Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 1729: Five Elements Elemental Battle Saint

"Let's try it anyway. We can't just stop here, right?"

After a long while, Yankui finally couldn't bear it. He had always distrusted the ghost boy, and even thought that this was the ghost boy's alarmism, and there were no grave guards and traps.

As he stepped into the tomb chamber, Yue Chen suddenly heard the sound of "creaking" coming from behind the moment he just stepped into the tomb chamber.

When I looked back, the path of retreat was firmly blocked by a few stone slabs.

The room in front of the tomb also made a sudden change, and suddenly there was a strange noise. Five huge cages rose from the ground and appeared in front of everyone.

After being completely exposed from the ground, the five cages collapsed on their own, and each cage contained a weird creature.

Some were braving flames, wearing a helmet, and the temperature on their bodies was extremely hot, and the ground under his feet was instantly burnt to black.

Some are entirely made of water, with thousands of sharp blades looming in the body, acting as agile as a dragon.

Others are earthy-yellow giants with thick limbs, and their armor is covered with spikes, which looks daunting.

"This...what is this?"

Yan Kui was so frightened that he crawled back to everyone, looking terrified.

Now his intestines are about to be regretful, if there is another chance, even if he is killed, he will not risk anymore.

When these creatures appeared, the fire elemental man headed by him was only a short distance away. If it weren’t for these elemental creatures that had been trapped in the cage for too long, and suddenly came out a little uncomfortable, I’m afraid that a handful of flame would be able to directly give it to him. He was cremated.


Yue Chen shouted.

"These are not monsters, but creatures made up of certain elements. Judging from their size, they don't have the strength of a war emperor. At most they are just war saints. We are still able to deal with it!"

After listening to Yue Chen's words, the panic in the crowd was instantly suppressed.

These monarchs have also experienced many battles, and they were a little panic and messy just now, but for a while, they couldn't see the details of these elemental creatures.

Now it was broken by Yue Chen, and besides, it was only a group of warlord strength, everyone naturally no longer panicked.

Although the battle saint is strong, it also depends on where it is.

If it is in an ordinary place, it will naturally be able to cross one side, and I am afraid that thousands of ordinary human races will not be able to fight.

But now it's different. The weakest of everyone here is also the strength of the battle saint. There is also a Shijian with the strength of the battle emperor. There are five battle saint elemental creatures. Isn't it easy to catch?

At this moment, Yue Chen was also a little surprised. Although he inferred that Liu's ancestors should have some relationship with the elemental plane, he did not expect to see elemental creatures here.

Still a tamed elemental creature.

Whether it is a helmet worn on the head of the fire element that can protect the crystal nucleus, or the water element in order to make up for the lack of aggression, the spikes contained in the body prove that these elemental creatures can be manipulated.

"If I can manipulate these elemental creatures, I am afraid it will be a lot easier to fight against the demons!"

Yue Chen whispered in a low voice, but did not act rashly.

At this moment, the elemental creature war sages also looked at Yue Chen and the others with a dazed expression, if they were emotional.

After all, he has been banned for thousands of years, and now he is suddenly taken out, who will feel trapped.

"What can I do if I try these things!"

A monarch of the eighth-tier war sage didn't care about Tao.

Now that it was certain that these elemental creatures were not the Emperor of War, his courage also fought.

After all, with his strength, even if these are the top five battle saints, he can always insist on one or two moves, waiting for Shi Jian's support.

But he also knew that these elemental creatures that he had never seen before were probably not ordinary, otherwise the ancestors of the Liu family would not be able to use these elemental creatures as grave guards.

So he chose the weakest water elemental man.

After all, neither the scorching fire element, the burly earth element full of spikes, the gold element exuding a sharp aura, or the towering wood element are not easy to provoke.

Only the water element looks unremarkable. Although it is called an elemental man, it has a long snake tail. The upper body is somewhat similar to a human. However, because it is made of water, the five senses cannot be seen, but only can be seen. Spikes that flow continuously into the body.

"King Mo, the king of the Tiger Country, has the strength of the eighth battle sage, and is proficient in swordsmanship!"

"It is said that there is a ninth-level magic weapon called the'Tiger Head Broken Golden Knife', which is not inferior to the imperial soldiers in terms of sharpness, and the strength is considered to be the upper class among this group of people!"

Zhou Yu whispered in Yue Chen's ear.

As a military officer, he has an obligation to help Yue Chen understand the situation in the scene.

Yue Chen nodded slightly, and was a little curious about Wang Mo's performance. After all, Wang Mo's strength was not bad, but he knew that even the weakest water element was not a good match.

"Monster, take a knife from this king!"

Wang Mo shouted angrily, without any hesitation, the tiger-head broken gold knife in his hand chopped away in the direction of the water element.

The water elemental figure seemed to be frightened and frightened and did not dodge, letting Wang Mo cut him into two pieces from the middle, turning them into a pool of clear water and scattered them on the ground.

"That's it?

What a waste of this king's knife skills, it turned out to be a powerful thing while doing it! "

Wang Mo was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he could solve the enemy so easily with this knife.

However, on the surface, he suppressed the joy, pretending to be as calm as he expected.

" turns out to be some kind of stuff, maybe I can replace it with me, let Wang Mo show the limelight for nothing."

"After so many years, even the battle emperor's strength might be weak, let alone some battle saints, it's good to be able to survive a single blow and die again!"

"It is estimated that the remaining four are about the same, and one person will reward them with a knife later, and just go over quickly. I can't help but want to see what treasures the ancestors of the Liu family can leave behind."

Everyone talked, changing from being cautious to contempt.

Originally thought how powerful these elemental creatures could be, but now it seems like a joke, and fell to the ground with a knife that Wang Mo used to test.

"No, Wang Guojun, leave soon, the water element is not dead!"

Yue Chen frowned slightly, and suddenly saw the water element on the ground that turned into clear water and scattered and was still trembling slightly, and he understood it right now.

It's a pity that he found it a step too late.

Wang Mo's face changed abruptly when he heard his shouting, and when he was about to dodge, suddenly the water elements on the ground gathered again, wrapping Wang Mo directly in his body, and the spikes kept squirming.

Although Wang Mo had tried his best to struggle, swinging the long knife in his hand and hacking continuously, it was a pity that it was useless.

After all, no matter how powerful the sword technique is, it is impossible to completely cut off the water flow, not to mention that this is not an ordinary water flow, but the water flow of the water elemental war sage with the peak strength of the war sage.

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