Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1762: A master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger

"I'm playing against Senior Gu Mu, and I hope Senior Gu Mu can be merciful!"

Jia Xu said, his face was full of smiles, as if to please Gu Mu Shou, his tone was also extremely humble, a senior at a mouthful.

The old man nodded in satisfaction, and said coldly: "You are still a sensible person, knowing who is strong and who is weak, give you a chance to surrender, and now I can spare your life by surrendering!"

Jia Xu didn’t get angry when he heard this. At first, there was a surprised expression on his face, and then he was a little bit into it: "Thank you, seniors, for giving me this opportunity to cast out the shadows, but Cheng Tong has been kind to me. I did this trick. I'm sorry to him too much to surrender without going out."

Gu Mu snorted coldly and scolded: "Toast and not eat the fine wine, don't you plan to surrender, and want to die with Cheng Tong?"

Jia Xu hurriedly shook his head and said: "Senior, you have misunderstood, I naturally want to surrender, but it is too shameless to surrender directly, which is too despised, and even thinks I am an ungrateful villain."

"Why don't you think about it? You release all the poisonous insects. On the one hand, I will also look at your ability. On the other hand, I can make some contributions to the old guy Cheng Tong. At least let him know your strength. It's my reward for him."

"On the other hand, this is also promoting your reputation. There are so many juniors here. If you let them know your skills and spread it out after the contest is over, the entire world of Poison Masters in the Kyushu Continent, although you may not be the first person in strength, But he is definitely the most famous person!"

Jia Xu always had a smile on his face, and said in a very friendly tone, full of bewilderment.

Yue Chen held a smile in his heart, but did not bring it out on his face.

Jia Xu is known as a poisonous man, and he is naturally unique. With this smiling face, Yue Chen feels that he still needs to improve.

At least he could never be as sincere as Jia Xu when he was hurting people, so people can believe it.

Sure enough, Gu Mu Su's face once again showed a smug smile, looking at Jia Xu with an expression of appreciation.

"Your kid's idea is not bad. What the deity lacks is fame. This time I will meet your requirements!"

His tone was extremely satisfied, and he even gave Cheng Tong a provocative look, which in his opinion was still a humiliation to Cheng Tong.

The people you rescued rushed to my command. Doesn't it prove your blindness and my reputation?

This is Gu Mu's real thoughts. Then he shook his sleeves a few times. In an instant, thousands of poisonous insects emerged from his robe, lying on the ground densely. If they were seen by a intensive phobia, they might be on the spot. Passed away.

After the poisonous insects were released, Gu Mu's robe was also deflated, and it was drooping on him like a monkey crown, which was extremely ridiculous.

The poisonous insects on the ground kept making rustling sounds. There were almost all kinds of poisonous insects. Although the strongest was only the strength of the warlord, the combat power of such poisonous insects could not be simply divided by realm.

It's not like the poisonous beasts that Jia Xu conquered. They are all ancient wild alien species, and they have been nurtured for so long with the five poison flags, relying on their strong combat power.

Although these poisonous insects are extremely weak in individual combat effectiveness, if they are discovered in advance by warriors of the same rank and beware, it is basically impossible to cause any harm.

But as long as the other party is slightly careless, these poisonous insects are the most terrifying and deadly weapons, and they can kill people at any time.

"These are my little pets, you might as well let you look closer!"

Gu Mushu triumphantly said in a flaunting tone, and then waved his hand, the poisonous insect flew in the direction of Jia Xu like a locust crossing the border, scared the crowd of onlookers withdrawing a long distance.

As for the aborigines of Huquan City who have no or low cultivation bases, they have long been scared to hide away. At this time, in the city lord’s mansion, Huquan Battle Sage even regretted it a little, and he shouldn’t agree to these poison masters renting the venue. request.

But thinking about the strange and unpredictable methods of this Poison Master, he still wisely chose to shut up, not daring to think more.

"On behalf of my little pets, I would like to thank Senior Gu Mushu for his generosity!"

Jia Xu smiled and said with a gratitude expression.

"Your little pet?"

Gu Mu Su was puzzled. Looking at Jia Xu's smile, there was a vague feeling of being fooled in his heart, but before he could react, Jia Xu had already released six poisonous beasts from the five poison flags.

As soon as they appeared, the six poisonous beasts showed excitement and looked eager to try.

The two toads were extremely greedy. Without waiting for Jia Xu's order, nearly a hundred poisonous insects were caught in the air by him, like eating shrimp sticks, and swallowed crunchyly.

"Damn, dare to hurt my darlings!"

"It turns out that you are a fake surrender. I didn't expect my Gu Mu shou to beat birds all day long, but today I was pecked by the birds!"

"Baby, give it to me and poison him!"

Gu Mu Shou roared angrily, and now he realized that he was actually fooled by Jia Xu.

We must know that he was the only one who used conspiracy and trickery to insult people on weekdays. This was the first time he was fooled.

Jia Xu sneered twice, and didn't say much. The poisonous beasts behind him could not bear it, they opened their mouths and feasted on them.

Regardless of bloodline or strength, they are crushing existences against these poisonous insects.

In terms of bloodline, they are all prehistoric alien species, and they are among the top part of the poisonous beasts, and the poisonous insects of Gu Mu Shu are basically big-ticket goods. There may be some fine products, and some are the treasures made by Gu Mu Shu's painstaking efforts, but Compared to the prehistoric alien species, it is still far behind.

But in a moment, most of the poisonous insects that Gu Mushu regarded as treasures were swallowed by Jia Xu's six poisonous beasts. No matter how stupid these poisonous insects were, they felt fear, and even Gu Mushu's drive did not dare to take a step forward.

It's a pity that they don't come forward, it doesn't mean that the poisonous beasts will sit there and wait.

Guck! Guck! The two toads called twice, and jumped in the direction of the poisonous insects first, while their long tongues kept popping out. Every time they retracted, dozens of poisonous insects entered their stomachs.

In a moment's time, the poisonous insects around Gu Mu Sou had been swallowed, but only three melons and two dates were left in his robe, which was a heavy loss.

" are looking for dare to swallow all my baby!"

Gu Mu Shou roared angrily, his eyes were red and even bloody, wishing to die with Jia Xu.

To know that he can maintain such a big name, the most important thing is these poisonous insects. Without poisonous insects, his strength is a bit weaker than the average war saint.

Besides, these poisonous insects have devoted almost all his efforts, now that Jia Xu's poisonous beasts have eaten them all at once, how can he not feel distressed.

Even though Jia Xu smiled, he clasped his fists and said, "This time I did something wrong in the game. I forgot to tell Senior Gu Mu Sou that I still have a few hungry poisonous beasts."

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