Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1746: Yizizhen war emperor

Unexpectedly, Yue Chen mentioned it again today! At this moment, a lot of Sea Clan was already surrounded behind him, whispering to each other after hearing this.

"Impossible, what kind of strength is the so-called hegemony? Even if it is a strong man at the peak of the emperor, it is impossible for the emperor to be so scared, right?"

"I don't know how to say it, look at the angry look of the angry scale sea emperor, maybe this thing is still true!"

"I think it is also true, otherwise Yue Chen, this kid, can't mention it when he is dying!"

A group of sea races discussed it for a long time, and basically felt that this matter was true, and the look in the eyes of Anurin's Sea Emperor was also a little strange.

The Sea Clan worships the strongest, even if it is lost, they must have the courage to die with the opponent, and at least they must fight each other before fleeing.

It is inevitable that people will feel contemptuous to be so scared without seeing the other party.

"Damn, this emperor will show you today, the true strength of the emperor!"

The angry scale sea emperor shouted unbearably.

People want faces and trees want skins, and he was so humiliated by the dignified war emperor. If he doesn't prove himself, I'm afraid he will really lose his face! As the voice of Anurin's Sea Emperor just fell, the whole person's momentum has undergone a great change.

The original angry scale sea emperor was burly in stature and fierce in appearance. It was the kind of look that you could scare a child to cry at a glance. Of course, with the appearance of the Sea Clan and Demon Clan, even the most handsome existence could scare a human child at a glance.

However, the Emperor of the Sea of ​​Fury lacked a bit of majesty, more like a thug than a king.

However, his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes at this time! A fierce red light flashed in his eyes, although there was no expression, it made people shudder, as if he was the incarnation of the disaster between heaven and earth.

This is the concretization of the law of Anulinhaidi.

The anger from the sea! As he slightly raised his hand, the sea also made waves, almost covering the sky and the sun. Yue Chen felt that his eyes were dark for a while, and the sun was completely covered by the waves.

The next second all kinds of lightning and thunder, gusts and rains set off.

This kind of weather is no longer able to form in nature, it is too extreme. Under this tyrannical power, a group of sea races knelt down one after another, calling out the name of the angry scale sea emperor in panic.

"Long live the angry scale sea emperor... the angry scale sea emperor is invincible!"

"This aura is too terrifying... Anulin Sea Emperor is not a powerful Sea Emperor... I am afraid that even the top war emperor, it is impossible to easily defeat Lord Anurin Sea Emperor!"

"It's better that the emperor finally becomes empty, this is the real yearning of the martial artist, one punch can move the world, one foot can break the stars!"

Not only the Sea Clan, but even some juniors of the Dragon Blood Human Clan began to tremble, and the inner line of defense was completely destroyed.

Although they have made up their minds to live and die with Yue Chen, Ao Rui, Ao Ji and others, their psychological defenses have completely collapsed in the face of terror that cannot be created by humans.

"I don't want to die... I regret it... Why should I come here?"

"It's terrifying... Angerscale Sea Emperor is not something we can fight against... We are just dying!"

"Damn...I don't want to die...I haven't become a real strong person!"

The dragon blood races started talking in fear, and Ao Rui and Ao Ji were distressed for a while.

The state of mind has been broken, and the achievements in this life have become extremely limited. Except for a few strong-willed people who can reshape their hearts, most of them have been abandoned.

Even if he returned to the Dragonblood Human Race, it was already a waste. I am afraid that I would never dare to go to war with the Sea Clan in this life, and I would always be entrenched in this shadow.

"These... these are the best heirs of my Dragonblood human race!"

Ao Ji looked up to the sky and sighed, wishing to die under the fist of angry scales now.

As the elders, it feels more uncomfortable than cutting off his limbs to see the most beloved juniors ruined for their own reasons.

"Hehe, you don't have any future in front of this emperor, it's a dead end!"

Angry Lin Haidi sneered and shouted.

The next second he raised his hands, ready to wave! As long as he waved his hands, Yue Chen and others would undoubtedly die. In the face of this huge wave, even the immortal golden body would definitely not be able to hold it.

However, in the next second, Yue Chen's heart trembled, and the spirit world suddenly received a message.

"I shot, give me two drops!"

The reply was extremely simple, but it was a life-saving straw for Yue Chen.

Compared with his own small life, what is the only two drops of dragon blood?

Yue Chen replied without hesitation: "Senior please take action, two drops of essence and blood juniors will never break their promise!"

The Emperor Angrily looked at Yue Chen distracted, jokingly said: "Life and death are still distracting, are you leaving a last word in the spirit world?"

"The emperor will give you a minute of compassion. For the sake of you too, let you leave your last words!"

The corner of Yue Chen's mouth evoked a sneer, playfully looked at the angry scale sea emperor who looked like a winning ticket in the air, and hurriedly shouted: "I bet you, the next second will be embarrassing, very embarrassing!"

Hearing this, the angry scale Haidi smiled instead of anger. Yue Chen was already dead in his eyes, and he didn't put Yue Chen in his eyes at all. Yue Chen's mockery was just incompetent rage in his eyes.

"Hehe, whatever your kid says, the emperor will give you magnanimously anyway..." The emperor Angrily said triumphantly, but just halfway through his words, a loud noise suddenly heard in his ear.

Only one word! "town!"

This voice seemed to have come out of a long river of eternity, extremely vigorous, and just hearing it made people feel a sense of age! Moreover, it is extremely majestic and majestic. There are many weaker sea races, but when they hear this word, they suddenly feel like they are sealed, like dumplings.

Puff! Puff! In a moment, most of the Sea Clan had fallen into the water, and the remaining faces were extremely embarrassed, swaying one by one, some of them couldn't control their flight.

As for the primary target, Anurin Sea Emperor was under even greater pressure at this time. Because of the loss of the strength of Anurin Sea Emperor's power support, the originally raised waves dissipated instantly, turning into sea water and returning to the sea.

Like lightning and thunder, squally rain, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, there was no way to see that there was still an apocalyptic scene in the previous second.

puff! Under the backlash of the law, the angry scale sea emperor spit out a mouthful of old blood, almost fainting directly.

"Damn... It's a tyrant!"

The angry scale sea emperor wailed, naturally knowing what happened.

Only a single word can suppress him, and apart from the power of God of War, few people in this Nine State Continent can do it.


The Emperor Angrily did not dare to hesitate, and after an angry shout, he activated the secret method and disappeared into the sight of Yue Chen and others instantly.

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