Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1740: Powerless counterattack

"Your Majesty, Grand Elder, please atone for your sins, we are not that kind of scumbag!"

"Please allow us to **** the two out of the siege, you two are the hope of my dragon blood human race!"

A middle-aged dragonblood tribe headed by crying in tears, he is Ao Rui's personal chief guard, and one of the best in the dragonblood tribe.

Although it was only the peak strength of the Battle Sovereign, it was not too inferior to the general battle saint's first-order. Of course, facing this tide-like army of sea elements, he might not be able to stop it for a second.

"Jie Jie! You don't have to fight, you are all going to die!"

Before Ao Rui could answer, everyone suddenly heard a vicious, weird laugh from mid-air.

Turning his face to see that it was the Battle Saint of Waterfall Spirit, he waved the staff in his hand, and the sea element army rushed in file, surrounding a group of dragon blood human races.

"Damn it! In that case, fight with them!"

Ao Rui shouted angrily.

Then he took out his long sword from the storage ring, flew into the air, and cut out a sword.

Cang! Sword Qi shot out, the shape resembling a dragon, hovering towards the waterfall spirit war sage.

Martial Skills: Long Yuan Zhan! This is one of the most powerful martial arts of the dragon blood human race. In addition to the true energy, it also uses the dragon blood in the body, and its power is not inferior to the general magical powers.

Of course, this trick can only be performed by the dragon blood human race with the purest blood.

"Jie Jie... Little carving skills, even the three-legged cat's kung fu dare to come to the realm of my sea clan!"

Waterfall Ling sneered, his tone full of contempt, and waved a sea element to block him in front of him.

Although Ao Rui's sword pierced through the chest of the sea element, its power had already dissipated. When the sword qi flew in front of Baoling, he was casually waved and crushed it easily.

It's as easy as crushing a piece of paper.

As for the sea element that was penetrated, his body quickly healed after a low roar, as if it hadn't been injured, and then he threw an angry punch.

Boom! A fist blasted like the sky and the earth cracked, and a huge wave rushed in mid-air, hitting Ao Rui and the others. Before Ao Rui could react, he was already smashed into the air by the strong momentum of the waves.

The performance of Ao Ji and the others was not much better than him. They were all embarrassed. Several unlucky dragon blood tribes were directly hit by the fists of the sea element, and they instantly turned into blood flowers, with no bones left.

"Damn it!"

"If I can go back alive, I will slaughter you **** sea races!"

Aoji said with a heartache.

These dragon-blooded human races were all he looked at growing up, and they were the younger generation he admired the most, but they died in front of his eyes at this moment, making him extremely sad and indignant, but helpless.

"Ha ha!"

"The old things that are hard to protect themselves dare to threaten this warlord?

Smash me, don't kill them, give me a good deal of tossing these cheap bones! "

Waterfall Ling smiled, as if a cat was playing with a mouse.

He knew very well that his purpose was for Yue Chen. These dragon blood human races were just bait. Before the real target was caught, he was naturally reluctant to kill these bait.

boom! boom! The fists of the sea element smashed like a pair of hammers, each time it spurred the huge waves that pierced the sky, and the movement of thousands of sea elements was no difference compared to the general warlord, and even the entire Great Waterfall Island Trembling.

Ao Rui and the others evaded in a hurry, like a bereaved dog, but even if they tried their best to avoid, they would inevitably suffer a lot of injuries.

After a long while, Ao Ji lay helplessly on the ground, sighing: "Your Majesty Ao Rui, you should leave with the juniors as soon as possible. I have already seen that the real purpose of this sea clan is definitely not us."

"If it's for us, we had already attacked Dapu Island to take our lives, why delay it until now?

Therefore, I conclude that they are probably to hunt and kill His Majesty Yue Chen. "

"My old bones can't run anymore. You should leave as soon as possible. If Your Majesty Yue Chen really comes, maybe you can still have a glimmer of life."

He knows his own situation very well. Originally because it was a mage, his physical strength was average, but now he was injured again and he no longer has the ability to dodge.

"Since you are an old thing looking for death, then I will send you on the road!"

The waterfall spirit war sage shouted, urging a sea element to smash at Ao Ji's body.


The fist made up of sea waves was several meters in diameter, and it was so heavy that it was about to hit Ao Ji.

Ao Rui shouted angrily and cut out several sword auras. Tired of herself, she was a little collapsed but it didn't help. It just hindered the sea element for less than a second, and the fist still slammed towards Aoji steadily.

Just when he was about to hit Ao Ji, a powerful bolt of lightning struck from mid-air and hit the outstretched arm of the sea element.

Boom! The outstretched arm of the sea element was directly hit by the lightning, and the sea water poured down like rain. Even the sea element that punched the punch was shaken back a few steps, and his figure was a bit erratic. The appearance to be broken.

"I think you should be waiting for me, right?

In that case, let us fight against each other and let your Majesty Ao Rui go! "

An indisputable voice sounded from mid-air.

Ao Rui and Ao Ji looked at them, their faces were surprised, and the dragon blood tribes were also talking about them, and their faces were full of joyful expressions.

"Your Majesty Yue Chen has come down, we can be saved. It can be said that it is more than enough to deal with these clutter with the strength of His Majesty Yue Chen!"

"It is estimated that the army of our Yue State will also be coming soon, these sea people will not be arrogant for long!"

"It's a pity that those of the same clan, if they can hold on for more time, it would be great!"

Everyone was full of joy after the disaster, and they still trusted Yue Chen's strength very much.

Only Ao Rui and Ao Ji looked at each other after showing joy, and both saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

"This... This waterfall spirit war sage is weird, I am afraid it is not so easy to deal with, and I don't know if Yue Chen will not do it!"

Aoji worried.

As a mage, he knows very well how powerful the waterfall spirit is. Although these sea elements are generally only the first-order battle saints, there are thousands of them, which shows how terrifying the spiritual power and magic of the waterfall spirit are.

Even the average war emperor might not be able to achieve this level.

Therefore, even though Ao and Ji had confidence in Yue Chen's strength, they could not help but feel overwhelming in their hearts at this time.

"Yue Chen?

Unexpectedly, you really came, it seems that this war saint has not waited for nothing! "

After seeing Yue Chen's figure, Bao Ling said with excitement, his eyes full of excitement and killing intent.

For Yue Chen, the Sea Clan has long been hated, especially the angry scale Sea Emperor has suffered from him repeatedly, and he has long been intolerable to Yue Chen, but there has been no suitable opportunity to start, so he can only forbear and wait for a while. .

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