

In any case, Yue Chen would not choose to be kind in this matter.

As the saying goes, people are good at being deceived, Yue Chen originally thought that he could avoid trouble if he didn't covet shares, but he didn't expect trouble to find himself. In this case, he had no need to forbear.

"Hehe, the tone is not small, if you don't know, you would think you are the young master of this Zhongzhou family."

"You don’t know the reason why you are not guilty and guilty. Since you are not strong enough, it is your fault to own the shares. If you don’t take it out honestly, and if you dare to bear the stubborn resistance, then it’s more sin. How can I teach you a lesson!"

Li Ming shouted angrily, and then turned into an afterimage, took out his weapon from the storage ring, and stab Yue Chen with a light blue long sword.

The long sword was shining with thunder light, just taking it out of the storage ring, it gave everyone around him a sense of oppression, as if facing the panic Tianwei! "This...this is the'Lei Ze Sword' of the emperor soldier. If it weren't for Young Master Li Ming who had already fought the emperor half-step, he would probably not be able to control this long sword!"

"The half-step war emperor is equipped with God soldiers. I think Yue Chen is going to be unlucky. Rather than being severely taught by Young Master Li Ming and then surrendering his shares, it is better to be more acquainted now and honestly surrender the shares. Got it?"

"Most of the people in this world don't cry without seeing the coffin. I heard that Yue Chen is also a warrior with the thunder attribute. I am afraid that he will have a long experience today and know who is the strongest among the younger generation of thunder-attribute fighters!"

Li Ming's dog-legs began to talk, of course they didn't doubt Li Ming's strength at all. In their opinion, Yue Chen's defeat was only a matter of time.

A trace of anger flashed between Yue Chen's eyebrows, and he didn't expect Li Ming to be so domineering, and he would kill himself if he shot it.

You must know that Li Ming's sword is extremely fast, and the long sword still has the thunder attribute zhenqi attached, even if a general war saint is stabbed, there is probably only a dead end! Supernatural powers: Supreme God Thunder! When Yue Chen saw this situation, he didn't keep his hand. The long spear in his hand contained the Supreme Divine Thunder, and it collided with Li Ming's long sword.

Be yelling! With a sound of golden and iron mingling, Yue Chen's figure remained motionless in place, but the aggressive Li Ming stepped back several steps before steadying his footing.

On the power and speed of lightning, Yue Chen is not inferior to him. Although Yue Chen's level is a few steps lower than him, his cultivation technique is the top technique among thunder attributes, so his speed and power Not inferior.

Even with the blessing of the Supreme Divine Thunder, the power faintly overwhelms Li Ming. If Li Ming is not a warrior who cultivates the thunder attribute, he also has a deep resistance to thunder and lightning.

But compared to strength and defense, the two opened a big gap.

With an indestructible golden body guard, Yue Chen's physical strength is even worse than that of warriors like Yan Gang and Poison Iron Hand, who only practice defense, and it is a crushing existence to Li Ming.

Only then can Li Ming be able to directly shake Li Ming through a simple fight.

Li Ming's face was embarrassed, his eyes were full of incredible expressions, and some couldn't believe that he was actually defeated by Yue Chen.

"This... it's impossible... how could you, a kid from a remote country, suppress me?"

Li Ming shouted angrily.

As the proud son of heaven, he hasn't suffered any grievances since he was born, and he has never experienced any decent setbacks. He has always been the top existence among his peers, whether in practice or fighting.

If a direct descendant of another family defeated him, he might be surprised, but he would never be angry. After all, in his opinion, the other party was at the same level as himself.

But being defeated by Yue Chen made him feel deep anger and shame, even if it was just a simple test that fell short, it was a situation that he couldn't accept! The dog legs behind him also talked, a bit turbulent.

"This... Yue Chen's ranking on the Tianjiao list is only over 30. It's not that strong. How can he defeat Master Li Ming?"

"Impossible, he must have used crooked ways. Master Li Ming's strength is not something he can handle!"

"Absolutely. Young Master Li Ming is a half-step war emperor. How can Yue Chen and He De, but in the middle of a battle saint, how can he leapfrog and challenge so many small ranks?"

Everyone talked about it, and they didn't believe that Yue Chen could actually shake Li Ming.

A sneer appeared on Cheng Tong's face, and he shook his head slightly and said, "Although these young people are good at strength, their vision is still too low. If they don't go through experience, I am afraid that the Jiuzhou Continent will be handed over to them, it will be a big mess!"

"What a **** list of Tianjiao, it's just something made up by those in Zhongzhou in order to respond to these family children. There is no market in other states!"

He is very aware of the inside story of the so-called Tianjiao list, but it is just to praise the young masters of the Zhongzhou family.

After all, the mainland of Kyushu is so big, who can guarantee that there will be no real powerhouses in remote areas?

In the course of cultivation, in addition to resources, what is more important is character and talent. Otherwise, wouldn't it be that whoever has more resources will definitely become a strong one?

Although resources can speed up the progress and growth of the martial artist to some extent, it still depends on the individual's talent and temperament in the final analysis.

"You are very strong, you are the most talented thunder martial artist I have ever met!"

Li Ming said with a serious look, as if he wanted to redeem some dignity for himself.

Yue Chen's mouth raised a playful smile, and he shouted: "In my opinion, you are not so good. I have seen a guy with a mean character and extremely ugly appearance, but compared to his talent and temperament, you Far worse than him!"

He was talking about Wu Qihua! Although Wu Qihua has some small belly chicken intestines, he can rank high on the demons' list at a young age, but he is not only relying on the forces behind him, but his talent and temperament should not be underestimated.

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