Chapter 997

Clam in the cloud, a fierce beast peculiar to thunderstorm areas.

They live in the dark clouds, this kind of beast is extremely rare, and they will only come out of the dark clouds when it rains heavily.

The feathers on this fierce beast are very precious in Donghai City.

The value of a clam in the cloud is comparable to two fierce beasts of the same rank.

The reason is feathers.

This black feather can make people swim on the bottom of the sea, but also has a strong defense.

The equipment made of clams in the cloud is very valuable in East Sea City, and once it appears, it will be quickly snatched away.

In the records of thunderstorm areas, clams in the clouds are very rare.

This time, the empty beast mercenary group only found the place where the clams concentrated in the cloud after many investigations.

But what they didn’t expect was that the clams in the cloud in this nest were too strong!

Wang Xian rushed into the black cloud and found that there were more than 20 cloud clams, of which three were of the seventh rank.

“Another good harvest!”

Wang Xian smiled, and the sly monsters moved quickly.

Wang Xian held a thunder-strike wood and swiftly attacked the clams in the cloud.

“Tweet Tweet Tweet!”

There was a rapid cry from the black cloud, and within ten minutes, all the clams in the cloud were killed by them.

Putting it into the space ring, Wang Xian searched the surrounding area, and after confirming that there were no clams in the cloud, he dared to go back.

After more than an hour, Wang Xian returned to the East China Sea City.

Looking at the mercenary groups and chambers of commerce coming in and out around him, Wang Xian took out the communication stone plate and sent a message to Director Yi of the Donghai City Fengxian Pill and Weapon Workshop.

Soon, after getting a reply, Wang Xian immediately walked towards the Fengxian Pill and Weapon Workshop.

In Donghai City, the Fengxian Pill and Weapon Workshop opened four shops.

There is a shop next to the Eastern Demon Hunting Academy.

Wang Xian knew Fengxian’s location and walked straight towards the store.

Shops occupying a full area of ​​seven or eight houses look very luxurious.

However, there was not a single customer in the shop.

“Head Wang!”

When Wang Xian just walked in, Director Yi directly greeted him.

Under the surprised gaze of the waiter in the store, he was led to the VIP.

“Head Wang has been here for several days, is there anything we can help?”

Director Yi enthusiastically poured a cup of tea for Wang Xian and asked with a smile.

“Buy some pills!”

Wang Xian smiled and said directly.

“Tell me, Commander Wang, how many pills are needed, I’ll let people prepare them immediately!”

Director Yi looked at Wang Xian expectantly.

“Well, 180 million middle-grade spirit stones!”

Wang Xian directly took out a few spatial rings.

One hundred and eighty million spiritual stones, these are the rewards for the assassination of Dragon Assassination, and the two days they received.

Director Yi was stunned, with joy on his face: “Okay, Commander Wang, I will let people prepare immediately!”

“By the way, Director Yi, you don’t accept the corpses of fierce beasts here!”

Wang Xian asked.

There are a lot of dead beasts in his hands, these corpses are already dead, and swallowing them can’t increase the dragon’s energy.

The Dragon Palace and Dragon Pond are too far away from here, so they can only be sold temporarily.

“The corpse of the fierce beast? Take it, if Head Wang wants to sell it, we will buy it at the market price!”

Director Yi said directly.

“Okay, take a look!”

Wang Xian took out more than a dozen space rings and said to her.

The space ring is still very precious in the Transcendent Continent.

A ring of ten cubic meters of space requires one million medium-grade spirit stones.

The space ring owned by many extraordinary powerhouses is about one cubic meter.

However, these space rings were all obtained from the earth, and there were more than one hundred in his hand.

Among them, there are seven or eight space rings of the size of one hundred square meters.

It was more than enough to hold the corpses of a group of fierce beasts.


Director Yi suddenly widened his eyes.

There are eight corpses of an extraordinary eighth rank murderer, this is an extraordinary eighth rank fierce beast.

In Donghai City, there are no more than five mercenary groups capable of hunting extraordinary Tier 8 fierce beasts.

“Clam in the cloud!”

There was a gleam in her eyes: “Head Wang, you corpses of fierce beasts are worth three to four billion middle-grade spirit stones!”


Wang Xian asked.

“Yes, naturally!”

Director Yi hurriedly said, “Head Wang, are you changing to a pill?”

“Change all to pill!”

“Well, the price we give will definitely satisfy Commander Wang!”

Director Yi said excitedly in his eyes.

One transaction is worth five or six billion middle-grade spirit stones, even if it is a one-year transaction of four stores in Donghai City, it is no more than this number.

“Leader Wang, after a while, our Fengxian will have high-level officials come to East Sea City, and then our Fengxian will hold an auction. I wonder if President Wang is interested?”

Director Yi called the shopkeeper over here and asked him to prepare the pill, and then said to Wang Xian.

“Look at the time then!”

Wang Xian thought for a while and said.

“Okay, I will contact Head Wang at that time!”

Director Yi nodded.

With the enthusiasm of Director Yi, he left the Phoenix Pill and Weapon Workshop, and Wang Xian walked directly towards his residence.

Director Yi looked at his back, his eyes flickering.

“To be able to hunt down the beasts of the eighth rank, this fairy phoenix mercenary group is really mysterious. It can produce so many spirit stones every time. I really don’t know how he got it!”

Muttered in her mouth.

“Yeah, what’s the matter with Director Yi? After all, a customer came into your store to buy something. Was it very reluctant? Haha, can you earn a few hundred Lingshi today?”

At this moment, a mocking voice came from the side.

Director Yi looked at him and saw the location beside him. The shopkeeper of the Life and Death Pills Fang looked at him mischievously.


Director Yi sneered, then turned and walked towards the shop.

“Hehe, I heard that you Fengxian will hold a large-scale auction in a month, and then we and the Relic Forge will also hold one!”

At this moment, the voice of the treasurer of the Life and Death Pill Workshop came again.

This made Director Yi stunned, with a solemn expression in his eyes, and walked towards the shop unconsciously.

“Haha, Fengxian, I want to be an enemy of our Life and Death Pills and Relics Forge, look for death, wait, it won’t be long before you will be closed!”

The shopkeeper of the Pill of Life and Death Medicine murmured coldly.


Wang Xian returned to his residence and immediately took out all the pills.

The pill that is worth more than 500 million spirit stones is more than expected, and it can increase at least 400,000 dragon crystals.

The strength of the members of the Dragon Palace can be greatly improved.

Wang Xian swallowed the pills one by one, and began to increase the strength of the Golden Swordfish and the treacherous monster.

Four hundred thousand dragon crystals is a terrifying energy, enough to make them once again make a huge improvement.

When Wang Xian consumed all the dragon crystals.

The eleven golden swordfish all reached the fifth rank.

Nineteen treacherous monsters also reached the fifth rank, and one reached the sixth rank.

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