Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1756: Poison Master Competition

I'm here to ask Cheng Tong to go to Baita Country to help export the toxins. If this one is not done, then everything else is imaginary.

Cheng Tong nodded and said sternly: "Naturally, it is possible. Just now, it was because I was very poisonous in my body, no less than a human-shaped toxin bomb. I didn't want to hurt the Baita country so I refused your request."

"Now that I have recovered, although Baita Country is not my hometown, I have been recuperating and recovering from injuries here for many years, and here is no less than my second hometown. I will naturally contribute to Baita Country!"

Speaking, he went back to the thatched hut and simply cleaned it up. After taking out a few magic weapons from the thatched hut, he followed Yue Chen and the others and flew towards the direction of Baita City.

At the moment in the secret hall of Baizhou! The person sitting in the middle of the dark hall, although already gray-haired and bearded, is still full of energy. From this old face, he can see that this person's appearance is absolutely good when he was young.

He was wearing an emerald green robe, and rustling sounds constantly sounded around him. If someone carefully observes, he can see the poisonous insects crawling on the ground, and even a few poisonous insects can kill each other from time to time.

Suddenly the old man opened his eyes, a flash of light and anger flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Hehe, I didn't expect someone to be able to break the poison of this elder!"

"Yi Chengtong's waste is definitely not capable of this, I am afraid that there will be other experts behind to help!"

"It's a pity that you are ruining yourself by doing good deeds of interfering with Cheng Hua!"

With his anger, bursts of poisonous fog dispersed from his body, and the poisonous insects invaded by the poisonous fog instantly turned into residues on the ground, without even holding on for a second.

It should be known that these poisonous insects are all poisonous creatures, and they have become accustomed to all kinds of severe poisons, but they did not hold on to Cheng Hua for a second.





In the Baita City at this moment, everyone from Yue Chen has come to the Ancestral Temple of the Li Family again. After Cheng Hua and Li Longshan had a few conversations, Li Longshan looked at the Ancestral Temple helplessly.

He was originally refreshed, but at this moment he appeared to be a bit weak, even if he was a strong man in the half-step war emperor, it was extremely difficult to maintain the close to broken seal.

On the one hand, he is not a strong man who is good at the formation, completely relying on his own brute force, constantly instilling true energy against the formation, and forcibly suppressing it.

On the other hand, the poisonous mist oozing out of the formation made him a little unbearable, but in order to prevent the poisonous mist from spreading out, he could only bite the bullet and use True Qi to disperse it.

After going back and forth, he was close to the limit.

"Little friend Yue Chen, brother Cheng Hua, what ideas do you two have?"

Li Longshan pointed to the ancestral temple and asked.

First, Cheng Hua squatted down and probed carefully with the tools in his hands. After a while, he stood up with a helpless expression on his face.

Yue Chen said: "Senior Cheng Hua, if you have anything to say directly, can't it be of help?"

Cheng Hua shook his head slightly and said: "If you can't help, it won't matter. As long as it is related to drugs, the old man can always come up with some solutions, but if it can be solved, then I am bragging. Ways to eradicate the poisonous gas in it."

"For this plan, I can only temporarily suppress the poisonous mist in it, and can help stabilize the formation, but the export of poisonous gas may be a little troublesome!"

As he said, he took out some specially refined pills from the storage ring to avoid poison and placed them in various places in the ancestral temple.

The reason why the ancestral temple formation is on the verge of damage is because the poisonous gas emitted by the poisonous devil emperor is constantly infiltrating the formation, slowly corroding the foundation of the formation.

If there is always enough power to suppress, then the formation will naturally have the ability to directly suppress this demon emperor to death and obliterate his vitality.

However, because the Li family had fallen for a hundred years, the formation could not be supplemented, and the Poison Demon Emperor took advantage of the void and subtly destroyed the foundation of the formation.

Now there is Cheng Tong's pill, which can temporarily suppress the poisonous erosion and spread of the Poison Devil Emperor.

Yue Chen frowned and asked, "Senior Cheng Tong, since you said that there is no way to eradicate it for the time being, instead of saying that it is impossible to eradicate it, it proves that you still have some way to eradicate the poisonous gas!"

"Well, let us listen. If we can do it, it's best to do it once and for all."

Now for Yue Chen and the others, the best way is to export the poison gas and digest it, and then directly design to kill the poisonous emperor, which is also regarded as an eternal trouble.

Cheng Tongdao: "It's very simple. I heard that Zhongzhou is going to hold a Poison Master Competition. They invited me to participate, but I refused before. After all, I was already dead at that time, so why bother."

"But it's different now. The toxins on my body have been solved, and there should be a lot of my old acquaintances in the Poison Master Competition. At that time, I will invite a few more Poison Masters. Together, we will be able to derive poison gas and directly kill this demon. emperor!"

Hearing Cheng Tong's thoughts, Yue Chen and others nodded one after another.

"Yes, since the Poison Master Competition can help us invite a few more Poison Masters, let's go and see."

"It just so happens that I have to go to Zhongzhou to do some things, so we can just go on the road together!"

Yue Chen said with a little joy.

He was still a little worried, what should he do if the affairs of Baizhou delayed his trip to Zhongzhou to treat the soul wounds of the Ten Thousand Beast Emperor.

If the Ten Thousand Beasts War Emperor died because of his failure to treat in time, I am afraid that in the eyes of the Ten Thousand Beasts, the war emperor and the war sage, he would become an unshakable enemy.

Yue Chen had heard from Elder Tao that Wan Beast Battle Emperor not only had a strong strength, but also practiced teaching and learning, and received thousands of disciples throughout his life.

Although not every qualification is enough to become a war saint or war emperor, it adds up to an amazing force.

There are at least three war emperors in the Ten Thousand Beasts, and dozens of war sages, and the remaining war lords and war sects are countless.

In case of offending this force, Yue Chen estimated that his life would be difficult.

"In that case, please hurry up, I will replace the subjects of the White Tower Kingdom, thank you!"

Li Longshan urged with excitement.

For him, if he can hire a helper one second earlier, he can save one second of fear.

The current Baita City is almost a time bomb, and a person from the entire Baita Country will die.

Yue Chen didn't delay anymore, took out the Fengshenzhou from the storage ring, and boarded the Fengshenzhou first, followed by others.

In the next second, Fengshenzhou galloped in the direction of Zhongzhou! Because it was on the border of Baizhou, and the speed of Fengshenzhou was extremely fast, it was not much worse than the flight of ordinary war saints. After a while, everyone left the boundary of Baizhou.

"Every time flying on this road is the most boring time, if only a demon can come and kill me!"

The ghost boy was bored.

He is the most boring in the group.

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