The current situation is extremely unfavorable to him, the poisonous iron hand can even ignore his attacks, but Yue Chen cannot ignore these toxins, even if he has an indestructible golden body, but a layer of indestructible golden body can't resist these at all toxin.

"Damn, if you don't want to do something, I'm afraid I will lose to this guy sooner or later!"

A dignified voice flashed across Yue Chen's eyes.

In the next second, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and he quietly took out an item from the storage ring.

His movements did not escape the eyes of the poisonous iron hand. Although the toxin completely destroyed his appearance, it comprehensively strengthened all his physical fitness, even his eyesight was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Jiejie, do you have any ideas?

I advise you to surrender honestly, don't think about those unrealistic things, do you really think you can compete with me? "

"Give up your body to let me concoct poison, maybe I can give you a happy one, or I promise you will end up more painful than me!"

The poisonous iron hand smiled grinningly, with a scornful tone of contempt.

In his opinion, Yue Chen couldn't set off any storm at all, and couldn't resist himself. His body strength was much stronger than Yue Chen.

A confident smile appeared at the corner of Yue Chen's mouth, and he asked, "Your strength comes from toxins. If I'm not mistaken, you are indeed in a state of poisoning, but this kind of poisoning is different from other poisonings, although it is destroyed. It improves your appearance, but also gives you stronger combat effectiveness."

After listening to Yue Chen's words, the poisonous iron hand glanced at him in surprise, and shouted: "I didn't expect you to be a little bit knowledgeable, and you can actually see the secret of my Thousand Forging Poison Body, but it doesn't matter, you are still alive anyway. But today!"

Although a little surprised that Yue Chen could see the details of his cultivation supernatural powers, he didn't care.

Seeing it out and being able to deal with it are two different things! Although Yue Chen saw the secret of his cultivating supernatural powers, he believed that Yue Chen had absolutely no way to deal with himself.

"Hehe, let's give it a try and see how I can break your magical powers today!"

Yue Chen believes himself.

He immediately turned into a flash of lightning, holding a spear in one hand and a small blue bead in the other.

Compared with Poison Iron Hand, he still has one of the biggest advantages, that is, his speed is enough to crush Poison Iron Hand, but because of the small space, there is no room for display.

But it was enough for him to launch a sneak attack on the poisonous iron hand that made the opponent unable to react.

boom! Yue Chen raised his speed to the limit. The crowd onlookers even faintly heard the sound of a sonic boom. The next second Yue Chen punched it out, hitting the poisoned iron hand's face, and the blue ball immediately reached the poisoned iron hand. At the front door.

Bang! The poisoned iron hand was smashed and flew out several meters, but there was no injury, and a carp bounced off the ground.

"Jie Jie, an attack of this level is like a tickling, extremely ridiculous!"

"Yue Chen, you don't plan to have this level of attack to defeat me..." The poisonous iron hand shouted arrogantly, but when he said that he was normal, he stopped suddenly and looked at Yue Chen with horrified eyes, as if watching When he was like a **** of death, he couldn't believe it.

" could it be...why did you weaken the poisonous gas in my body so much?"

"This...what the **** happened?

How is this going? "

Poison Iron Hand shouted in astonishment, he was surprised to find that the toxin he was proud of was actually weakened by Yue Chen with a punch.

You must know that these toxins in the body were produced by him over the past few decades, and he did not dare to delay anyone before refining it. The process in the middle has even damaged a lot of human races and other creatures.

Now he was beaten 10% by Yue Chen's punch, at least three to five years of hard work, how could he not panic?

Yue Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth and shouted: "I know that I'm panicking now, isn't it too late?"

After speaking, he looked at the small blue bead in his hand, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes. If it weren't for this small bead that can absorb poison from the world, he really didn't know what to do.

Even he has already begun to figure out that if Jia Xu's poisonous beast has no time to swallow so much poisonous gas after the poisonous gas is exported, it can be handed over to this little bead to absorb.

"Damn... it's impossible... Give me back my gas!"

Poison Iron shouted in a desperate manner, like a madman, and bursts of killing intent flashed in his eyes, extremely scarlet.

While yelling, he rushed towards Yue Chen.

Yue Chen didn't show any weakness either, and the fist holding the blue bead shot out like a storm. Although it is difficult to injure the poisonous iron hand, it can force the poison out of the poisonous iron hand.

boom! boom! Yue Chen's fists were smashed out with great weight, and each punch was accompanied by the screams of the poisonous iron hand and the dissipated poisonous gas in the body.

However, for a while, the originally arrogant poisonous iron hand fell to the ground and was almost difficult to move, but kept wailing a few times, and the supernatural powers had been completely destroyed by Yue Chen.

Originally because of the perennial poisonous gas erosion, the body of the poisonous iron hand should be extremely weak, but because of the magical powers, these toxins have become the source of his strength, temporarily suppressing the damage to the body.

Now that the toxin was eliminated by Yue Chen, the magical power of the poisonous iron hand was also abolished, and the damage caused by the toxin was also intuitively exposed.

Although the current poisonous iron hand has the intermediate rank of the battle saint, because of the erosion of toxins, I am afraid that the real combat power is not as good as the battle master.

The only benefit is that the dark green skin and pimple all over it have been cured because the toxins have been removed.

"Today I will keep you alive, but for the sake of the Poison Master Competition, I don't want to cause trouble, but next time I see you, I will never let you go!"

Yue Chen shouted angrily, his tone extremely severe.

Cheng Tong reminded him that he knew that the Poison Master Competition could not kill people at will, otherwise the Poison Iron Hand was already a corpse.

The poisonous iron hand struggled to crawl out of the ground, seeming to be extremely uncomfortable with his current body. After casting a bitter look at Yue Chen, he hurriedly fled, not daring to say more.

He has a lot of enemies. Now that his supernatural powers have been broken, there may be enemies who are already watching him, ready to take his life. If he doesn't run, I'm afraid he will be dead.

Although there was no way to kill him in large numbers, in the face of a poisonous iron hand who had lost his magical powers and had no resistance to toxins, these poison masters had 10,000 ways to kill him unconsciously.

"Register with us. There are two poison masters participating in the competition, one is Senior Cheng Tong and the other is Jia Xu next to me!"

Yue Chen turned to look at the staff and shouted.

The staff hurriedly nodded, Yue Chen's strength just now made him understand that this is also a cruel person he cannot afford to offend.

Seeing that the names of Cheng Tong and Cheng Tong were registered, Yue Chen and others stepped out of the registration point of the Poison Master Competition.

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